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Lunacy What The Hell Are You Listening To?

I've been away from this thread for a while. For reasons unclear, other than the obvious, I am still drawn to it.

I am going to try my best, with limited time because I am nearly 40 and still work an hourly wage and hope I just die and can't really afford any luxuries other than vaporizers, to catch up on what I've missed. My apologies to any post I miss - it is not intentional and merely an honest mistake.

It's a sad and beautiful world. Always has been. More sadness than beauty, but... you can't be selfish. I think you just have to appreciate what you can whlle you can.

I've been away from this thread for a while. For reasons unclear, other than the obvious, I am still drawn to it.

thanks for creating this thread EDA. i am in the process of catching up with it from the start (about half-way through now) and have come across a lot of sad beautiful but also ridiculously fun and annoying stuff. it has supplied me with a lot of fresh fuel during dayjob hours, w/ some genuinely exciting discoveries sprinkled in between. the thread may have veered a bit off its original course, but i like the place it is in now, the beats with a hiccup. & sadness & beauty seem so close it may not be possible to fully separate them, i would have a hard time trying in any case. & i just have to post a silver jews song here.


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