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Lunacy I'm Not A Prepper

Anyone interested just send me a PM

-“ That tab ain’t going to earn itself”

-“ You will be so tough you will have to shave with a chainsaw “

-“ You will fight tigers on the water “

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Anyone interested just send me a PM

-“ That tab ain’t going to earn itself”

-“ You will be so tough you will have to shave with a chainsaw “

-“ You will fight tigers on the water “

My gramps went up the cliffs at Pointe du hoc.
Took one in the throat going up from a 9mm point blank.
He still had that pistol and the leather overcoat of the officer who fired that round.
One tough,mean resourceful bastard who also went to Bastogne.
Said he tied a rag around his booboo and didn't see medical for 3 days.
Not so many safe spaces for them.


the tarp: a must have survival tool
They do work very well, I still have mine in my TrucK; This is actually an improvement to the USGI Poncho, this is made of Dyneema, only weights 4.6 oz / 130 g
Do they still make them to be a shelter half like the ones back in my day?
I am with you........my days of voluntary ground sleeping are over.
I was in the south of FRANCE early part of the 90’s.
The tent I had was big but not like the comfort of a Hotel in PARIS ?
Da wave’s were perfect except the tourist’s were nude?
Had 2 look out at sea 2 stay focused of the wave’s?
The wine was top shelf at least!
I would rather this than a tarp or poncho...OKA,

Aussies know how to build an RV!
There are times to have a tent. There are times a tarp is sufficient.

I do like 4 walls around me. Scorpions & snakes dont bother me except when they bite. I've been stung & bit so many times in my sleep that I can actually tell fairly quickly if its venomous or not. I've been very fortunate. Well beyond any definition of the word. I've so much to be grateful for.

However, just to WHOM or WHAT am I grateful ?

Life's dilemma ? Gotta Stop! I'm RIPPED !
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OMG ! This truely busted me up out loud.

Ataxian, your a rip in the pants my friend. That just hit my funny bone.
@Jeff I surfed all over this planet including the 7 sea’s however where I live 2 hour’s north of the border where the feds hang
Nude beaches however the shoreline where I surfed in FRANCE was full of Nordic girl’s with tight bodies and bikini bottom’s & top’s on their beach towel’s. My KID’s cover their eye’s 2 surf the warm wave’s as they walked 2 the ocean!

EUROPE has no restrictions on nudity?
Sand on one’s flesh hurt’s regardless of location!
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Am I the only one who would rather die than live in a post-apocalyptic world?

Feel free to fry me up. Just..... not the butt.

You'll have to forgive the amateurishness of the connection of relevancy. I carried around equipment on this project.
Am I the only one who would rather die than live in a post-apocalyptic world?
Not me. At least I could grow some outdoor pot in peace!
I just upgraded my WoodScents battery with 200Ah lifepo4 prismatic cells controlled by a Daly BMS on a separate solar system from my house...not quite portable but self-sufficient (will also run all my w/shop DC gear). I am thinking of swapping my 10Kw grid-tie solar to batteries and am using the w/shop as a test/learning exercise...good fun!

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VGoodiez 420EDC