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Review 710coils vs Halo SiC - Dnail


Well-Known Member
So my Halo SiC finally arrived....took forever to get here - I got two deliveries from Shane which were both ordered after the dnail order.....

This is just a review in my experience not to be taken as gospel - if others have experience or knowledge share away

First I will talk about CS and postage

There is no comparison in this department

I ordered my Halo SiC and Dnail slim ages ago - when I emailed them it took ages for them to reply
Eventually they replied and told me that my package was lost in the post and they would send another one
The resend took ages to arrive also and every time I emailed them it took forever to get a reply and they were not terribly friendly in their communication
However I did get my Halo a few days ago - I emailed them to let them know it arrived and funny enough they answered me straight away this time :hmm:

My experience with Shane from 710coils was completely different
I ordered a week after the Dnail, the order arrived before the Halo
He is accessible on here and FC, he answers emails immediately and sends the order out super fast and he emails you straight away to confirm, plus threw in free pearls and clips
The communication is always friendly and courteous and the package arrived super super quick
He also sent me a second gift of a sticker pack that got here before the Halo too

So on the post and communication/CS level 710coils wins hands down:thumbsup:

Onto the performance part

They are both good and similar yet different...lol

Shanes QBs give slightly better taste/flavour on the low temp dabs, they milk up nicely with the Pi caps and you get nice tasty multiple draws from one dab
Things can get a bit cougherous at times as the dabs tickle the back of the throat (nothing as bad as my old QB though and torch)
Hits decent and for a good while after the dab - not as slap in the face hit as the high temp torch dabs but nicer
The high temp quick harder hit dab in the 710 QB gets hot and cougherous though, hits the back of throat

The Halo Sic is a different beast yet nice too
On the low temp dab it hits nicely and gives a good long buzz - the flavour is great, just not quite as good as the 710coil
Gives good milk in the billy with a carb cap (I tried a Ti cap and a ceramic - both work fine)
It is less cougherous though I find than the 710 QB
The Sapphire insert adds a nice taste to the mix on lower temps although a bit fiddley for cleaning when hot
The Halo SiC comes into it's own on the hot dabs
High temp dabs usually make me cough for a good while after having but they hit you in the face a bit harder in the immediate
The Halo SiC surprised me hard
The first dabs I have had that I hardly cough at all from yet get the face slap feeling still
No cougherousness at all in comparison to the 710 QB or any low temp or other high temp hits

Very impressed


The 710 QB is easy enough to clean and maintain, if having hot dabs it will get a bit charred on the bottom and top of stem - q-tip wipes help but it will need soaking in iso and a scrub to clean after a few

If having low temp dabs it is much easier to keep clean
At low temp you just need to wipe with iso dipped q-tip a few times until clean (I use quite a few q-tips to do this but it comes off really easy) and then torch to burn off any leftover oils etc to keep clean
I do this after every dab and it stays almost perfect clean at low temp dabs except for the stem which gets quite a lot of reclaim
Once it is getting too sticky I will hemp fibre wipe for the VC and then iso soak and scrub
Gets a little messy here but not too difficut
Just sticky

The Halo SiC is really easy to keep clean
I am surprised at this
I heard it would produce more reclaim than the QBs yet IME it is opposite

At low temp dabs you need a few iso dipped q-tip wipes and it is clean then I turn the auber up full or torch for a sec to burn off leftovers
Easy to do though and less q-tips used than the QBs

At high temp dabs there is very little left to clean and you only need a couple of q-tips to wipe it out, then it is pretty much clean
I again torch briefly or turn up temp to full to burn off and it stays perfectly clean

The inner stem stays quite clean most of the time
I have it in a Z shape glass drop down piece and that catches the reclaim

I have the QB in the same
They are both easy to soak up out of the bottom of Z piece then

The QB gets much stickier though the whole path way down

The Dnail seems to produce less reclaim and is less of a sticky mess
It all sits in the bottom of Z piece too not throughout the whole path way so it is easier to soak up

The QB is glass and can be dropped and broken
The Halo is made of materials that could be dropped and less easily broken

I do not have a straight answer as to which I would recommend

They are both great set ups depending which traits you prefer

The 710coils QBs are better tasting esp noticeable at low temps

More cougherous and more cleaning though

The Halo has a bit less flavour but is much easier to maintain and much less cougherous esp at high temps if you like the face slap effect

Dnail suck for communication and although worked with me to fix the issue, the CS is not comparable to Shane

Shane at 710coils is one of the best CS I have had anywhere and sends your order out FAST and will work with you to customise your order and throws in extra goodies

You will not be disappointed no matter which of these you chose, both are brilliant suggestions for oils and dabs and concentrates:smug::weed::sifone:

I must say I think I am tending to use the SiC a bit more as it has the ease of use/cleaning aspect and I like the less cougherous experience
Also enjoy the high temp face slap dabs :smile::biggrin: esp with little to no coughing

But the QB gets some use when I want to really taste that rosin strain....

