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Meds Arthritis


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Cannabis Treatments for Osteoarthritis



Cannabis is useful for treating a wide range of diseases, including osteoarthritis. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five non-institutionalized adults with a physical disability are diagnosed with osteoarthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis, and occurs when the protective layer of cartilage around the bones wears down in the joints; the body part affected most often is the knee.

Mainstream treatments for the crippling condition include anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotics, physical therapy, and controversial prescription painkillers. Such options usually come with unwanted side effects that can leave some patients sedated, depressed, or addicted. But now, scientists have found medical marijuana to be beneficial in the fight against osteoarthritis and other forms of the disease.

Going Beyond Chronic Pain

There is no doubt that cannabis can be used to address the chronic pain that many patients experience when dealing with the condition. An assortment of organic topical rubs, edibles, and traditional bong rips are effective against extreme pain.

Going beyond this symptom, however, the plant may also be helpful in promoting the functionality of inflamed joints. A study conducted by the University of Nottingham UK, in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh and Virginia Commonwealth University, suggests that specific cannabinoids are efficient in slowing down the progression of the disease. In particular, the receptor that scientists were working with during the trial was cannabinoid type 2 (CB2).

“Results showed treating osteoarthritis by increasing CB2 receptors with the use of JWH-133 injections reduced chemicals responsible for causing inflammation in osteoarthritis, reduced excitatory nerves in the spine that are stimulated by inflammation, and increased the overall amount of CB2 receptor [message] (MRNA) and protein in nerve cells of the spine,” said Shelley White from Collective Evolution.

In another study pioneered by Dr. Jason McDougall from Halifax University (with a three-year grant from the Arthritis Society), researchers discovered that cannabis may help repair damaged joints affected by the disease. During the trial, scientists also focused on the medicinal properties of non-psychoactive cannabinoids. The group uncovered that marijuana molecules cling to receptors in aching joints and control various neurotransmission signals in the surrounding area.

Obstacles in Treatment

Despite being supported by clinical trials and studies, acquiring medical marijuana to treat osteoarthritis might be difficult, depending on where you live in the US. It is important to consider that no states have approved medical cannabis treatments for the illness yet. Some states, like California and New Mexico, allow organic remedies for other types of arthritis. A handful of states, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island and Washington, acknowledge the use of the plant for osteoarthritis, but a recommendation from a registered physician is required.

Nonetheless, it is possible to use medical marijuana to ease the secondary symptoms associated with the disorder. Patients suffering from chronic pain or “intractable pain” may easily gain access to cannabis treatments, since most states with legal marijuana laws support its use for such conditions.
Despite being supported by clinical trials and studies, acquiring medical marijuana to treat osteoarthritis might be difficult,

There is our boy Roseberg yet again. A man who will never let a fact get in the way of his repressive ideology.

May you get one of these painful and debilitating diseases and NOT have access to MMJ.

This one is just for you, Rosenberg.

Medical Marijuana and Rheumatoid Arthritis

The most common cause of disability in America is arthritis. Millions of Americans experience this disorder. As the baby boomer generation enters their golden years, the number of arthritis patients will continue to climb.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, and the common feature of each is joint pain and inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) presents itself differently than many other types of arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease, as opposed to a joint disorder, and it causes inflammation throughout all the body’s connective tissues.

As the number of sufferers continues to climb, patients are looking for relief. There is no cure, but if the condition is caught early, extended periods of remission are possible.

Medical marijuana has proven to be an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Not only does it act as an effective pain reliever, but the medicinal properties associated with the herb may also be just what the doctor ordered. Read more to see if cannabis treatments could be the answer you seek.

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Because arthritis is the most common disorder in the U.S., the costs associated with it are astronomical. One study indicates that arthritis patients incur more than $50 billion in medical bills and work loss every year.

Rheumatoid arthritis does not follow the same rules as other types of arthritis. It’s not just a joint disorder — it’s an autoimmune disease. For reasons no one quite knows, the immune system goes into overdrive and begins attacking healthy body tissue.

Arthritis is commonly associated with the elderly, but RA affects more than just senior citizens. In fact, the average age of onset is from 30 to 60 years of age. There are even cases of children having early-onset RA.

As the immune system attacks the body’s joints, they become swollen and inflamed, leading to chronic pain. The most important joints in the body are commonly affected, including the:

  • Hands
  • Wrists
  • Elbows
  • Feet
  • Ankles
  • Knees
However, RA can affect more than just the joints. As this systemic disorder progresses, it can weaken other parts of the body, organs and systems, such as:

  • Bone and cartilage around the joint
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Eyes
  • Blood vessels
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Digestive tract
  • Nervous system
The progression of RA is typically slow. However, once damage occurs, it’s irreversible. That’s why early diagnosis and the initiation of treatment is so important.

No one test can confirm a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. Usually, your physician or a rheumatologist, a doctor specializing in RA, will have to verify it using a combination of the following results:

  • Interview and physical examination
  • Lab tests and blood tests
  • Imaging, such as X-rays or an MRI
Rheumatoid Arthritis Statistics
What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?
The immune system is the “bodyguard” of the human body. It protects us against assaults such as infections, foreign bodies and wounds. Inflammation is a common byproduct of the immune system in action.

In RA patients, something goes haywire. The immune system produces specialized cells and chemicals that get released into the bloodstream, misdirecting inflammation into the body’s joints.

The synovial membrane (synovium), a protective tissue which lines joints, thickens and becomes inflamed. Inflammation of the synovium is the hallmark of RA, and is called synovitis. If left untreated, the synovitis expands both inside and outside of the joint. This is what causes damage to other parts of the body.

