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Lunacy Picture This....

Think I'll start things off with a "female" inspired theme (No, I'm not sucking up to the mods...sheesh!), why not?:





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I read that bottles that had expiration dates of 2021 were still being sold, and that they must be disposed of.
Tucson's stores still have Huy Hong Sriracha on the shelves that have proper expiration dates, but I expect they will soon run out
Then I found an article that explained Crystal Meth was found in Australia packed in Sriracha sauce cases, and they went above and beyond in confiscating
cases to check for more Meth.
This N.Y. Post article (https://nypost.com/2019/12/27/sriracha-hot-chilli-sauce-recalled-over-fears-of-exploding-bottles/) finally explained a very large recall of this Huy Fong sauce due to fear of exploding bottles due to the specific ingredients combined with this year's heat wave.
The ingredient list is fairly close on this------>

brand, and local stores are overstocked with Texas Pete sauce, and while it has a slightly sweet note to it, it's extremely hot and boasts a similar flavor.
It does cost more than Huy Fong.
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I read that bottles that had expiration dates of 2021 were still being sold, and that they must be disposed of.
Tucson's stores still have Huy Hong Sriracha on the shelves that have proper expiration dates, but I expect they will soon run out
Then I found an article that explained Crystal Meth was found in Australia packed in Sriracha sauce cases, and they went above and beyond in confiscating
cases to check for more Meth.
This N.Y. Post article (https://nypost.com/2019/12/27/sriracha-hot-chilli-sauce-recalled-over-fears-of-exploding-bottles/) finally explained a very large recall of this Huy Fong sauce due to fear of exploding bottles due to the specific ingredients combined with this year's heat wave.
The ingredient list is fairly close on this------>View attachment 47985
brand, and local stores are overstocked with Texas Pete sauce, and while it has a slightly sweet note to it, it's extremely hot and boasts a similar flavor.
It does cost more than Huy Fong.
I like my Sriracha, but my go to hot sauce is

There's bottles of this stuff everywhere here. It has a way of complimenting the food and delivering a blast of heat .
Real pic! Maybe you know of him from his popular, long-running, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service, a publicly funded tv network) travel show, 'Rick Steves Europe'? Seems like a cool dude :cool::


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VGoodiez 420EDC