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Accessories Magical Butter Machine


Vapor Accessory Addict
Staff member
I could not find a thread, do we need to start one?
And does that machine work with ABV?

Since you asked... :biggrin:


I've used the Magical Butter machine for about 5 years now; own the OG model and a newer version. They've made a few changes over the years and have more product accessories to offer than they did a few years back.

It's a handy tool for making butters, oils, tinctures and generally infusing any products. Sort of a heated blender on steroids lol...

Here's a little vid of my og model in action...

Yes... they are a bit loud. :lol: And I always feel like I should be listening to this when I use it...


The newest model, the MBe2, retails for $174.95 on the Magical Butter website. You can get $40 off if you use the code MBUU.

They've started offering several accessories in the last year; in addition to replacement filters, etc. I recently bought the Decarb box from them.... it will be used for the first time this weekend. It intrigued me because of the built in thermometer. Reviews have been mixed in the Facebook group... so we'll see.

And they are also now offering chocolate. Magical Butter claims that it is "specially formulated for adding herbal butters and oils." Haven't tried them myself.... would love to know if anyone here has? It's gotten some positive comments on the MBUU Facebook page.

So I'll start us off with the basics.... to make cannabutter my ratio is 1 oz. of good decarbed bud to 1 cup of butter. If using trim, I use 2 oz. If using abv, I use 3 oz. The same ratio for oil. You need to fill the machine up to the fill level line... so I usually need to double the amount if making butter or oil for edibles.

If I'm making topicals I use trim so I'll use the 2 oz., but I'll fill the machine to the fill line with a combination of olive oil and coconut oil. You don't need as much herb for topicals imo, nor do you need to decarb it first. I've done it both ways and really can't tell the difference.

And don't throw away that sludge you're left with after straining! There are a myriad of uses for it!
I went to the Aussie site;
I went through to the checkout and put in Mom`s code MBUU just for fun and was shocked :yikes: it took off AU$40 and made it only AU$209+25 shipping= AU$234 delivered, no extra tax, GST included!
I went to the Aussie site;
I went through to the checkout and put in Mom`s code MBUU just for fun and was shocked :yikes: it took off AU$40 and made it only AU$209+25 shipping= AU$234 delivered, no extra tax, GST included!
That is great
I paid $150 off guntree 2nd hand
The handle is broken at top but a cable tie fixed that
240au new is well worth it

I find that the butter setting is best but I use coconut oil

still experimenting as some ppl say longer is better and some even go slow af and low on it

have not tried the super slow method yet

but putting about a P of leaf through 8-900ml of coconut oil goes off
just have to do a few runs about 100 odd g a run...can do in 3 - 4 runs really

Or about a quarter of that if using bud

so yer same amounts as @momofthegoons

decarbing is a must in the oven - scary for first timers but worthy....I do so in the oven....

if not making rso this is the go for edibles....

I do not use avb for edibles as taste not as good - save this for my rso

I used to use crockpots and slow cookers

less effort from me with an MB2
So Mom, what are the other uses for the left over sludge?
Well... a couple of uses are:

Put the sludge in caps for cannacaps.

Put the sludge in epsom salts with some essential oils for bath salts (you'll have to use a muslim bag for these or you'll get green in your cuticles and curlies... :tongue:)

Use the sludge for baking edibles. Just add to the recipe.

Basically just use your imagination....

decarbing is a must in the oven - scary for first timers but worthy....I do so in the oven....
You absolutely have to decarb seperately; contrary to what the MB instructions say (although they may have finally updated them). They used to claim that the machine decarbed during the process... but it doesn't.
Well... a couple of uses are:

Put the sludge in caps for cannacaps.

Put the sludge in epsom salts with some essential oils for bath salts (you'll have to use a muslim bag for these or you'll get green in your cuticles and curlies... :tongue:)

Use the sludge for baking edibles. Just add to the recipe.

Basically just use your imagination....

You absolutely have to decarb seperately; contrary to what the MB instructions say (although they may have finally updated them). They used to claim that the machine decarbed during the process... but it doesn't.
Yes, they tried to claim the MB2 decarbed.....
Not so

The box you have is less freaky for first timers....the oven can be scary as you smell your weed and think it is burning......well worth doing though
We'll see. There have been mixed reviews on it. But I figured with a built in thermometer it's got to be better than guesswork on a cookie sheet with foil. :nusenuse:

I'll report back after using it this weekend.
Yea I did not think I needed it but was interested
I just did not want to spend the cash in case was no good, but if works I would be keen to know
I just go 20-30mins in oven at 120c
follow nose for smells and eyes for browning of colour.......
not perfect I guess but has worked for me for years prior to tech catching up
Well... a couple of uses are:

Put the sludge in caps for cannacaps.