Though doctors understand the workings of rheumatoid arthritis, no one really knows why it occurs. There are some factors that may contribute, including:

  • Genetics:
    • The human leukocyte antigen gene complex has been shown to make people more vulnerable to developing RA.
    • The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is a gene variation that causes T-cells to correct joint abnormalities too quickly. The SNP gene often runs in families.
  • Environmental factors:
    • Secondhand smoke
    • Air pollution
    • Insecticides
    • Bacterial or viral issues
  • Gender: RA affects 70 percent more women than men.
  • Age: The disorder commonly affects those in middle age.
  • Family history: Those with a family history of RA are more at risk.
Symptoms and Side Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis
The symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis have the potential to be more severe than other types of arthritis as the condition develops. Because of this, it’s important patients begin treating RA as close to onset as possible. If you believe you suffer from this disorder, listen to your body for clues. Early indicators may be hard to detect. These include:

  • Fatigue
  • Stiffness
  • Tender joints
  • Unintentional weight loss
Throughout the progression of the disorder, symptoms vary from person to person. Patients go from periods of increased symptoms — or flare-ups — to long spans of time where there are no apparent symptoms — or remission.

Interestingly, RA usually affects the body symmetrically. If there are complications on one side of the body, these often are mirrored on the other side.

Common symptoms of RA include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Redness
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Slight fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
If left untreated, RA can lead to loss of function, severe deformities or even disability. Symptoms that could point to more serious complications include:

  • Erosion of joints
  • Bone loss or erosion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Eye issues such as impaired vision, burning, itchiness or fluid discharge
  • Small lumps under the skin over bony areas, also known as rheumatoid nodules
  • Nerve damage causing numbness, tingling or burning
  • Anemia
The pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis can leave patients unable to function for extended periods of time. This could affect a person’s job, personal relationships and even psychological health. RA patients commonly suffer from mental illnesses such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feelings of helplessness
This condition is not fatal. However, it can lead to premature death because of the complications that arise, as well as treatment-related side effects.

Current Treatments Available and Their Side Effects
There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. If left unmanaged, permanent bone or cartilage damage can occur within the first year. Medical treatments and therapy allow patients to continue living happy lives. The goals of any course of RA treatments are:

  • Reduce or stop inflammation
  • Symptom management
  • Pain relief
  • Extended periods of remission
  • Improved quality of life
  • Preventative measures for joint, bone and cartilage damage
  • Prevent severe complications associated with RA
Many treatments and therapies exist for rheumatoid arthritis patients. The most popular include the following.

There are many medications used to treat RA. Depending on the progression of the disorder, doctors will prescribe what they feel suits you best. However, many of these drugs can cause serious side effects.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ease swelling, but are not meant to be a long-term solution. Side effects can include damage to the liver or stomach, ringing in the ears, upset stomach and heart problems.
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) interrupt attacks caused by the immune system, but can take up to six months to take effect. The main downside is a weakened immune system, which makes patients susceptible to infection. Another possible side effect is liver damage.
  • Steroidal medications are fast-acting anti-inflammatories which can only be used as short-term treatments. Side effects include changes in sleep or mood, leg swelling, weight gain, bruising and increased blood pressure.
Physical Therapy
An active lifestyle is just as important as medication for RA patients. Low-impact exercises like yoga and walking reduce inflammation. It’s also important that RA patients maintain a healthy weight, as being overweight increases risk factors.

Physical therapists work with patients to determine a workout regimen that keeps joints working and flexible. The only downside to this is that RA patients may still find physical activity extremely painful, leading to increased frustration.

Chiropractic Treatment
Those with pain caused by alignment issues may benefit from these treatments, which focus on manipulating affected joints to bring relief.

However, many health care professionals caution against chiropractics because manipulating joints could worsen the condition and increase pain, especially if joints are inflamed.

Invasive surgery is only used to treat drastic issues and severe joint damage. Any deformities caused by RA are irreversible, but surgery can restore some abilities that may have been lost. It can also repair some parts of the joint. The most common RA operations include:

  • Joint replacement
  • Joint fusion
  • Tendon repair
Surgery always comes with its own sets of risks and potential side effects, which should be discussed with your physician.

Holistic Remedies
Some patients have shown improvement by using holistic remedies and therapies. These include:

  • Massages and spa visits
  • Acupuncture
  • Supplements like turmeric and Boswellia
  • Autoimmune diet
The downsides of these types of treatments are that they either only last a short amount of time before they need to be repeated, or they prove ineffective.

How Is Medical Marijuana an Effective Treatment?
It’s important for RA patients to manage their condition, so many are looking for safer and more affordable alternatives. Using medical marijuana for rheumatoid arthritis is an all-natural treatment that has been shown to improve some of the symptoms associated with the disorder. An added benefit is that it lacks many adverse side effects found in traditional RA medications.

Those using cannabis for rheumatoid arthritis have seen excellent results, including:

  • Improved movement
  • Reduction of pain
  • Less need for other forms of medication
Research studies in this field show scientific evidence that medical marijuana is an effective therapy for arthritis and, more specifically, RA. Cannabis has proven pain-relieving properties. It can be used by itself or in combination with other painkillers, safely and effectively controlling the pain caused by RA.

One of the core symptoms of arthritis is inflammation. There is both research and anecdotal evidence that marijuana acts as an anti-inflammatory. This gives RA patients relief from inflamed joints.

The endocannabinoid system controls the general homeostasis of every person, and acts as a bridge between our body and our mind. Certain conditions, like arthritis, cause our endocannabinoid system to be out of whack. Compounds found in cannabis target cannabinoid receptors present in the synovium of joints, bringing targeted relief from painful symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Treated by Medical Marijuana
As patients find relief from their RA symptoms because of medical marijuana, it becomes a more accepted mode of treatment. The following symptoms are showing great improvements because of cannabis.

Joint pain
The cannabinoid compounds tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) found in marijuana have proven medical properties. Among these is pain relief. Certain strains of marijuana can target pain and bring much-needed relief.

Best strains: Canna Tsu, Death Bubba, Girl Scout Cookies

Multiple cannabinoids in marijuana work to reduce inflammation. These include CBD and THC, as well as CBC, CBDa, CBG, CBN and THCa.

