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Lunacy The Beats

Story time:

I saw these guys live in Nashville back in 2009. They played two shows that night, the first of which was a free acoustic set at a local record store called Grimey's. It was a very intimate set and we were able to go out back and smoke a few joints with them before and after the show :smoke:

I remember we had gotten some incredible NY Diesel (and some blotter :goofy:)the night before. Alex, the lead singer was so high he was forgetting lyrics and after the show one of their guitar players kept asking if he could buy some of that "Tennessee digger" from us for his collection he had gathered on tour :rofl:Of course, it was from Cali but I didn't have the heart to tell him Tennessee weed sucks lol.

This is very similar to what their first show was like...

You can almost smell the patchouli hahaha

If any of you are fans of Breaking Bad you may recognize this one...

Enjoy the soft shoe . . . and the vaaaaaavaaavoom vocals . . . with Puddles the clown . . . :freak:


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