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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)


They love each other.
I am very relieved to be able to take pictures of my "Rocket Man" today!
I was able to work on my camera for a couple of days, and while it still shows an "E91:01" on the screen I can snap daylight pictures.
That code means that the camera is not sending a signal to the flash, but I have had no luck finding a repair shop willing to take on the project.
While it will not allow me to make setting adjustments, when the light is right, it's all go.
Here's my buddy!

Above: Waiting to go play

Above: Just Rocky being a good boy

Above: Rocky daring me to try and catch him
The Sony CyberShot camera that I like sells for $228 to $300 used and in good condition.
I got mine from the same seller... a "loss leader" to interest people randomly in his online Amazon shop. In EXCELLENT condition, I paid $56 and could not be happier.
Once again, I am able to share family photos!
Cornelius, with Gnathotheca (lower beak) grown back... No longer a danger thanks to surgical intervention, but ready for it to be trimmed again.
DSC00191 (1).jpg

Now the moods of young Rocket Man (now 92 pounds):
Resentful because I'm aiming the camera at Cornelius instead of at him:

Happy to be alive:

Invitation "to the dance" (play time):

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VGoodiez 420EDC