Best strains: Blue Dream, Granddaddy Purple, Gorilla Glue #4

Because of chronic pain and the general malaise caused by RA, fatigue is a common symptom in many patients. The Indica strain of marijuana is known for its sleep-inducing properties. And a well-rested patient is far more likely to have a better chance of remission.

Best Strains: Skywalk, God’s Gift, Afghan Kush

Psychological Symptoms
If patients are in the midst of an RA flare-up, they may also suffer from feelings of anxiety and depression. The chronic nature of the disorder can cause patients to feel hopeless. Medical marijuana is shown to relieve both anxiety and depression and give patients an improved outlook on life.

Best Strains: Holy Grail Kush, Tahoe OG Kush, Jack Herer

Methods of Treatment Available
Because rheumatoid arthritis can lead to lung issues, smoking cannabis products is not recommended. However, there are many safer ingestion alternatives, including:

  • Tinctures & drops: Taken under the tongue, this mode of ingestion releases cannabis medication directly into the bloodstream.
  • Edibles: It sometimes takes longer for patients to feel the medication when they ingest marijuana edibles, but the effects tend to last longer. This allows for longer times of relief.
  • Vaporization: Vaping is one of the most popular modes of cannabis use because it has the fast-acting benefits of smoking, without the risks.
  • Topicals and transdermal patches: Cannabis creams and patches can be applied directly to the painful joints. The medication seeps into the skin right above the affected area.
How to Get Medical Marijuana Treatments
If you have rheumatoid arthritis and you need medical advice about cannabis treatments, let us connect you with hundreds of qualified marijuana doctors near you.
Medical Marijuana and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) affects more than 30 million people in the United States. Arthritis is an incredibly frustrating condition to live with. Easy tasks like standing up, opening a jar or walking around the supermarket are unbearable due to the chronic pain. Only a few treatments have offered arthritis sufferers effective relief, leaving them to turn to anti-inflammatory medications, potentially-addictive painkillers and even invasive surgery.

However, many osteoarthritis sufferers are now turning to medical marijuana for osteoarthritis to relieve their pain, inflammation and other OA symptoms without the harsh side effects other treatments come with.

What Is Osteoarthritis?
OA is the most common type of arthritis. It occurs when you have “wear and tear” on the end of your bones, an area called your protective cartilage. Even though osteoarthritis may damage any one of your joints in your body, it mostly affects the joints in your knees, hands, spine and hips.

You can effectively manage your OA symptoms, but you can’t reverse the underlying process. Maintaining a healthy weight, staying active and other treatments can improve joint function, reduce pain and slow the progression of the disease, but there is no known cure.

Risk factors for OA include:

  • Getting older
  • Being overweight
  • Injuring a joint
There isn’t one test to diagnose osteoarthritis. Many physicians use several methods like a physical exam, medical history, lab tests and x-rays.

OA develops after years of damage and affects middle-aged and older adults most. Other osteoarthritis risk factors include a family history of OA, past injury to the affected joint and obesity.

Types of Osteoarthritis
There are two main classifications for OA: primary and secondary.

  1. Primary Osteoarthritis
Primary osteoarthritis is the most commonly diagnosed form of OA. It occurs when you have “wear and tear” on your joints over the years. It’s linked to aging because of this, and your age is the most significant risk factor for osteoarthritis. The more you use your joints, the higher your risk of developing this type of OA.

Individuals usually develop primary OA between the ages of 55 and 60. You’ll typically only see symptoms of primary OA in the area it’s involved with — such as your hip, feet, hands or knee — but it can also affect multiple joints.

  1. Secondary Osteoarthritis
Secondary osteoarthritis develops from conditions that cause changes in your cartilage’s microenvironment. Some of these conditions may include:

  • Metabolic defects
  • Significant trauma
  • Infections
  • Congenital joint abnormalities
  • Disorders that change your cartilage’s normal function and structure — such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) — and neuropathic diseases
Adults between the ages of 45 and 50 tend to develop secondary osteoarthritis.

History of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis has been around for centuries — even ancient England skeletons and Egyptian mummies commonly had the condition. In 1897, W. P. May described a classic example of OA in an Egyptian mummy with RA. Ancient skeletons typically had lumbar spine degenerative changes and OA of the shoulders. Knee joints weren’t as frequently affected.

Clinicians didn’t acknowledge OA until the 18th century, despite its occurrence in ancient skeletons worldwide. Even through hip osteoarthritis, found in the malum coxae senilis, people acknowledged OA in the earlier parts of the 19th century. However, clinicians still lumped the disease with RA as arthritis deformans. Rudolf Virchow introduced and used this term into the 20th century.

In 1859, Alfred Baring Garrod, who was the first person to suggest the name rheumatoid arthritis, separated the two diseases. John Kent Spender first proposed the term osteoarthritis in Bath, England.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
OA symptoms tend to come on gradually and get worse over time. The symptoms include:

  • Pain: You may experience a painful joint after or during movement.
  • Stiffness: You may notice joint stiffness upon waking up in the morning, or if you’ve been inactive for a period.
  • Tenderness: When applying pressure to your joint, it may feel tender.
  • Bone Spurs: You may form these extra pieces of bones around your affected joint.
  • Loss of Flexibility: It may be difficult for you to get a full range of motion of your joint.
  • Grating Sensation: While using your joint, you may feel or hear a grating sensation.
If you’re experiencing chronic stiffness or pain in a joint, it’s time to seek treatment.

Side Effects of Osteoarthritis
OA symptoms can be debilitating, cause physical impairment and may even affect your psychosocial well-being. On top of this, you could have a comorbid condition, such as renal impairment or hypertension, that is significantly impacting your OA. Doctors commonly prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to treat OA symptoms. However, these have gastrointestinal side effects that can increase the disease’s impact.

