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Safety The Dynavap Range - Vapcap - M - Omnivap etc


Well-Known Member
I thought it was 'high time' that we welcomed our friend George (@Dynavap) to the vape safety section and started discussing some of the most favored vapes in our community - the dynavap range.

Since the Dynavap range is a large one, I thought that we should begin with the OG Vapcap in this discussion of safety.

@Dynavap I would be honored if you would join us here when you have the chance, to discuss the safety and design of your products together :biggrin:

We do now have our VA Safety Approvals process in place, so I will provide some information from the guidelines from which to derive some initial questions (which are a good starting point even if you do not seek a VA Safety Approval - which is voluntary):

*ALL materials used in the device must be listed. Pictures or video of a teardown of the unit are required, clearly listing and identifying all components.

*The air and vapor path of the vaporizer must be described in detail, with the location of the air intake clearly identified and all components and materials described.

This raises the following questions:

1. Can we please have a list of all components in the OG Vapcap, including all of the relevant materials used?

2. Can you please provide teardown photos or video to indicate which components are which and provide a visual reference as to your design? (I cannot imagine this will require much 'tearing down', as IME your products allow full user-disassembly :cool: )

3. Can you please describe where the air is taken into the unit, as well as specify all of the above components that sit in the air/vapor path?

Please keep in mind that you may voluntarily seek a VA Safety Approval for the OG Vapcap and other products (when we review them here) by meeting these criteria. Please do indicate if you wish to do so and we can carry on in this thread as such :biggrin:

With answers to these questions, we can let the safety discussion begin!

NOT SO FINE PRINT - Disclosure of Free Gifts: In accordance with our policy of full disclosure of any free gifts from vendors, I should disclose that I have received a couple OG vapcaps as a free gift in the distant past from Dynavap, that came with my first order from them (I paid retail for the order itself, of course).

These gifts were received long before this community and safety section ever existed. I have not received any other free goods or discounts from dynavap since except for those that would be available to all others making the same purchases. Of course, this safety thread will follow the same methodical overview of components and materials as the others in this section nonetheless, ensuring full transparency of this safety review.
I thought it was 'high time' that we welcomed our friend George (@Dynavap) to the vape safety section and started discussing some of the most favored vapes in our community - the dynavap range.

Since the Dynavap range is a large one, I thought that we should begin with the OG Vapcap in this discussion of safety.

@Dynavap I would be honored if you would join us here when you have the chance, to discuss the safety and design of your products together :biggrin:

We do now have our VA Safety Approvals process in place, so I will provide some information from the guidelines from which to derive some initial questions (which are a good starting point even if you do not seek a VA Safety Approval - which is voluntary):

*ALL materials used in the device must be listed. Pictures or video of a teardown of the unit are required, clearly listing and identifying all components.

*The air and vapor path of the vaporizer must be described in detail, with the location of the air intake clearly identified and all components and materials described.

This raises the following questions:

1. Can we please have a list of all components in the OG Vapcap, including all of the relevant materials used?

2. Can you please provide teardown photos or video to indicate which components are which and provide a visual reference as to your design? (I cannot imagine this will require much 'tearing down', as IME your products allow full user-disassembly :cool: )

3. Can you please describe where the air is taken into the unit, as well as specify all of the above components that sit in the air/vapor path?

Please keep in mind that you may voluntarily seek a VA Safety Approval for the OG Vapcap and other products (when we review them here) by meeting these criteria. Please do indicate if you wish to do so and we can carry on in this thread as such :biggrin:

With answers to these questions, we can let the safety discussion begin!

NOT SO FINE PRINT - Disclosure of Free Gifts: In accordance with our policy of full disclosure of any free gifts from vendors, I should disclose that I have received a couple OG vapcaps as a free gift in the distant past from Dynavap, that came with my first order from them (I paid retail for the order itself, of course).

These gifts were received long before this community and safety section ever existed. I have not received any other free goods or discounts from dynavap since except for those that would be available to all others making the same purchases. Of course, this safety thread will follow the same methodical overview of components and materials as the others in this section nonetheless, ensuring full transparency of this safety review.