And I have to buy me some 710 inserts to try next, and a mood mat too so....lol

Hope this helps some people if it doesn't just make the decision harder hahaa

I am glad I have both......If I had only one it would be a hard choice, but maybe the Halo SiC?.....I am not sure though
Milky QBs are great too

Happy vaping people and happy dabbing :smug::thumbsup:
It's been a few months now, do you still feel the same way?

Are you using the same controller for each?

You did get the dnail ti carb cap, since this review, right?

I only have the sic halo, and im quite pleased with it, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have a back up, but then I'd have to take a hammer to that dish to break it. I dropped mine on cement floors a half dozen times now without any problems. So maybe I don't need a backup, lol.
It's been a few months now, do you still feel the same way?

Are you using the same controller for each?

You did get the dnail ti carb cap, since this review, right?

I only have the sic halo, and im quite pleased with it, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have a back up, but then I'd have to take a hammer to that dish to break it. I dropped mine on cement floors a half dozen times now without any problems. So maybe I don't need a backup, lol.
I feel pretty much the same

Yes I now have a Ti carb cap that comes from dnail, this is a big improvement on the other caps I was using

I also have a dhgate glass carb cap which twists the air flow and spins the pearls better for the QB

I still use both in rotation just to switch it up

I have stopped using the saphire insert with the sic as it sits a little high, but I actually now use it in the bottom of the QB and it gives a great flavour

I didn't like or see the improvement using inserts with the QB, it just made it harder to clean

There are QBs on dhgate that look as good as Shane but cheaper

I would still grab my coil from Shane
I would also prob grab a 25mm instead of the 30 I have, it is not a huge benefit as the 25s are more compatible with generic caps etc

I am still using my auber controller for both the Halo sic and the QB

I now use it on 710 most of the time

The number works well as does the temp ;)
Good hit and decent flavour, low enough that am not combusting and releasing unwanted carcinogens yet high enough to faceslap

I enjoy having both to change it up, much like I enjoy having different vapes and glass

It is still hard to choose a winner, but if I was forced to pick one it would most likely still be the halo sic, easier cleaning and harder to break....

Both is good though : D
I feel pretty much the same

Yes I now have a Ti carb cap that comes from dnail, this is a big improvement on the other caps I was using

I also have a dhgate glass carb cap which twists the air flow and spins the pearls better for the QB

I still use both in rotation just to switch it up

I have stopped using the saphire insert with the sic as it sits a little high, but I actually now use it in the bottom of the QB and it gives a great flavour

I didn't like or see the improvement using inserts with the QB, it just made it harder to clean

There are QBs on dhgate that look as good as Shane but cheaper

I would still grab my coil from Shane
I would also prob grab a 25mm instead of the 30 I have, it is not a huge benefit as the 25s are more compatible with generic caps etc

I am still using my auber controller for both the Halo sic and the QB

I now use it on 710 most of the time

The number works well as does the temp ;)
Good hit and decent flavour, low enough that am not combusting and releasing unwanted carcinogens yet high enough to faceslap

I enjoy having both to change it up, much like I enjoy having different vapes and glass

It is still hard to choose a winner, but if I was forced to pick one it would most likely still be the halo sic, easier cleaning and harder to break....

Both is good though : D

Thanks, nice review! Much appreciated.

I get people asking me how much I paid for my dnail rig, and when I tell them I have $500 into it, they decide that they need to stick with their torch rigs. But now it looks like you can get pretty decent performance with the qb's, and quite a bit cheaper.

I love how things keep getting better.
Some may not be, considering Shane's come from China too, I believe that some will be of little difference....
I've purchased many bangers from DHGate and I can tell you that it is a roll of the dice if you are going to get a good one or not. And most are not. By the time I was done trying to chase a good one down I had probably spent as much or more money than I would have getting one from Shane; or elsewhere for that matter.