The social impact of OA includes:

  • Short-term or chronic pain and disability
  • Reduced ability to perform day-to-day activities
  • Increased anxiety and/or depression
  • Reduced overall quality of life
The economic and social impact of osteoarthritis is significant, too. OA, being arthritis’s most common form, is also among the most established causes of physical disability in seniors. It causes substantial physical trauma. However, it doesn’t stop at physical symptoms. It can also bring about psychological symptoms, like anxiety and depression.

OA’s economic impact includes medical care, medication costs, research and hospitals and indirect costs like lost work productivity due to short-term or chronic disability. Additionally, this economic impact correlates with poorer mental and social functioning, higher pain levels and increased disease duration.

Osteoarthritis Statistics
Osteoarthritis statistics reported by the Arthritis Foundation include:

  • Around 8 million adults today have OA.
  • OA in Americans is thought to be the leading form of arthritis and cause of disability.
  • As the population ages, the prevalence of OA increases. Two percent of people younger than 45 years old have the disease, while more than 80 percent of people who are over 75 years old are diagnosed, as well.
Current Treatments Available for Osteoarthritis
OA is a long-term, chronic disease with no cure. However, several treatments are available to help manage your symptoms. There are several factors to consider in the long-term management of OA, including:

  • Improving joint flexibility and mobility
  • Managing symptoms of swelling, pain and stiffness
  • Getting enough physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  1. Medications
When someone’s osteoarthritis pain gets to the point where they need to get medical help, their doctor will typically start them on a treatment regimen involving low doses of drugs with minimal side effects. If these don’t work, however, doctors will gradually recommend more powerful medications. These are a few of the more common drugs used to treat the condition, as well as information on side effects:

  • Acetaminophen: This is usually the first line of treatment recommended for osteoarthritis. Acetaminophen is the generic name for over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol. While this is considered a safe drug, if people take more than their recommended dosage, they may be susceptible to liver problems. This is particularly the case if someone takes acetaminophen and also has two or more alcoholic drinks per day.
  • NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs): Physicians recommend NSAIDs, such as Motrin, Aleve and Advil, if acetaminophen doesn’t work. These drugs are typically effective at reducing inflammation and pain, but side effects are more numerous than acetaminophen. These include potential
    kidney damage and bleeding of the stomach. NSAIDs can also increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Celebrex: This is a prescription-strength NSAID designed to lower the risk of stomach problems. However, they also pose a risk of kidney damage.
  • Opioids: Physicians may prescribe powerful opioid medications if patients suffer from severe osteoarthritis pain. While these drugs are typically effective at reducing pain, they are very addictive and also come with a very high risk of potentially fatal overdoses.
  • Corticosteroids: In cases where patients don’t find relief from oral medications, corticosteroids are often injected directly into a patient’s joints. These usually only work for a short period, however, and can only be administered a certain number of times per year.
According to the National Academy of an Aging Society, arthritis is one of the most common chronic medical conditions in America. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, which is related to wear and tear of cartilage. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting over 20 million people in the United States.

Collectively, the many types of arthritis cost patients billions of dollars. For example, according to a Stanford University study titled “The economic impact of arthritis,” patients with arthritis collectively incur over $56 billion annually in medical expenditures and work loss.

Currently, OA patients use more than 100 medications and drugs in the treatment of arthritis. Many patients prefer to medicate with medical marijuana.

  1. Physical and Occupational Therapy
Occupational and physical therapists can help manage your pain with an array of treatment options, including:

  • Cold and heat therapies
  • Ways you can use your joints properly
  • Flexibility and range of motion exercises
  • Assistive devices, such as scooters, canes, walkers, etc.
  1. Surgery
You may benefit from joint surgery to repair or replace severely damaged joints, particularly your knees and hips. Your physician will refer you to an orthopedic surgeon if you’re eligible to have the procedure done. Side effects of surgery include pain, bleeding, numbness, fatigue, appetite loss and bruising, swelling and drainage at the site of the operation.

How Marijuana Can Be an Effective Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Medical cannabis for osteoarthritis delivers many areas of effectiveness, but its anti-inflammatory and analgesic role for pain relief qualities are the most powerful — these are the two most common symptoms of OA. The pain with osteoarthritis can be very uncomfortable and discouraging, but with medical cannabis, you can eliminate it.

Medical marijuana has both tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBD), two ingredients that activate your endocannabinoid system’s CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors release central nervous immune system and neurotransmitter cells to manage both neuropathic and nociceptive pain levels, helping to reduce your joint’s pain sensitivity.

A study published in the 2005 Journal of Neuroimmunology found cannabis’s cannabinoids effectively treat inflammation-involved diseases like arthritis.

Another study conducted in Spain and published in the European Journal of Neuroscience in 2014 showed the way cannabinoids in marijuana interact with your endocannabinoid system to effectively treat both inflammation and pain — using rodent models.

Preclinical studies confirm medical weed’s potent pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects, along with the fact your endocannabinoid system associates marijuana with easing OA pain.

Researchers also found in an animal trial, the CBD in cannabis effectively blocks the progression of arthritis. It protects your joints from severe damage and provides you with a powerful anti-arthritic effect.

What Side Effects and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis Can Medical Marijuana Treat?
Symptoms of osteoarthritis cause more than just pain and aching in your joints. Just like with other autoimmune conditions, an aggravated immune system and chronic inflammation can affect your entire body. Research recently shows using marijuana for osteoarthritis doesn’t just eliminate your arthritis pain, but that it also calms your immune system and alleviates other related symptoms.

For instance, aside from aching, stiff joints, OA can produce other symptoms like:

  • Fatigue
  • Tingling and numbness in your feet and hands
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Morning stiffness
  • Psychological ailments like anxiety and depression
Medical weed can help with all these.

Inflammation overpowers OA patients, and this is where marijuana and osteoarthritis treatment steps in. It’s chock full of inflammation-fighting compounds, as you’ve read above.

With pain being osteoarthritis patients’ most debilitating symptom, it’s good news that medical marijuana is among the best tools around for chronic pain management. A clinical trial from 2010 showed it only takes three puffs of weed daily to reduce your arthritis pain.

