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Lunacy What Would Mom Do?

I've never understood the attraction of going out on the ice in the freezing cold and sitting in a small shack for hours fishing. But... who am I to argue with those that love it? So for you folks who like ice fishing.... here's a little tip.

Dear Mom, WTF is it with those fucking huge false eyelashes :yikes: ? I see them everywhere, is this some new fad, is this a joke ?


Now my wife thinks they're " BOSS" :uhh: and is looking on Amazon . Help, do I need a weed eater ? What should I do ? They maybe replicating ?
Dear Mom, WTF is it with those fucking huge false eyelashes :yikes: ? I see them everywhere, is this some new fad, is this a joke ?

View attachment 34501

Now my wife thinks they're " BOSS" :uhh: and is looking on Amazon . Help, do I need a weed eater ? What should I do ? They maybe replicating ?
HAHAHA! False eyelashes have actually been a beauty staple for decades. It's over the top here in CA but I'm not a hater. Personally I don't use them but I have gotten a "perm or lift" which has been amazing. Lower in cost, better for your eyelashes and 100% natural look. Get that Groupon app out and start pampering your mates! In marriage I've found whatever makes a spouse feel sexy is win-win - especially if it doesn't require clothing. :hug::smilie-devil:

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VGoodiez 420EDC