Just like buying any glass from China; it's a real hit or miss situation. And most often it's a miss.... something just off the mark. Most of the factories putting out the 'good stuff' are selling to people like Shane and upper end glass houses. Not to DHGate.

Not saying it cannot be done... just my experience...
I've purchased many bangers from DHGate and I can tell you that it is a roll of the dice if you are going to get a good one or not. And most are not. By the time I was done trying to chase a good one down I had probably spent as much or more money than I would have getting one from Shane; or elsewhere for that matter.

Just like buying any glass from China; it's a real hit or miss situation. And most often it's a miss.... something just off the mark. Most of the factories putting out the 'good stuff' are selling to people like Shane and upper end glass houses. Not to DHGate.

Not saying it cannot be done... just my experience...
Definitely how I thought it would be, a roll of the dice
But there are some sellers I trust more than others and some of the caps I have bought are quality and intricate

I by no means want to imply shane is ripping ppl off, I reccomrend him as a seller

Just sharing options as was asked for my updated opinion

I have bought a couple of bangers off the gate before Shane's coil and banger

It was a 50/50 result but couple were fine - just not the sizes for coils as I was newer to it all

I got Shane's 30 mm to go with a coil to suit and am more than pleased

If to buy again though as I said whether I got the QB from Shane or gate I would get the coil from him - given post and CS etc I most likely would get the banger too
I would definitely get a 25 though as stated as the caps from the gate that twist I like a lot but are all for 25 not 30

They work on the 30 but I can see how much better if it was on the smaller banger they are designed for, the pearls would spin so fast I reckon

The only thing having stopped me try a gate banger or getting a 25 from shane is that I will have buy a new coil too as I only have the 30

So for now I am cool, but also kinda want to use the cap with a suited QB.... Shane may get another purchase some point

On the original question too I was going to add that the halo sic is much better for dirtier oils and hash oils etc
The QB gets dirty really easy and stained by such concentrates
It really hard to clean with qtips or the torch and needs the ultrasonic cleaner much quicker

The sic is easier to wipe clean and then turn up to 999 and leave on for the self cleaning function and it is fine to go when you come back

This is true for all use but in particular with the dark or thicker or "dirtier" oils
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I've purchased many bangers from DHGate and I can tell you that it is a roll of the dice if you are going to get a good one or not. And most are not. By the time I was done trying to chase a good one down I had probably spent as much or more money than I would have getting one from Shane; or elsewhere for that matter.

Just like buying any glass from China; it's a real hit or miss situation. And most often it's a miss.... something just off the mark. Most of the factories putting out the 'good stuff' are selling to people like Shane and upper end glass houses. Not to DHGate.

Not saying it cannot be done... just my experience...

All the "tobacco" shops around me now sell bangers, pipes and accessories and it all comes from Chilna. All I've seen are cheap in price and quality. I've taken pics on my phone before then looked at the same piece from the gate, gives you an idea of the mark up.

But I've had good luck from trusted sellers on the gate. I must have bought 10 pipes by now. No problems other than slow shipping. The pipes I use the most came from thick ass glass. Idk where they're made, but I like how they function. And they really aren't terribly expensive, especially during a sale. I rotate 3, and don't think I've paid more than $90 ever for any.

I honestly just can't see spending large on pipes when mid lines work great. Just me but I like function #1.

I bought carbs that I love from TAG and drop downs, reducers and what nots. All good. But accessories I've bought from china were mostly junk. Once I bought four drop downs, two in 14mm, and two in 18mm. Two broke before I ever used them, lol. One other broke in a week, and I believe I still have the other one somewhere, but I haven't used it.
I love Shane's bangers, much more than my SiC Halo, I find I just taste too much Ti now that I'm primarily using the QB.

I tend to agree with @momofthegoons that you spend too much money trying to chase down a good banger from China to make it worth it. I don't mind paying for Shane's as he's done the quality control and will stand by his product (and so far everything I've gotten from him has been great)

As far as glass (water tools), I tend to stick to China these days; just can't justify the prices for pieces of similar quality (I haven't been impressed by any pieces I've seen in a 500 mile radius in shops I've gone into).