Gastrointestinal problems and chronic fatigue also plague OA patients, and both issues are treatable with medical pot. If your pain is causing your insomnia, you can catch up on your sleep with an indica-dominant strain. Furthermore, CBD and THC engage with your GI tracts endocannabinoid receptors, calming gut inflammation.

Best Strains of Marijuana to Use for Osteoarthritis Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects
OA pain keeps sufferers from thoroughly enjoying their lives. When it’s difficult to perform daily activities due to impaired body functions, your overall quality of life suffers. And, while traditional OTC and prescription pain medications can lessen your pain, they often come with unwanted and harsh side effects. Maybe it’s time to start thinking about natural pain management alternatives — like medical marijuana for osteoarthritis.

People often turn to medical cannabis for pain management for conditions like osteoarthritis. It can minimize arthritic pain effectively when you use the proper strains for your specific symptoms.

Here are a few of the best strains for osteoarthritis, and why:

  • Harlequin (Sativa): Harlequin is a good strain if you’re experiencing chronic fatigue due to predominant inflammatory pain.
  • Pennywise (Indica): Pennywise is loaded with CBD and an even balance of THC. This makes the strain therapeutic for your joints.
  • Blue Widow (Hybrid): There’s enough balance in this strain to offer you both deep relaxation and strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Blue Aurora (Indica): This strain treats pain, insomnia and depression. It also helps with your appetite and sleep impacted by gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Blue Diesel (Hybrid): Blue Diesel is the perfect daytime medication, as it soothes your joint pain. It also slows joint deterioration with its rich cannabinoid profile.
  • Remedy (Indica-Dominant Hybrid): Treats nerve inflammation-related pain, eases stress and reduces anxiety. A good go-to strain for many arthritis symptoms.
  • Power Plant (Sativa-Dominant Hybrid): This energizing sativa strain has bone-protecting qualities. It also provides you with pain relief, although its THC-induced high may be a little intoxicating.
These are only a handful of the many cannabis and osteoarthritis strains you have available to you. Have some fun experimenting with different strains to see which help relieve most of your OA symptoms.

Best Methods of Marijuana Ingestion to Treat Side Effects and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
There are several ways to take medical cannabis for osteoarthritis, of course. You can roll it into a joint and smoke it, or you can put a pinch of weed in a bong or a pipe. You can even bake it into edibles, such as cookies or brownies, or use a mouth spray.

In theory, however, there are two ideal ways to treat your osteoarthritis with marijuana: by using topicals and juicing.

  1. Topicals
Although marijuana may treat arthritis effectively when vaporized or smoked, it works particularly well as a topical, such as a balm, cream, salve or ointment. Because of the nature of joint inflammation, topicals infused with marijuana or an extracted cannabinoid are shown to occasionally treat ailments of the joints and skin like psoriasis, eczema and arthritis.

Topical forms of medical weed don’t have psychoactive effects, even with THC in them, except for potent patches which may give you a mild euphoria. Because they don’t produce a high but still contain THC, this means THC/CBD combinations may be used — these products often have the greatest efficacy for many patients.

  1. Juicing
Some OA patients, as well as marijuana advocates, have suggested juicing the plant’s raw leaves. Juicing enables you to benefit from a different cannabinoid known as THC-A. This cannabinoid is an acidic precursor, which means it converts to THC after you apply heat — by vaping or smoking — or after a period, due to exposure to light and oxidation.

How to Get Medical Marijuana for Osteoarthritis Relief
Unfortunately, no medically legal states approve of medical cannabis specifically to treat OA. However, different types of arthritis can qualify for medical marijuana use in some states, including California and Arkansas, which both approve of severe arthritis. Other states approve the medical herb for treating chronic pain — which, as you know, is a common symptom with osteoarthritis.

If you suffer from osteoarthritis and would like to learn how medical marijuana can help you manage your symptoms, MarijuanaDoctors.com can help. We can connect you with hundreds of quality marijuana doctors across the country in medically-legal states and help ensure you’re in compliance with your state laws.

Can Cannabis Help Repair Arthritic Joints?

As our nation’s baby boomers age, they’re facing a multitude of health-related ailments and costs. One of the most prominent concerns is the prevalence of chronic arthritis, an ailment that affects 52.5 million adults today, and that number is expected to increase to 67 million by 2030. There’s no cure for arthritis, and limited treatment options exist for the painful and limiting disease.

One alternative that’s gaining popularity among the aging population is the use of cannabis to get full-bodied pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Although arthritis is considered a qualifying condition in at least two states, there’s a remarkable lack of data and research behind the effectiveness of cannabis as a treatment alternative for arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis is an uncomfortable and often unavoidable disease that often results in severe symptoms:

  • Injuries that don’t heal properly
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathies (tingling or numbness in extremities)
  • Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the forefoot)
  • Persistent joint pain
  • Locked joints
  • Morning stiffness
A study published in the journal Rheumatology from Dr. Sheng-Ming Dai of China’s Second Military Medical University found that CB2 receptors are found in unusually high levels in the joint tissue of arthritis patients. The use of cannabis is shown to fight inflammation in the joints by activating the pathways of CB2 receptors.

Canadian researcher Dr. Jason McDougall, a professor of pharmacology and anesthesia at Dalhousie University in Halifax, has undertaken a new study to find out if medical marijuana can help repair arthritic joints and relieve pain. The study is supported by the Arthritis Society and is awarding a grant for a comprehensive, three-year study to investigate if cannabis is not just dampening the pain in the brain, but also working to fight inflammation and repair the joint itself.

When asked to describe the nerves of an arthritis sufferer, McDougall told CBC Radio’s Information Morning the following information:

“[The nerves are like] wires that have been stripped of their coating. They’re all bare, they’re all raw and responsible for feeling a lot of pain. What we hypothesize is that by locally administering these cannabis-like molecules to those nerves, we’d actually be able to repair them and reduce the pain of arthritis.”

