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  • Welcome to VaporAsylum! Please take a moment to read our RULES and introduce yourself here.
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Forum Rules - Commercial Accounts


Welcome to Vapor Asylum and thank you for taking an interest in our forum.

All commercial posters must read and agree to our rules and be approved prior to posting.

All contests and giveaways must have prior approval by administration. Contests must be posted in the Contest forum


Manufacturers and their representatives are welcome to post here, providing you have first been approved. You are held to a higher standard of rules than general members since you are promoting your products. You may start a thread for your product in the appropriate section (if one doesn’t exist) to provide information on the product and interact with customers/members.

Please keep your posts professional.
Please do not spam your thread or the forum.
If you post in another manufacturer’s thread or comment on another product, it must be positive. We do not allow manufacturers to talk negatively about other manufacturers.

Accessory Makers

Please read the manufacturer’s rules above as those rules apply to you too. You have a bit more flexibility in where you can post on the forum, but will still be held to a higher standard than general members. You may start a thread on your product in the Vaporizer Accessory area of the forum.

Retailers and Advertisers

We have a section for Retailers and Advertisers. Your posting will be limited to that section. Retailers will be limited to one general forum thread for their ads.

Getting Approved

If you agree to the above rules, please contact support@vaporasylum.com or you can send a private conversation to momofthegoons. When your account has been approved, you will receive a banner on your avatar and can begin posting.

Thank you from the staff at VaporAsylum

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