PopularGlass.com seems to be a decent option instead of DHGate (it's stevenlmz from DHGate that runs popularglass.com)
I prefer the sic
Mainly for cleaning and ease of use
Sic is not Ti..... The nail is not the dish though
Using glass pencil as a dab tool is great for flavour in sic
QB and sic get used in rotation
But the sic is in use more as needs proper cleaning much less often and taste stays better longer as a result
So QB gets use, gets dirty quick and then sic is used but lasts longer before proper clean needed and QB is back in use

I would be interested to try a sic side by side with a cheap Ti nail like @LesPlenty has with his controller

Just to see the difference in taste vs price

While there is a difference in taste between QB and halo it is not ginormous imo

I was going to add that if I was rich I would buy the halo quartz to try on the nail
It costs a lot more than a QB so I got a sic and 710 QB instead to satisfy my quartz flavour needs

But it would be nice to try and it may give the dnail the best of both with the sic and quartz dish options

The saphire insert tastes great on the sic, it is just too fiddely to clean and wipe as it sits loose on dish

So I use it in the bottom of the QB

But given it tastes nice, the halo quartz dish may taste really nice too
Just expensive and I didn't see one in the seconds price

My sic is a seconds at 40 not 90 usd
Can't see anything wrong asthetically nor functionally

But the quartz I only ever saw at full price
Maybe I should email and wait for ever for a reply asking for a quartz seconds if they do them
It was the only way to get the carb cap
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Well... with my history of breaking glass this was inevitable.... I was trying to switch out bangers to use a clean one and this one went flying....


And of course it was the opaque bottomed one that I only had one of lol. Just ordered a couple of replacements. And just realized that I ordered clear bottoms... oh well. Maybe there'll be a 710 sale that I can take advantage of and get some of the opaque. I don't really have a favorite between the two.
Well... with my history of breaking glass this was inevitable.... I was trying to switch out bangers to use a clean one and this one went flying....

View attachment 9704

And of course it was the opaque bottomed one that I only had one of lol. Just ordered a couple of replacements. And just realized that I ordered clear bottoms... oh well. Maybe there'll be a 710 sale that I can take advantage of and get some of the opaque. I don't really have a favorite between the two.
Mom....just email Shane via his website and I'm sure he can modify your order. I rather like my opaque bottom bangers.
Well... with my history of breaking glass this was inevitable.... I was trying to switch out bangers to use a clean one and this one went flying....

View attachment 9704

And of course it was the opaque bottomed one that I only had one of lol. Just ordered a couple of replacements. And just realized that I ordered clear bottoms... oh well. Maybe there'll be a 710 sale that I can take advantage of and get some of the opaque. I don't really have a favorite between the two.

Well, don't that suck?

One advantage of the sic Halo is they're damn near bomb proof. I've dropped mine a few times on a cement floor. I still cringe but it never even gets scratched.
One advantage of the sic Halo
I an still waiting for D-Nail to get some decent stock levels so I can get a complete package, @felvapes says I should get in touch with them to get all the parts I need but I say fuck em if they can't be bothered getting their stock levels right...I am just about sick of checking their site.:disgust:
I an still waiting for D-Nail to get some decent stock levels so I can get a complete package, @felvapes says I should get in touch with them to get all the parts I need but I say fuck em if they can't be bothered getting their stock levels right...I am just about sick of checking their site.:disgust:

I read they were finally getting their shit together, maybe not?

When I purchased mine it all went smoothly. But that was a while ago.

Truth be known tho, I haven't used mine in weeks.

The table it usually sits on is full of plants, so its on a shelf and I've been using my sai instead. I started veggies indoors and my other indoor crop is getting big.
I an still waiting for D-Nail to get some decent stock levels so I can get a complete package, @felvapes says I should get in touch with them to get all the parts I need but I say fuck em if they can't be bothered getting their stock levels right...I am just about sick of checking their site.:disgust:

Yea I still say just email them
It was a much easier route
Still took a bit of time but easier and quicker than using the site

I find I use the halo a lot more than the QB due to ease of use and cleaning
The breakage factor is good too although I haven't dropped mine yet

The halo stays cleaner on the bong for a lot longer than the QB

Otherwise the quartz works fine
I really didn't feel the need. And it totally blew my mind but.... Shane got ahold of me on IG and offered me a free replacement. So now I'll have 3 new bangers. :biggrin: I'm a very happy camper.
Shane is a winner, for sure. :-)

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