McDougall’s research is focused on non-intoxicating cannabinoids, but so far, his findings has shown that cannabis molecules can attach themselves to nerve receptors and control the firing of pain signals in the joint. Indeed, it’s been proven in certain anecdotal circumstances, such as the case of Katie Marsh of Madawaska, Maine. A sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis, she was on a prescription of prednisone and antibiotics and was encouraged by her doctors to try disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS), but the side effects were severe enough that she sought a natural way to ease her pain and swollen joints.

After seeking the advice of a physician that specializes in dietary cannabis, Marsh began juicing raw cannabis, blending it into a smoothie and consuming the whole raw plant. She began to see results almost immediately — within days, Marsh was off the prednisone and even pain killers. After 11 months of regular cannabis juicing, her condition is in remission.

Now that Health Canada has approved the study, titled the CAPRI trial (Cannabinoid Profile Investigation of Vaporized Cannabis in Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee), researchers in Halifax and Montreal are seeking volunteers over the age of 50 who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee to participate in the year study, which will be a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that involves visits to the physician and exposure to six different types of cannabis through a vaporizer, all with varying levels of THC and CBD.

Two Canadian licensed producers of medical marijuana, Aphria, Inc. and the Peace Naturals Project, contributed $100,000 each to the Arthritis Society to fund the grant, and the research project has been approved by Health Canada. Researchers hope to start the study by September, and preliminary results will be collected by the end of 2016.
Is Cannabis an Effective Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic, painful autoimmune disorder that commonly affects the feet, hands, elbows, knees, wrists and ankle joints. RA occurs when our own immune system goes awry and attacks our body parts, leading to inflammation, swelling, pain and damage of affected area(s). Prolonged inflammation of the joints leads to permanent damage of surrounding cartilage and bone. The inflammation may also affect other organs, including the heart and lungs.

Some of the common symptoms of RA are morning stiffness for more than 30 minutes, joint pain with swelling, involvement of more than one joint (mostly small joints), fatigue, low-grade fever and anorexia. Untreated RA may lead to formation of rheumatoid nodules, anemia, photophobia, and inflammation of blood vessels and lungs.

The exact cause of RA pathogenesis is unknown, but it is believed to be due to combined involvement of hormonal, genetic and environmental factors.

As joint damage is permanent, early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent disability. RA is generally diagnosed by blood work and radiological examinations. RA is being treated with conventional therapeutic drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and oral corticosteroids, to alleviate pain and inflammation. To delay disease progression, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, such as methotrexate and plaquenil, are also prescribed under close medical monitoring. However, long-term administration of these drugs could cause serious adverse events.

Endocannabinoids are naturally-occurring chemicals that modulate inflammation and the immune system without causing any adverse side effects. Employing phytocannabinoids to safely achieve immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory benefits is an ongoing scientific research effort. In experimental and human studies, cannabinoids have been shown to modulate a dysfunctional immune system and treat RA symptoms.

Clinical trials of cannabinoid-based synthetic compounds, such as HU-211 and Ajulemic acid, have been shown to be moderately effective against a variety of autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis. These compounds act via modulation of the endocannabinoid system, and also by receptor-independent mechanisms.

As we know, inflammation and oxidative stress play a key role in the pathogenesis of RA, therefore alleviating the inflammation and scavenging the free radicals could significantly improve the treatment outcomes. When compared to THC, CBD has more advantages due to its non-psychotropic nature with anti-inflammatory and modest antioxidant properties.

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis: Is CBD or THC Preferable?

Among several cannabinoid constituents, THC and CBD are considered to be the important cannabinoids that act hand-in-hand to treat various illnesses. THC elicits anti-nociceptive effects, including against neuropathic pain, whereas CBD and THC both exert anti-inflammatory action. CBD has been shown to delay the the progression of RA and improve clinical symptoms.

In acute and chronic inflammatory pain models, CB2 receptors have been implicated in anti-nociception more than CB1 receptors. The expression of CB2 receptors in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) in RA models has been documented by molecular biological studies. According to these studies, the expression of pro-inflammatory IL-6, matrix metalloproteinases, mRNA and CB2 receptor proteins were higher in synovial tissue and FLS in RA patients, as compared to unaffected individuals. The expression of CB2 receptors was found to be upregulated by IL-1β and TNF-α in RA joints. Synthetic CB2 receptor agonists inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines and also matrix metalloproteinases in FLS, suggesting the pathophysiological and therapeutic role of CB2 receptors and their agonists. The anti-nociceptive action of cannabinoids is not only based on cannabinoid receptors, but also by its action on atypical receptors, such as GPR55. An experimental acute joint pain study observed that GPR55 agonists significantly reduced firing of pain-causing C-fibres, but the benefit was not influenced or altered by administration of CB1 and CB2 receptor modulators. This study clearly suggests the involvement of atypical receptors in joint nociception, and the CB receptor-independent therapeutic role of cannabinoids in the treatment of inflammatory joint pain.

Taken together, CB2 receptor-targeting CBD is the preferable choice over THC in terms of both efficacy and safety.

Cannabinoids Treat RA by Alleviating Inflammation and Pain

Anti-marijuana activists prefer to quote some review studies that are unable to see the clinical evidence to recommend cannabis as a treatment for RA. However, these studies did observe some benefits in terms of pain relief and better sleep quality. The authors of the study acknowledged that almost of the studies included for the review were highly biased due to small patient population, heterogeneity in rheumatic conditions and clinical products employed, as well as lack of comparative studies with phytocannabinoids, which can lead to limited conclusions on the effects of cannabinoids in RA patients. Hence these studies should not be considered as a valid conclusion; instead, we should look into the molecular pharmacological studies of cannabinoids.

Despite the fact that cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, including as an analgesic, the clinical trial development has been hindered by legal tangles. To avoid these problems, it is good to investigate the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD, which is a potent immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory agent.

