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Tek Dry Ice Hash Tutorial


Leaf Dawg
This is a simple solvent free recipe for hash. If you feel this is too much to read, I've posted a 6 minute video at the bottom of the post.


Three different grades of hash collected in only 15 minutes!


  • What You Need to Make Dry Ice Hash
    • One sanitized 5 gallon bucket
    • Cannabis trim/bud
    • 3lbs of dry ice
      • You may need more or less depending on how much bud/trim you use. 3lbs will cover a little to at least 6oz.
      • Click here to go to a page that will let you search for dry ice in your area.
    • Bubble bags/Hash Bags/Pollen Bags
      • You'll need 3 sizes for this tutorial: 73, 160, 220. These sizes are standard for this type of bag.
    • Thick, insulating sturdy gloves
      • No latex gloves, you need protection against -109.3°F cold. Snow gloves or BBQ gloves will do the trick.
    • A scraping tool
      • A unused paint scraper works great, but a credit card will do.
    • A large, CLEAN, flat surface
      • This will collect your hash, so make sure it's clean!

Step-By-Step: How to Make Your Own Dry Ice Hash
Basically you just shake a hash bag full of cannabis + dry ice and piles of resin will start raining out!

You've got your materials together and you know how to handle dry ice... let's have some fun!

  1. Dump your (ground up) cannabis and dry ice into the 5 gallon bucket.

  2. Take the size 73 hash/bubble/pollen bag and fit it over the opening of the bucket, then shake and swirl the bucket around for 3-4 minutes. The process of shaking the cannabis around with dry ice freezes the resin so it starts breaking off from the cannabis and is more easily collected.

  3. Turn the bucket upside-down, emptying both the dry ice and cannabis into the hash bag, with the mesh side facing down.

  4. Shake the bag over a clean flat surface.

    This will cause resin to sift through the mesh part of the bag and fall out onto the surface like it's raining resin! Keep shaking until you don't see any resin falling out or you just can't shake anymore :)

  5. Use your scraper to collect the newly fallen resin into a pile and transfer it into a container of your choice.

  6. Dump the cannabis and dry ice back into the bucket and repeat steps 2-5 with the size 160 pollen bag. Then again with the 220 bag.
You should now have 3 grades of your own solvent-free, homemade hash: 73 (pure resin), 160 (not as pure but still really good stuff), and 220 (it's super fragrant and super free!). Enjoy!

FYI: Hash can be sprinkled over bud, vaporized, smoked directly with a screen, and mixed into joints. If you're unfamiliar with hash, starting slowly will help ensure you don't use too much - this stuff is powerful!


This is a simple solvent free recipe for hash. If you feel this is too much to read, I've posted a 6 minute video at the bottom of the post.


Three different grades of hash collected in only 15 minutes!


  • What You Need to Make Dry Ice Hash
    • One sanitized 5 gallon bucket
    • Cannabis trim/bud
    • 3lbs of dry ice
      • You may need more or less depending on how much bud/trim you use. 3lbs will cover a little to at least 6oz.
      • Click here to go to a page that will let you search for dry ice in your area.
    • Bubble bags/Hash Bags/Pollen Bags
      • You'll need 3 sizes for this tutorial: 73, 160, 220. These sizes are standard for this type of bag.
    • Thick, insulating sturdy gloves
      • No latex gloves, you need protection against -109.3°F cold. Snow gloves or BBQ gloves will do the trick.
    • A scraping tool
      • A unused paint scraper works great, but a credit card will do.
    • A large, CLEAN, flat surface
      • This will collect your hash, so make sure it's clean!

Step-By-Step: How to Make Your Own Dry Ice Hash
Basically you just shake a hash bag full of cannabis + dry ice and piles of resin will start raining out!

You've got your materials together and you know how to handle dry ice... let's have some fun!

  1. Dump your (ground up) cannabis and dry ice into the 5 gallon bucket.

  2. Take the size 73 hash/bubble/pollen bag and fit it over the opening of the bucket, then shake and swirl the bucket around for 3-4 minutes. The process of shaking the cannabis around with dry ice freezes the resin so it starts breaking off from the cannabis and is more easily collected.

  3. Turn the bucket upside-down, emptying both the dry ice and cannabis into the hash bag, with the mesh side facing down.

