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Lunacy Picture This....

Yeah, gave real meaning to that lsong "Paradisce by the Dashboard Lights" LOL

Ok, so....there is a problem with this pic as it doesn't show an idiot taking a selfie and backing their dumb ass off the edge of the cliff. I mean, that's really not a rare occurrence any more and I don't remember that being common before the age of fucking phones with cameras. This is in Norway.


And if you think I'm a bit overboard about the stupidity of people taking selfies on the edge of cliffs....this is my idiot son , his then GF who is now his fiancee' and who is someone I was really counting on having some common sense between the two of them, and the pic was taken by her PhD holding mother who apparently is an idiot savant in her profession and a moron in anything else. Yes, 2,500 feet to the bottom. sigh They said "oh, it really wasn't that close to the edge" FFS!!

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VGoodiez 420EDC