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Glass Glass Function Thread

I like the look of the following and Calibear now ship free worldwide, double what I would pay though,

Function video,
But this looks like pretty good value, on sale for US$99.99(rrpUS$219.99)

89 bucks for non sandblasted, function video,
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Popular glass new FC-Mod (pg3057) with 9 hole perc,
Looks like that one has pretty smooth diffusion....
It hums nicely!
Here again with the 3-hole perc...more chuggy than hummy, almost like a rattle can...
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So my old FC-MOD body is quite a bit shorter as you can see the showerhead (headshow) perc is quite short so I need more water to reach it,

With the TIODW Mini (more airflow),
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This Grav has a nice-looking function, Has anybody used one?
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Just wanted to say the glass is very thin on this piece above, I knocked it over while empty on my silicone-covered wooden bench top and the mouthpiece parted ways with the body (the glass was paper thin at the join)...I will not be buying another (as I have others that I have broken in the past) as I am clumsy and it is too fragile for someone with butterfingers like me...it did function pretty well though.

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VGoodiez 420EDC