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I've been in here for 3 days all I asked for was a f****** shower
I understand. And I'll bet that would feel great. But they have a reason for not allowing it. Now... it may not seem like a good reason to you but I'm pretty sure they'd rather not be smelling you than denying you.... if you get my drift. :smile: Hey... maybe you'll get a sponge bath out of it... :razz2:
I understand. And I'll bet that would feel great. But they have a reason for not allowing it. Now... it may not seem like a good reason to you but I'm pretty sure they'd rather not be smelling you than denying you.... if you get my drift. :smile: Hey... maybe you'll get a sponge bath out of it... :razz2:
I guess I caused enough of the scene the doctor just came in to prove my shower.
No thanks on the sponge bath. She offered me a bucket and a sponge..
She actually asked me how I got here and said I'm not cuffed to the bed. A real bitch.....
If it wasn't for the big fight I'd get at home I'd be out of here.
Only thing I learned from this is experience next time I feel like s*** to keep my mouth shut.
Just ride
it out like I always do.
Next ti.e I come here it will be in an ambulance or a gurney.
I can guarantee that.

Fuck me I'll just shut the fuck up.im sure nobody wants to read this shit.
@Melting Pot we all need to vent some times. Lol... if you can't vent in the 'Fuck You' thread, where can you vent?

I'm glad you got that shower. Hope it makes you feel a little better. :smile:
Doctor just came and signed my discharge I think they want me out of here.
Well cardiology sign me off now I gotta wait for the doctor.
I'm in a foul mood. So signing off.
Everyone have a great day.
From my quail hunting buddy, Maggie the Guide Trainee, and yours truly.

I just put Quail on the menu for a private party of 8, give me some! u all look happy. fuckers
Haha….how are preparing them.

And depending on what you have as sides, either 2 or 3 per person is plenty.

I brought home 40 cleaned and frozen quail. You anywhere near Maryland? Haha
nothing too fancy may do a blasamic reduction sauce for them, fry up some skinny noodles as a nest and also use some Quail eggs died in beet juice. still on the fence, but the quail will be grilled for sure.

nah im in the Hudson Valley.. shoot! next time B.
I like them fried...soak in butter milk and LOTS of hot sauce then flower and fry.... but I also like them grilled. I just like quail.

Good luck on your dinner....it sounds great.
Fuck you to the garbage can too close to the road. It must have been still full. I hit my mirror. The back part of the mirror went flying. I saw something fly into a field. When I got home I saw the damage. The wires are all exposed. No damage to the controls or video camera ( passenger side).
Taking my car in to get fixed today. Too much money! About $500 to get fixed bummer. My fault for not paying attention. So Fuck you to me!
This kinda ruins my serenity for the afternoon. I had bought a couple cartridges on April 19th this past week. I opened the 1st cartridge started using it then opened the other one yesterday. I didn’t even try it out it was leaking from the bottom. It’s not usable.

Today I tried to take it back and get another one at my local pot shop that I’ve been going to for at least 7 years. They get budtenders in and out so you don’t get to know them that well. I was told I was past the 72 hour of the no return point so no take backs. Well, I was pissed! These two budtenders have no clout to do anything. They both were in their early 20s. I will be contacting the manager tomorrow. I’ve spent thousands of dollars at this store. If I don’t get satisfaction I will not go back.. Talk about selling me an inferior product that unusable!

They suggest that I open the cartridges right after I buy them at home. Then bring back if any problems.
I have a suspicion that they are reselling me this cartridge. It was the last berrilicious that they had. They acted like the company that they buy the cartridges from doesn’t reimburse. i read up on leaky carts and it’s the producers fault. They either overfill or the bottom isn’t on tight enough. It’s a manufacturers flaw. I feel really like they should have made things right. It wasn’t that far past the 72 hours. I had know idea it would be a problem. Fuck You pot shop! I will not mention their name on here. You owe me $34.

I feel so much better now,
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VGoodiez 420EDC