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Lunacy I didn't know that!

Interesting I never knew this. Now I feel differently about them.

“My friend grew up in New England where they have pigeons. Apparently they also hate them. He was always saying bad things about pigeons until I pointed something out that he never thought of before.”

“We domesticated pigeons. They are (nearly) all over the world because HUMANS BROUGHT THEM THERE. And, they were more than pets. They carried messages. People raced them. They lived spoiled lives as honored human companions for centuries.

Then we got telephones and we threw them out like trash.

Literally, we threw them away.

Their species had already been fully domesticated and they could not survive in the wild; they lost all their survival instincts during the centuries that they lived caged by people.

That is why they live in cities with people instead of in a forest somewhere. It’s OUR fault. And not only did we throw them away, but now humans curse them as “winged rats;” casting them as pests.

But they don’t know how to live without us, and their instincts tell us that they should trust us. So, they continue to come up to humans and beg for food, because it’s the only survival skill left in their genes.

They love us because they were bred by us to feel that way, and yet we hate them.”


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