Does it count?
I have a "M" & it worked the first X?
I used CAP from my VIN A VAC 4 the H2O adapter. (improvised)

Does it count?
I have a "M" & it worked the first X?
I used CAP from my VIN A VAC 4 the H2O adapter. (improvised)
I have one of the M's too, they're excellent aren't they man!? I made my own DIY adapter from some pieces of silicone whip to connect to my glass too, but your adapter looks a better! A very happy new year to you my friend :peace:
I have one of the M's too, they're excellent aren't they man!? I made my own DIY adapter from some pieces of silicone whip to connect to my glass too, but your adapter looks a better! A very happy new year to you my friend :peace:
I love the "M"!

BLING to me is 4 EGO! (tallest poppy in the field)

The "M" work's well to me?

It took about 2 minutes to set it up with my water pipe?

Every session is with different vaporizer just to mix it up.

ROSIN all day & night.

Flower COLAS R cultural!
Hi @herbivore21 ,
It would be reassuring to have the VA standard and other qualifying medical standards for any vape. :nod:

Save a lot of the normal set of questions, even thought you and I would delve deeper on the subject.:biggrin:

Plus it would be an even that much of a larger plus with Dynavap and their reputation with the devoted and first timers. :twocents:

Naively, It seems like a matter of the company going through the process you described. But, I'm sure that I'm missing some things there.

SS and glass are generally considered medically safe. Would the O rings have any bearing? How about the machine process? Or is VA mostly about the item in question?

Would like to hear more thought on the range of vapcaps and safety. And people who use torch lighters to heat up their caps.
Hi @herbivore21 ,
It would be reassuring to have the VA standard and other qualifying medical standards for any vape. :nod:

Save a lot of the normal set of questions, even thought you and I would delve deeper on the subject.:biggrin:

Plus it would be an even that much of a larger plus with Dynavap and their reputation with the devoted and first timers. :twocents:

Naively, It seems like a matter of the company going through the process you described. But, I'm sure that I'm missing some things there.

SS and glass are generally considered medically safe. Would the O rings have any bearing? How about the machine process? Or is VA mostly about the item in question?

Would like to hear more thought on the range of vapcaps and safety. And people who use torch lighters to heat up their caps.
Excellent question my friend! It would simply be a matter of George nominating to put his product through the paces. One thing that I can be very sure of is that this will be an easy process, since I already have an omnivap and an m! The o-rings IIRC, are made of viton, which has exceptional performance for our needs. One thing I'd love to do and have always meant to is to get a thermocouple to measure the temps we get at the o-rings during use. From where I sit, that kind of measure is most of what will be required to be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that these are not just reasonably, but exceptionally safe! I think I need to get off my ass and find a thermocouple lol!

As you say, glass, ti, ss etc that are predominately used in the dynavap range are quite safe, and we do have a very good idea of safety already, I think that in addition to that, testing the o-rings during torch heating would be beneficial to give extra piece of mind. I should note that safety testing for VA purposes would require a separate approval for each different vape in the dynavap range, but hell, I'm happy to test the ones I have (omni and m) :D
Excellent question my friend! It would simply be a matter of George nominating to put his product through the paces. One thing that I can be very sure of is that this will be an easy process, since I already have an omnivap and an m! The o-rings IIRC, are made of viton, which has exceptional performance for our needs. One thing I'd love to do and have always meant to is to get a thermocouple to measure the temps we get at the o-rings during use. From where I sit, that kind of measure is most of what will be required to be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that these are not just reasonably, but exceptionally safe! I think I need to get off my ass and find a thermocouple lol!

