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Lunacy Strange Products

That looks really cool.
Bit pricey for me tho @ $3200 for the base model
The price a year ago was 10x higher, so this is a substantial step towards 'affordability'. It's getting closer than the hoverboard :)

Then I'll be waiting a few more years till it's 300 quid.... I'm glad things are getting cheaper though..
I get it @Kellya86 . At this pricepoint there are a few of us looking at it as a group purchase - we're all med patients, we all get a set amount of meds each month, and a couple of days with a unit like this every month would keep us all in a happy place, med-wise.

It's kinda funny, here in Canada there is only one form of 'legal', which means dried flower and infused oils. This also means these items are covered by some medical plans. Dispensaries are an option, where we can buy c02 oil, but it's not covered by medical plan as it's technically 'grey market'. So, if we want anything nesides dried bud and infused sunfloser oil we need to take the bull by the horns and make out own. In my mind c02 is a pretty decent home extract, and at this price point my little devil and my little angel are arguing, and this makes me unhappy :) ...

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VGoodiez 420EDC