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Vape Introducing The Danivape by Battery-free-Ganz


Hi guys I'm new here... I want to introduce my DaniVape, a butan-powered portable vape made in Vietnam. 2 months ago since I launched DaniVape, I have received many positive feedbacks from customers around the world.

This product also has thermal disc so It will click at 200oC. you can overheat for a few seconds or move your flame near the airflow holes for heavier vapour. The tip is made by stainless steel 316 and silver ring is the place the flame will touch, you don't have to rotate device around while heating. The chamber (bowl) is up to 0.2g if you grind it and you will be able to extract it full in 1 long hit. Couch lock is not an option at this point :))

Price range: 59 - 77usd, depends on the version of stem (glass, titanium and wood)

This is my top 3 favorite feedbacks from customers on FC:

1/ "It is a truly “multirole”. Heating it on the silver ring will give you a nice soft and tasty vapour. Heating it on the bottom (below the ring, near the airflow holes) it will pounch hard with heavy milky vapour."

2/ "At first hit, puffs were nicely flavorful, and the load was lightly toasted. The second go about 15 minutes later (long enough for the tip to cool), I ran the flame right up on the tip, with half on the ring and half below it. Waited a few seconds after the click. Even though the vapor was cool, I could tell something was up. The clouds I exhaled were INSANE, and yes I said clouds plural. And then the next inhale was just as a big! And the next was about a third as big, before a click. The load exited fully roasted."

3/ "I'm really impressed. Through glass, with a single flame torch, I can get my 2019 dynavap stainless steel tip to produce clouds like this and fully roast a load in a hit or so. But, it's nowhere near as pleasant as the BFG, and not possible with the stem only, and you really risk combustion. And you don't get more than one."

P/s: the o-ring was big problem but it has been solved, we change silicon o-ring to viton o-ring and from that nobody complained about o-ring things anymore

P/s2: I have a website right now, its batteryfreeganz.com

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