Put the sludge in epsom salts with some essential oils for bath salts (you'll have to use a muslim bag for these or you'll get green in your cuticles and curlies... :tongue:)

Use the sludge for baking edibles. Just add to the recipe.

Basically just use your imagination....

You absolutely have to decarb seperately; contrary to what the MB instructions say (although they may have finally updated them). They used to claim that the machine decarbed during the process... but it doesn't.

I guess I'm smarter now, lol. It's been a while and I forgot what we did. Now I remember that I covered the sludge in hot water and put it in the fridge. The oil/butter coagulates on top before the water freezes, so you can skim it off with a slotted spoon.
I guess I'm smarter now, lol. It's been a while and I forgot what we did. Now I remember that I covered the sludge in hot water and put it in the fridge. The oil/butter coagulates on top before the water freezes, so you can skim it off with a slotted spoon.
Great idea. And certainly less work than making caps lol.

The bath salts are a nice idea though. As long as you use that muslim bag... :lol:
I switched to coconut oil for dairy free butter a while back.

I used to Sous Vide (damn that’s hard to spell) but I’m pretty lazy & kinda busy when I’m not being lazy so I just use the microwave method now.

I have a high tolerance but I’m always pretty happy with the results.

I also I don’t decarb.

It’s not just the lazy thing I have before a few times & prefer the flavour & potency without it.

I’ve often thought I’d buy one of these but wondered if it would offer any real advantages.

Is there an improvement in potency because of better heat regulation or is it just for convenience?
I have been using a crock pot frvr, like vitolo, idk why, I will get down with the majic butta one day, set it forget it right?! be on with other tasks. as a Chef this should come in handy.

@Machismo SU-WEED ahem su veed :biggrin: (sous vide) The Term is literally "Under Vacuum", you have heard of Sous-Chef? yea "Under Chef", same deal. its an excellent way to keep the smell down at 10 times the efficiency of other smellier, fussier methods, its my go to way for oils and emulsified fats.
Once you get your "Mise en Place" (everything in place) you can cook without stress;)
Since you asked... :biggrin:

View attachment 4747

I've used the Magical Butter machine for about 5 years now; own the OG model and a newer version. They've made a few changes over the years and have more product accessories to offer than they did a few years back.

It's a handy tool for making butters, oils, tinctures and generally infusing any products. Sort of a heated blender on steroids lol...

Here's a little vid of my og model in action...

Yes... they are a bit loud. :lol: And I always feel like I should be listening to this when I use it...

View attachment 4741

The newest model, the MBe2, retails for $174.95 on the Magical Butter website. You can get $40 off if you use the code MBUU.

They've started offering several accessories in the last year; in addition to replacement filters, etc. I recently bought the Decarb box from them.... it will be used for the first time this weekend. It intrigued me because of the built in thermometer. Reviews have been mixed in the Facebook group... so we'll see.

And they are also now offering chocolate. Magical Butter claims that it is "specially formulated for adding herbal butters and oils." Haven't tried them myself.... would love to know if anyone here has? It's gotten some positive comments on the MBUU Facebook page.

So I'll start us off with the basics.... to make cannabutter my ratio is 1 oz. of good decarbed bud to 1 cup of butter. If using trim, I use 2 oz. If using abv, I use 3 oz. The same ratio for oil. You need to fill the machine up to the fill level line... so I usually need to double the amount if making butter or oil for edibles.

If I'm making topicals I use trim so I'll use the 2 oz., but I'll fill the machine to the fill line with a combination of olive oil and coconut oil. You don't need as much herb for topicals imo, nor do you need to decarb it first. I've done it both ways and really can't tell the difference.

And don't throw away that sludge you're left with after straining! There are a myriad of uses for it!

hahaha....am I the only one who remembers Parliament and "get out the funk" Uh huh, uh huh! LOL

I was going to ask what the advantage of the MB is over a crock pot (one of which I currently own) but see its mostly a convenience thing.

