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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

When Rocket Man came into my life I was told by the Sanctuary"s Veterinarian that he was a German Shepherd and Akita Hybrid.
I had no reason to doubt this, due to his large size, and various Akita attributes.
I was given a gift of a DNA test from one of America's most popular DNA search companies.
They even had a section asking for everything I had heard about his history.
Looking at their website and results, I saw many sample reports, telling of the dog's main breeds and often many .02% and 5% donors. Once in a while I had seen purebreds results showing one simple donor.
I truly expected to see, a small % of other breeds in Rocky's makeup.
I did learn that there is no Akita there at all.
Here's Rocky's Report:
DNA Rocket .jpg
I wanted to share Rocky's new quirky but cute behavior.
His bed is next to my bed, right by the bed's head.
During the day while I am on the computer, he moves his bed next to my chair to stay close... and at night he brings it back to the bed's head.


Either my bed is really small or he's really large! (101 pounds ...the same as Dusty was)
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VGoodiez 420EDC