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Glass Glass Function Thread

Those slow-mo shots look great, I don`t have a recycler yet, any link to purchase?
I want a nice tall recycler or dab rig of some description for dabs while standing at the workbench and came across this and thought about this old thread and how my gas has been in remission,

The seller has the best feedback rating I have seen for an unknown to me seller(better than most I deal with TBH)!
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I want a nice tall recycler or dab rig of some description for dabs while standing at the workbench and came across this and thought about this old thread and how my gas has been in remission,
This one looks nice and has some crazy function. The base looks nice and sturdy. The only area that concerns me (and looks a little 'thin') is this support.....seems like it could snap easily.

Now that I seem to dab more than ever I have been looking at....dab rigs and like the look of this,

Pity about the heft price tag...I will keep an eye out for a sale!
Now that I seem to dab more than ever I have been looking at....dab rigs and like the look of this,
That is nice... but you could get a custom piece for that amount.... including shipping. I don't know that it's worth it.

I have a couple of dab rigs that I love. Both made by U.S. blowers. One was $120 (by Rick Bird Barry) and the other was $250 (by Goliath). That's as high as I'm willing to go for any rig that I could break taking it out of the box lol.
These guys had it for US$350 (US$150 less than the Ozbong above) plus postage but are currently sold out,

I have it set up for them to email me when back in stock as I am in no rush...still a few months until my 3 year anniversary of quitting tobacco and combusting and that is worth a reward in my opinion!
The tobacco I used to buy is now AU$107 (US$70) a pack (50g pouch of roll your own) and I used to go through 2 packs a week so the above bong represents less than a months worth of smoking in dollar terms!
These guys had it for US$350 (US$150 less than the Ozbong above) plus postage but are currently sold out,

I have it set up for them to email me when back in stock as I am in no rush...still a few months until my 3 year anniversary of quitting tobacco and combusting and that is worth a reward in my opinion!
The tobacco I used to buy is now AU$107 (US$70) a pack (50g pouch of roll your own) and I used to go through 2 packs a week so the above bong represents less than a months worth of smoking in dollar terms!
Congrats on quitting. Been about 15 years for me and so glad I did it a long time ago. What a gross and expensive habit!

Pick yourself up something nice! You deserve it!
I have it set up for them to email me when back in stock as I am in no rush...still a few months until my 3 year anniversary of quitting tobacco and combusting and that is worth a reward in my opinion!
The tobacco I used to buy is now AU$107 (US$70) a pack (50g pouch of roll your own) and I used to go through 2 packs a week so the above bong represents less than a months worth of smoking in dollar terms!
Well... when you put it like that...... :thumbsup:
It is still crazy money for a bong though!

Yes & no Les. I look at my pieces & the cost during my ownership is cents per day & steadily reducing. Sounds to me like you deserve to treat youself to a nice recycler :idon'tknow:
Rattle Cans rule! My first ever video upload, @momofthegoons or @Stevenski can delete it if I have done anything wrong (like show who I am etc), here goes,
Got the Kromedome recycler out for a run, 444f on the halo dish,

It was a bit harsh and I remembered @felvapes advice and added a bit of water.
3 more water add attempts and this is just about right as I could pull harder as it was a lot smoother... shown by my sign at the end it was working well,
At least this is a bit quieter than the above vids as my ultrasonic cleaner is not running, I will remember to turn it off when videoing from now on

Was less than impressed with the CCG 12" due to how restricted it is that I thought I would give the anhydra..waterless bong a go, still too restricting for my liking,444f,

Today's toy, the standard or small Matrix sidecar with a cleisen adapter to clear the dewer joint from Stevenimz, 444f,

And a bit more water, still 444f,
The old D020d is a pretty good all-rounder for about $25, my older example has a nice thick mouthpiece, something a lot of the newer ones don't have.

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VGoodiez 420EDC