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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy I didn't know that!

Slow steady march to soylent green
Did they actually say what was in the sandwich?
The fast food and ultra processed food pandemic is a very real thing..
They say we see it now how people saw smoking in the 40's...
We know its bad but are being lied to about just how bad...
Its a form of control by the governments... they want us unhealthy and reliant on pharma drugs.. its all money..
In the 80s the majority of food bought was ingredients to make meals.. now its nearly all just brightly packeged fast food shit...
And there are many many ingredients that they legally dont have to list...
If you value your health and want to live a longer stronger life, only eat whole foods..
If it comes packeged dont buy it...
They dont want us to realise it, but you can fight of almost and disease or infection with diet alone... even the one we cannot speak of...
I littlerally dont get sick ever.. even surrounded by snotty potent kid germs..

Oh and spend good money on good meat and eggs ect.. makes a huge difference.. dont buy farmed fish either..

So yeah.. fuck subway, mcdonalds and all these poisonous wankers...

Stay healthy people....
The fast food and ultra processed food pandemic is a very real thing..
They say we see it now how people saw smoking in the 40's...
We know its bad but are being lied to about just how bad...
Its a form of control by the governments... they want us unhealthy and reliant on pharma drugs.. its all money..
In the 80s the majority of food bought was ingredients to make meals.. now its nearly all just brightly packeged fast food shit...
And there are many many ingredients that they legally dont have to list...
If you value your health and want to live a longer stronger life, only eat whole foods..
If it comes packeged dont buy it...
They dont want us to realise it, but you can fight of almost and disease or infection with diet alone... even the one we cannot speak of...
I littlerally dont get sick ever.. even surrounded by snotty potent kid germs..

Oh and spend good money on good meat and eggs ect.. makes a huge difference.. dont buy farmed fish either..

So yeah.. fuck subway, mcdonalds and all these poisonous wankers...

Stay healthy people....

Over here its called shopping the perimeter
All the produce and fresh meats are put along the perimeter of the interior of the store
The aisles in the middle contain most of the packaged food (sugar, triglycerides and salt)
My diet has switched to an Asian and Mediterranean diet focused on vegetables

Still want to know what was in the "TUNA" sandwich
I don't eat any cold cuts or processed meat (goodbye spam, camping staple)

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VGoodiez 420EDC