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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy Picture This....

And that ^^^ is why I wont swim in the ocean lol...

Don't worry about sharks. If they don't get you the blue ringed octopus or box jellyfish or maybe a saltwater croc will get you. Point is you will got.

@Helios and @ataxian you would have both loved it even more in the early 1970's. It was only the 'main street' (if you could even call it that) of original buildings and pretty much a ghost town with the exception of a small artists community that had taken up residence there. Not one condo in sight. My husband and I almost moved there... but we both had family and jobs in Michigan and decided it was a bad idea.

The next time I saw a picture of the area condos had started to spring up and it had become a popular ski area. I'm sure it's still beautiful.. but it's one of those things where you 'can't go back' for me.
@Helios and @ataxian you would have both loved it even more in the early 1970's. It was only the 'main street' (if you could even call it that) of original buildings and pretty much a ghost town with the exception of a small artists community that had taken up residence there. Not one condo in sight. My husband and I almost moved there... but we both had family and jobs in Michigan and decided it was a bad idea.

The next time I saw a picture of the area condos had started to spring up and it had become a popular ski area. I'm sure it's still beautiful.. but it's one of those things where you 'can't go back' for me.
When my family moved in 1960 2 BEACH Cities from south LA = 10,000 in our city!
2-Day = +/- 300,000?
Joni Mitchell was my song as a kid! (Big Yellow TAXI)
Some of da surf spots had no homes just park on the beach !
Thai Bomb Oilers, Aloha Surf Racks, 109 mph on the 2 lane 405 fwy South Bound.
Yes, This place is gorgeous I worked in this area back in the early aughts on a ski resort as an aspiring Chef, skied these Mountains everyday, best times of my life Ataxian.
I was a skier before I got late on set SCA.
I skied every week-end when I lived in Colorado.
When I was a kid surf'n & ski'n was a way of life.
Ski local mountain's & surf 420 until dark.
Best of both world's!
I forgot me and my posse smoked joint's. (Pre-bong ERA)
I can't find a picture 2 show U!
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I can imagine! good times for sure! yea I grew up skiing mostly on da ICe Coast, CO was like heaven on earth fresh tracks on bowls no one ski'd, I cannot explain to people who have not seen it. Surfing is amazing too I tried it when I lived on the Gold Coast QLD, I'm a natural in water so I learned very fast. those bully sharks on the other hand scare the F%$# out me.
Some of my family live on the SUNSHINE COAST AUSTRALIA.
When I lived in HAWAII da AUSSIES drank beer more than anybody?
Being from CALIFORNIA we preferred da CANNABIS locally grown without seeds?
regarding CB, you both know how awesome it was and prbly still is! anyway.

Some of my family live on the SUNSHINE COAST AUSTRALIA.
When I lived in HAWAII da AUSSIES drank beer more than anybody?
Being from CALIFORNIA we preferred da CANNABIS locally grown without seeds?

Man dem Aussies can drink! I drank way too many VB's! met many interesting kiwis as well there. Love the Goldie. I lived in Southport which is right near main beach and surfers paradise
yes Cannabis is the way to go!
regarding CB, you both know how awesome it was and prbly still is! anyway.

Man dem Aussies can drink! I drank way too many VB's! met many interesting kiwis as well there. Love the Goldie. I lived in Southport which is right near main beach and surfers paradise
yes Cannabis is the way to go!
One of my sons surfed all over OZ!
I had some friends from RAGLANG, NZ super chill!
One of my nephews lived on the beach at BONDI BEACH while he got his degree!
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VGoodiez 420EDC