CBD has been shown to be anti-arthritic and anti-hyperalgesic by decreasing the release of PGE2, free radicals, IFN-γ, TNF-α, NO and COX activity and also via modulation of microglial density and p38 MAPK activity in the dorsal spinal cord. Suppression of these pro-inflammatory cytokines by CBD can reduce pain, edema and inflammation, and treat rheumatoid arthritis associated pain. The therapeutic action of CBD in RA studies appears to be dose-dependent, as evidenced by a bell-shaped curve, and optimally moderate doses have been found to be effective. While some studies were unable to show statistically significant results, they did show histological evidence of CBD-induced joint protection and amelioration of clinical RA.

Interestingly, some studies reported that administration of moderate doses of CBD in healthy humans resulted in elevation of plasma cortisol levels. Cortisol is anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive in nature, which could add more teeth for the treatment of RA.

Significant and extended-duration analgesic benefit was observed in RA after use of standardized whole plant extract, with a definitive ratio and dose of THC and CBD. Suppressed pain was believed to be a central effect (brain-related) with inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines was observed. Improved sleep pattern can be considered as a clinical bonus, which is not due to hypnotic effect but extended pain relief.

Both THC and CBD can be used to treat RA, as both have anti-inflammatory effects. If the whole plant extract contains a moderate ratio and dose of THC, it is also desirable to treat chronic pain disorders, including arthritis. According to an experimental study, co-administration of Δ9-THC with morphine synergistically improved arthritis symptoms with lesser risk of developing tolerance. A human clinical trial that involved 58 RA patients employed 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC and compared the results with a placebo and found that both cannabinoids significantly improved the symptoms, suggesting the ‘entourage effect’. The undesirable side effects of THC may be negated by CBD, while both provide valuable therapeutic benefits without causing notable side effects.

Considering this evidence, it is clear that cannabinoids possess therapeutic potential to treat RA by eliciting potent anti-inflammatory action in the affected knee and other joint(s) linings without causing tolerance. By effectively managing pain and inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis patients can have better quality of life with improved sleep quality and better movement.

Is it More Beneficial to Use Whole Plant Cannabis or Isolated Pharmaceutical-Grade Cannabinoid Compounds?

Marijuana has been used by humans for 12,000 years for the treatment of pain, but the herb has never been pharmacologically evaluated in clinical trials until the last two decades. Ancient Chinese literature, written 4000 years ago, concluded that cannabis ‘undoes rheumatism’. Cannabis research studies justify clinical trials and pharmacologically-formulated medical cannabis use over traditional use for medicinal purposes. Clinical trials on synthetic cannabinoids could be helpful to understand the mechanism of action and pharmacology in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

However, the usage and benefits of whole plants should not be shunned, considering the ‘entourage effect’ of different cannabinoids present in the whole plant. For better understanding, controlled clinical trials should be conducted to compare the benefits of whole-plant products, purified constituents and synthetic compounds.

Herbal cannabis contains more than 60 different cannabinoids, which interact with each other to provide synergistic benefits and also antagonize the side effects. Based on the available evidence, we can see that using whole plant cannabis with prescription medications may provide the best results. The blended medicinal benefits of THC and CBD may work synergistically with prescription pharmaceuticals to provide significant and extended pain relief by suppressing inflammation and preventing further destruction of bone joints.
I picked up some CBD cream, it's a full spectrum extract in the salve, and there are some herbal oils like lavender and such. Anyway, my ankles were swelling up from some arthiitis something serious, but the salve did take down the swelling. I don't usually find vaping flower helps too much with arthritis beyond helping me cope with it. lol
I picked up some CBD cream, it's a full spectrum extract in the salve, and there are some herbal oils like lavender and such. Anyway, my ankles were swelling up from some arthiitis something serious, but the salve did take down the swelling. I don't usually find vaping flower helps too much with arthritis beyond helping me cope with it. lol
I've found topicals can help a lot with inflammation. But they do nothing for intense bone or nerve pain. For that I believe ingesting it works better.

And you're right in that cannabis doesn't take the pain away. But it lessens it some how; perhaps by taking our mind off it?

Isn't that, ultimately, what some opioids do? I had a dentist explain how hydrocodone works to me once. He told me that it makes you forget the pain rather than taking it away.

I found that interesting....
Yeah, it's like my mind has the ability to think around or beyond what is troubling me when I use cannabis. There are interesting side effects, especially since this is one of the main uses for the medicine. Thankfully I usually enjoy the side effects.
Cannabis Could Be Reversing Damage to Arthritic Joints

Patients report that cannabis puts arthritis into remission, so the Arthritis Society funds the research to find out if it’s true.

There’s good news for the 54 million people who suffer from arthritis: A study commissioned by The Arthritis Society is investigating avenues toward developing breakthrough therapies using medical cannabis.

Canadian researcher, Dr. Jason McDougall, received a Strategic Operating Grant from the organization to complete a three-year study on the ability of cannabis to effectively repair arthritic joints. McDougall is a professor of pharmacology and anesthesia at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and one of the world’s foremost pain researchers.

The study aims to discover if cannabis-based medicine does more than simply dulls pain for arthritis suffers—what if it can actually reverse the damage? It’s the first research funded by the organization to look directly into therapies derived from medical cannabis.

“People living with arthritis pain are looking for alternatives to improve their quality of life,” said Janet Yale, president and CEO of The Arthritis Society. “We need research to help answer the many important questions around medical cannabis and its use. Our goal is to give Canadians the ability to make informed choices about their treatment options and to give physicians evidence-based guidelines to make treatment recommendations for their patients. This project is an important step to achieving these goals.”

The research builds on previous work from Chinese scientists who found that not only do arthritic joints contain extremely high concentrations of CB2 receptors, but that those sites also suggest a pathway for treatment.

What is a CB2 receptor? In layman’s terms, CB2 is a molecule in the cell wall that acts as a doorway for cannabinoids to enter the cell. It’s the cell’s way of flagging down helpful particles that circulate past it during the day-to-day functioning of the body.

