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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

My poor boy... he ran so fast and hard last evening that he sliced a layer of his pad... about the size of a dime. It hung there. Under Veterinarian's direction I cut it off, cleaned it with antiseptic , and bandaged it. The whole deal is covered with a white sock. He let me cover it, and has been tolerant with a fresh dressing this morning. He's being a trooper, and as recommended there is no rough play. He's being a perfect patient for such a rowdy fellow!
Photo on 10-15-23 at 2.17 PM.jpg
My poor boy... he ran so fast and hard last evening that he sliced a layer of his pad... about the size of a dime. It hung there. Under Veterinarian's direction I cut it off, cleaned it with antiseptic , and bandaged it. The whole deal is covered with a white sock. He let me cover it, and has been tolerant with a fresh dressing this morning. He's being a trooper, and as recommended there is no rough play. He's being a perfect patient for such a rowdy fellow!
View attachment 49582
Poor baby…. Hope he heals quickly.

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