Very cool.....but you must make some strong ass butter. So, that would be two sticks of butter for an oz of decarb'd bud? Right? Comes out pretty strong, yeah? I thought I had seen vids where it was more like 1/2 oz of flower to two sticks (8 ounces or 1 cup). But while I bought a crock pot, and while I have a ton of AVB I planned to water cure and extract, I actually haven't ever made any yet (there's dust on the crock pot box! LOL).
So, that would be two sticks of butter for an oz of decarb'd bud? Right?
This is the recipe that Magical Butter recommends:

¼-½ ounce/7-14 g botanicals per cup/240 ml*, decarbed
2-5 cups/475-1180 ml unsalted butter, softened; for best results, clarified**
1 tablespoon/15 ml lecithin per cup/240 ml***

Minimum is 2 cups/475 ml. Maximum capacity 5 cups/1180 ml.
Do not use margarine or water.

However....... my recipe is a bit different if using for edibles. For one I usually don't bother with lecithin. And please don't ask me what the dosage ratios are cause I haven't a clue lol....

As a rule, I use:

2 cups unsalted butter
1 oz. decarbed cannabis
1 gram decarbed concentrate

And it's a nice strength. And the dose is variable depending on what you're making and the size of the portion. And how much butter you use lol.
MB2 is for convenience only

It takes a little to practice best results

I always crock pot prior

Even if you do not decarb @Machismo I would think you are in the cooking of your edibles.....or other process you use heats and decarbs
If you do not decarb you do not get high.....
But you can make budder without decarb - either the process if done on stove top/double boiler/ crock pot can be the decarb heat
Or when cooking the heat may do it

crock pot was the best way for yrs

MB2 just makes it easier and quicker

play with settings/temps/times though

I use at least twice as much as MB2 site says though....

otherwise too weak....

and use longer runs than suggested..... 2 - 4 hrs not 1 hr for oil/butter
There's actually a method called the "slow and low" that has you doing two 8hr runs a day at 160 for 3 days. I've done it with oil with great results but usually don't want to hassle with it for 3 days.

With butter I do two runs; back to back on the butter setting.
I have seen the 16 hr runs ppl do
I have not tried yet
Good to know you good results

Yes I also do back to back runs on the butter setting but I use coconut oil ....soy lecithin is okay too....although sunflower lecithin is meant to be much better for health as we know issues with processed soy
I can't say this last attempt at infused butter was all that successful... :hmm:

I started with 7 sticks of butter and a bit over 2 oz. of product. One of the ounces was a bit suspect as to quality. One was older but potent. Both were decarbed in the decarb box from Magical Butter (more on that later). I added some pucks from attempted rosin presses and a 1/2 gram of decarbed shatter as well. I ran two butter cycles at 160°. The problems started when I went to strain and couldn't find my fine weave strainer. I ended up using the filter bag that Magical Butter supplies and I am not a fan of that thing at all. For one, it absorbs the oils into the fabric. It also does seems to 'clog' quickly and there's a point where no oil comes out anymore. This is not to say there isn't more oil or butter to be had... it just wont come out of the bag. Plus, getting the pulp out of the bag is not easy and a lot is left behind. And cleaning this thing is a bitch.

Long story short, after much swearing and a big mess I was left with a very 'wet' pulp that obviously has a ton of butter left in it. Yes... I know... it looks like :shit:


I'll probably just throw this into something like brownies. I'd say there's a good cup of it so maybe two batches... or maybe banana bread or something.

I have a nifty butter mold that I got a while back on Amazon for $7.99. Each slot is 1/2 c. The butter mold Magical Butter supplies has four 1/2 c. slots and one "fun size stick" and costs $14.95.

As you can see I only ended up with 4 sticks of butter return. Not the best outcome but they are nice and green and the potency is good.


Now... about the DecarBox.... I find it totally unnecessary. Don't waste your money on it (it's $34.95) because foil works just as well. I didn't need to calibrate my oven (which is what the thermometer is for) and the thermometer, imo, is the only feature that makes this worth having. You could do the same with a simple oven thermometer which costs substantially less at $6.30 for the one I linked.

So... all in all not the most successful of attempts lol... But I will say that the tablespoon or so that I ingested while doing this knocked me out. I haven't slept that good in a while.
Great info, especially about the filter bags, if/when I purchase I would have ordered extra.:thumbsup:
If you have to get a new strainer, a link would be good:sifone:

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VGoodiez 420EDC