While the body produces its own endocannabinoids that can attach and work on a cell through CB2 receptors, cannabis-based medicine also has the ability to walk through the same door. Researchers believe this may be the reason why cannabis is effective in treating disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.

The thinking goes like this: If cannabis-based medicine can use CB2 receptors to move inside of cells and directly affect the firing of pain signals in the joints, can the medicine also repair joint damage while it’s there?

There are plenty of reasons to think so.

A study in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B found that the body’s endocannabinoid system releases antioxidants that help repair damaged cells when it becomes triggered by outside cannabinoids.

And anecdotal evidence, such as the story of a Maine woman whose use of cannabis smoothies led to so much relief that her rheumatoid arthritis symptoms went into remission, provide further thought-provoking justifications to delve deeper into the treatment possibilities of cannabis.

What’s more: businesses are jumping on the bandwagon. Canadian medical cannabis companies Aphria, Inc. and the Peace Naturals Project have each pledged $100,000 to the Arthritis Society in order to help foot the bill for Dr. McDougall’s research. When the market is bullish on new research, it’s a good sign for sufferers.

The reality is that cannabinoid receptors play a crucial role in the regulating the body’s immune system. What’s not clear is exactly how they operate. From a strictly biological perspective, auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic disorders like osteoarthritis don’t make much sense. Why would the body attack itself or be unable repair such crucial functions, like joint dexterity? The discovery of cannabinoid receptors at inflammatory sites may provide an answer.

Thanks to a litany of previous works in this arena, McDougall’s team already knows that cannabis-based medicines act directly on CB2 sites and suppress inflammation and pain by mediating immune responses at the sites of inflammation. This suggests that the body’s reaching out for molecules to help it reconstruct its vital elements.

The next step will be to see if changes to the medicine create different responses in the body. If researchers can discovery new ways in which cannabinoid receptors take up or use medicines, it could open a window of treatment possibilities. So much of our current knowledge is in the theoretical sphere, with most doctors and patients simply thankful for effective pain treatment—whether it’s understood or not is a secondary concern.

However, as our knowledge of the body’s endocannabinoid system grows, and we look further into the means by which cannabis-based medicines reduce inflammation and affect nerves, we’re likely to discover novel ways of treatment—and possible ways to reverse the long-lasting joint damage of arthritis.

While McDougall’s research has yet to be completed, the results are expected soon.
New Study Suggests Cannabis May Be Used to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cannabis may be an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new studypublished in the journal Current Opinion in Rheumatology. Researchers, who noted that “an increasing number of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are using cannabis to treat their symptoms,” wrote that “cannabinoids could be a suitable treatment for RA” and called for further study into the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD.

Dr. Benjamin Caplan, a family physician and cannabis specialist, told Forbes that he has helped thousands of seniors use cannabinoid therapies to treat arthritis.

“I have patients with mild joint pain that can be satisfactorily addressed with a topical cannabis treatment,” Caplan said. “Others are nearly incapacitated, taking multiple medications for incomplete relief, and welcome any additional option that will help them cope with the pain and anxiety associated with their condition, and improve their quality of life.”

Caplan said that researchers were only beginning to learn how cannabis is able to relieve pain safely and effectively.

“We don’t quite understand the all the details of how it works, but we do know that cannabis is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and that it operates in a different way than other anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, steroids, or even the biological options available for treating RA and other autoimmune diseases,” he said. “These traditional drug treatments can cause severe side-effects, many of which we do not see with cannabis.”

Cannabis Presents New Options in Health Care
Caplan said that the variety of cannabis products, dosages, and methods of ingestion available make cannabis an attractive option for some patients, noting that “one of the nice things about cannabis is that the wide range of choices at reputable dispensaries creates a lot of opportunity for flexibility and success for many different types of people with a wide range of ailments.”

“Fortunately, all of these options and opportunities for flexibility rest on cannabis’ high safety profile,” he added. “From this foundation of safety, armed with education, the potential benefits to patients often outweigh the risks.”

The doctor said that he believes that many patients are longing for new alternatives to effectively treat their health care challenges naturally.

“We are stuck in a paternalistic medical system that is dehumanizing people,” said Caplan. “We have a broken medical system that strips patients of autonomy and power over their own illness, and that in and of itself is unhealthy. We all know it, but it has been a very difficult thing to fix. Healing with cannabis does not follow a traditional model, where a physician authority decides what the right choice is for a patient. Instead it’s a process undertaken by the patient with the physician’s guidance.”
I was diagnosed with a panoply of rheumatoid conditions, one of which, scleroderma, causes hardening of the skin and connective tissue. This healthy tissue gets replaced with scar tissue, and various joints in my hands and wrists were becoming solid. I was losing use of my hands, and was seeing an occupational therapist to try and keep my fingers flexible. This was but one condition among many that was painful and confounding. Joy of joy, when the heretofore unknown contamination of my person by various medications, chemicals and God knows what all, ceased, my various conditions improved dramatically to where not only do I not have many of these conditions, but it is likely I never did.
While great news, that I was likely being poisoned for years, so I didn't have Scleroderma, Lupus, Sjogrens syndrome, and mixed connective tissue disorder, etc. I'm left with the scar tissue which came from the serious inflammation of the joints, as well as the adhesions from hand surgery. I'm curious to see if continued use of cannabis through vapor and topicals will help. The use of edibles becomes more attractive in this context. My dexterity has improved dramatically, now that my Other Son has gone, and the use of my person as a toxic dump has ceased. There is still stiffness and pain, but there is visible improvement. I'm curious what my next set of X-rays will show. Can cannabis reverse that type of damage?
I have ordered a paraffin wax warmer large enough for my feet and will be using it for my hands as well. My chiropractor suggested it. Warmth seems to help as well as the cannabis. Also using turmeric.
I love turmeric, except for how it stains. You should get relief from a wax warmer. I have one and use it for my hands. The only downside is the time it takes for the wax to melt. If it were big enough, I'd climb in. The warmth is bliss.

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