It's not difficult at all, but not the same process.... the one important factor is that when you make the THC version, you heat the herb with the oil. You do not do this for CBD oil; instead letting it infuse over time in a jar. And because of that, you might want to add a blend of oils rather than straight coconut oil. Coconut oil tends to solidify unless you use this type:
This seems to be a good recipe..... I've edited out the beginning that is all about needing to be a legal patient and to know your laws. I've skipped right to the recipe. To read the entire article just hit the link in the title.
The first step once you have your dried buds from a high CBD strain is to decarboxylate them. This is actually an optional but recommended step, as it will make more of the CBD bioavailable to the body. Luckily, it’s an easy process as well. Simply spread your buds out in a single layer on a sheet pan and bake at 230°F for 40 minutes.
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As you may have noticed, we did not trim all of the inner leaves off of these buds, because they were covered with crystals that we didn’t want to go to waste!
Then put your decarbed cannabis buds into a jar and completely cover them with the carrier oil of your choice. I used a blend of approximately 25% unrefined coconut oil, 25% sweet almond oil, and 50% extra virgin olive oil.
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Cover the jar with a lid and let sit in a dark place for several weeks. You may want to gently heat your oil a few times while it’s infusing, especially if you did not decarb your buds first. I like to do this in my Excalibur dehydrator, as it has excellent temperature control. I don’t like to heat my oils at too high of a temperature in order to preserve the quality of the oil and to keep it from going rancid. This is not as much of an issue if you are making edibles rather than topicals, as they are generally consumed within a much shorter amount of time.
After a few weeks, strain the buds out of your oil. If you want to make a super strong CBD infused oil, place a second round of decarbed buds into the oil and repeat the process.
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You will end up with a highly fragrant and beautiful CBD rich oil!
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There are many amazing uses for this oil, but the most popular use is probably for its pain relieving properties.