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Lunacy Strange Products


I couldn't get the pic appear above so here.

There's a long, storied tradition of asking women to hold the work. See The Notorious B.I.G. on "Everyday Struggle": "I got my honey on the Amtrak / With the crack in the crack of her ass." Or Jay-Z on "Feelin' It": "To all the girls that bought a girdle to conceal my bricks." With that in mind, welcome to the future.
I'll tell you what... I had no idea this day was going to be like it was. No concept of the amount of people who would come. I truly thought I might be sitting here by myself for a bit.. But I'm not complaining one bit. I'm loving it!!!!

However... mumsy is a bit tired. And thought it would be a good idea to install this in my bath..


Yup; two fisted.

You know, I wish we had this product available locally to get people's attention.

I work at a laundromat - I'm actually the assistant manager, because, you know, I'm such a go-getter - and I'll tell you, most people need to be told there's this new invention called toilet paper!!!

First of all, it does a remarkable job at removing fecal remnants from the anus. :periodico:

Secondly, it does a fantastic job at preventing goddamn poop stains on your goddamn underpants. :cursing:

I'm not sure why people aren't embarrassed to drop off their shit-stained briefs and panties for anyone to see. Nor am I sure how they can have no shame and not leave a tip for my trouble and the psychological scars. Plus I no longer want to see a lady's underwear - it's a real shame. :shakehead:

My advice? Wipe properly. Then use baby wipes. Then take a wad of tissue, jam it up in there, then go about your day.

You know, I wish we had this product available locally to get people's attention.

I work at a laundromat - I'm actually the assistant manager, because, you know, I'm such a go-getter - and I'll tell you, most people need to be told there's this new invention called toilet paper!!!

First of all, it does a remarkable job at removing fecal remnants from the anus. :periodico:

Secondly, it does a fantastic job at preventing goddamn poop stains on your goddamn underpants. :cursing:

I'm not sure why people aren't embarrassed to drop off their shit-stained briefs and panties for anyone to see. Nor am I sure how they can have no shame and not leave a tip for my trouble and the psychological scars. Plus I no longer want to see a lady's underwear - it's a real shame. :shakehead:

My advice? Wipe properly. Then use baby wipes. Then take a wad of tissue, jam it up in there, then go about your day.


Found this just for you bud :lol::

This is the spray on the counter by the toilet at work. Thought I would take a pic. A useful product. It give off a lemon scent. Before you go toilet spray so no one else will know.

They have this in the bathroom closest to the break kitchen. I think there were issues when folks were having lunch.
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At least you didn't get shitcanned for it:

Using the term shitcanned makes that an automatic ***** post.

Ear Explorer


I never knew I could flip my pooping stool.


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VGoodiez 420EDC