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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

@bulllee you have a sweet fur family.... :smile:

I haven't been able to talk about it for a couple weeks... but I had to put my boy Cos down. He went into liver failure and it went quick. But having to do this 'curbside' was more than a little disturbing...

He was such a good boy....

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I know how things are. Hard to say without getting emotional. He looks like a really good boy. Rest assured that his time with you was cherished and beloved. There's just something about that bond between parents and pets. I think it's called unconditional LOVE. :peace:
Ozzy was a rescue kitty, when we got him he was huge! He didn't do too much of anything just waddle around, way too fat and not eating good food. After some TLC and a diet he turned out to be a criminal mastermind from a huge cartel dealing in counterfeit catnip! He gets into trouble all the time. :lmao:
IMG_0299 (1).JPG

The prophet was so grateful to his cat that he stroked her back to give cats the ability to land on their feet, and placed his hand on her head marking an M. From that point on, every tabby cat born had an “M” on the forehead to remind the world of Mohammed's love for cats and to always respect our feline - a legend

I hadn’t realized until about 6 months ago that tabby’s all have an M on their foreheads
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