  4. Shake the bag over a clean flat surface.

    This will cause resin to sift through the mesh part of the bag and fall out onto the surface like it's raining resin! Keep shaking until you don't see any resin falling out or you just can't shake anymore :)

  5. Use your scraper to collect the newly fallen resin into a pile and transfer it into a container of your choice.

  6. Dump the cannabis and dry ice back into the bucket and repeat steps 2-5 with the size 160 pollen bag. Then again with the 220 bag.
You should now have 3 grades of your own solvent-free, homemade hash: 73 (pure resin), 160 (not as pure but still really good stuff), and 220 (it's super fragrant and super free!). Enjoy!

FYI: Hash can be sprinkled over bud, vaporized, smoked directly with a screen, and mixed into joints. If you're unfamiliar with hash, starting slowly will help ensure you don't use too much - this stuff is powerful!


A few things I need to point out here. Dry Ice Hash is something that I have done before many times, but is also a practice that I abandoned long ago. The dry ice is actually counter-productive to extracting only the resin (ie: full melt) from the plant material.

Dry ice causes the plant material to rapidly dry out and become ultra brittle. Even light shaking will utterly pulverize the material. The 73 micron collection from dry ice hash done in the above fashion will be the best collection of the 3, but it will not be 'pure resin' (which would be full melt).

The reason for this is even gentle agitation as above for only 1 minute (not even 3-4 mins!) is enough to turn a lot of the inactive plant material from the nugs to dust. This dust is basically ultra-finely ground herb, and will go through your screens. I have some old 300x shots of 73u dry ice hash done in this fashion (agitated for 1 minute, not 3-4) somewhere which I can hopefully dig up to show how far from pure resin this is.

However (and this is a big however!) you can still get good hash using this method. Better than grinder kief and quicker too. If you are a fan of non-full melt hashes (despite the amount of time I spend talking about my love of full melt, I love non fully melting hash too!), this is a very quick and easy way to get hash and I do recommend this method in that case. If you want to make genuinely pure resin, that is full melt, avoid dry ice like the plague :twocents:

One final thing I will point out here is that using bubble bags as above is not ideal for dry sifting. Bubble bags are designed to hold their pore size/diameter under water, and the pores in the screen are very difficult to get sitting 'just so' (if the screen is too tight or too loose, the pores will be stretched/skewed and will not filter efficiently) when you are using bubblebags to dry sift without water. It is always better to use purpose made dry sift screens, which are spread in an ideal way to achieve uniform and desired pore sizes across the screen for the most efficient sifting possible. Purpose made dry sift screens can be similarly priced to bubblebag kits IME.
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A few things I need to point out here. Dry Ice Hash is something that I have done before many times, but is also a practice that I abandoned long ago. The dry ice is actually counter-productive to extracting only the resin (ie: full melt) from the plant material.

Dry ice causes the plant material to rapidly dry out and become ultra brittle. Even light shaking will utterly pulverize the material. The 73 micron collection from dry ice hash done in the above fashion will be the best collection of the 3, but it will not be 'pure resin' (which would be full melt).

The reason for this is even gentle agitation as above for only 1 minute (not even 3-4 mins!) is enough to turn a lot of the inactive plant material from the nugs to dust. This dust is basically ultra-finely ground herb, and will go through your screens. I have some old 300x shots of 73u dry ice hash done in this fashion (agitated for 1 minute, not 3-4) somewhere which I can hopefully dig up to show how far from pure resin this is.

However (and this is a big however!) you can still get good hash using this method. Better than grinder kief and quicker too. If you are a fan of non-full melt hashes (despite the amount of time I spend talking about my love of full melt, I love non fully melting hash too!), this is a very quick and easy way to get hash and I do recommend this method in that case. If you want to make genuinely pure resin, that is full melt, avoid dry ice like the plague :twocents:

One final thing I will point out here is that using bubble bags as above is not ideal for dry sifting. Bubble bags are designed to hold their pore size/diameter under water, and the pores in the screen are very difficult to get sitting 'just so' (if the screen is too tight or too loose, the pores will be stretched/skewed and will not filter efficiently) when you are using bubblebags to dry sift without water. It is always better to use purpose made dry sift screens, which are spread in an ideal way to achieve uniform and desired pore sizes across the screen for the most efficient sifting possible. Purpose made dry sift screens can be similarly priced to bubblebag kits IME.
And what can replace bubble bags?

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VGoodiez 420EDC