As you say, glass, ti, ss etc that are predominately used in the dynavap range are quite safe, and we do have a very good idea of safety already, I think that in addition to that, testing the o-rings during torch heating would be beneficial to give extra piece of mind. I should note that safety testing for VA purposes would require a separate approval for each different vape in the dynavap range, but hell, I'm happy to test the ones I have (omni and m) :D

The "M" is used 4 this CLEBRATION
What is a OMNI and what am I missing?
Why does the "M" work so well? (LOVE IT) (GSC TASTE/EFFECT)
What is a OMNI and what am I missing?
You might not be missing anything? I'm still getting to know mine and liking how it performs. More mill work and design, lighter materials, Ti tips and body.

Instead of working the carb hole, you adjust the condenser and how far it closes into the tip. Some people dial in what air-vapor mix they want and don't mess with the carb.

The condenser in mine clicks as well as the tip. It is set well inside the tip on the furthest closed position. More feedback in the click. That could be just mine alone, the condenser or my type of Omni which tapers in after the tip. :nusenuse:But I like it a lot for all that. The air path feels wider as well. Then again, I bought 2 M s and have one condenserless for more throat.

@ataxian I got a SWEET deal on my Omni and wouldn't part with near 200 for something that could get lost in the grass. :yikes: That is what the M s main function for me is. :chill:
From where I sit, that kind of measure is most of what will be required to be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that these are not just reasonably, but exceptionally safe! I think I need to get off my ass and find a thermocouple lol!
The use of hotter torches has caused some to combust easier or get a spot red hot. What heat extremes would have to occur for certain metals to be dangerous? To start flaking? To off gas? Are scratches in the metals used a thing? How rough can clean them and not enter other problems? Can I clean my M with a small strip of scouring pad in the field? I'm thinking backwoods maintenance and best treatment.

Any further info about the type of SS used in the cap? :sherlock:
Perfect timing of the video for this thread. With the history of the tips and design changes. Lots of mention of feedback from customers. And other good points.:popcorn:
DynaVap Live | January 11th, 2018 | George discusses the evolution of the titanium tip. from the 1st generation prototypes to the 5th generation tip with 5 tips.
Perfect timing of the video for this thread. With the history of the tips and design changes. Lots of mention of feedback from customers. And other good points.:popcorn:
DynaVap Live | January 11th, 2018 | George discusses the evolution of the titanium tip. from the 1st generation prototypes to the 5th generation tip with 5 tips.


The "M" VAPCAP is perfect for MEDICAL needs?
i use water so I don't cough? (I just have one?)
STAINLESS STEEL seem's to be OK?
The food you eat is made by factories with STAINLESS?
So why is TITANIUM so good for this application.

Do you have EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to back your claim?
STAINLESS STEEL seem's to be OK?
The food you eat is made by factories with STAINLESS?
So why is TITANIUM so good for this application.
SS and Ti are both used in cookware. Ultralite Camp stoves and cookware uses TI or SS as one example. Some ultrilite stoves us Ti in their oven, Also Woodscents and some newer vapes use Ti as a material.

The SS and Ti tips could also be different mass, I'm only guessing. But anyway your question was about TITANIUM. It is FUNCTION. :science:The M came after the other types of vapcaps were designed as a VALUE for first timers to try it out. As you know the Ti tips went through an evolution of design. Like in one of his more recent vids.

Another stray point. SS is a cheaper material than Ti and might be easier to mill?, just like the cookware comparison.

Do you have EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to back your claim?
Well SS takes a little longer to store and release it's energy more than Ti. That is substantiated SCIENCE and I can say I have experienced that as well with both caps in my M.

I do think the FUNCTION is slightly different and do take my time more with an SS tip than with a Ti tip after heating because it stores heat enough for a second draw.

@ataxian are you thinking about getting a Ti tip for your M? That is the cheapest way to try out the FUNCTION without getting BLING or some sort of OMNI with it's Ti tip. Maybe a cap for the Ti?
I do like swapping my tips on my M as an option.
SS and Ti are both used in cookware. Ultralite Camp stoves and cookware uses TI or SS as one example. Some ultrilite stoves us Ti in their oven, Also Woodscents and some newer vapes use Ti as a material.

The SS and Ti tips could also be different mass, I'm only guessing. But anyway your question was about TITANIUM. It is FUNCTION. :science:The M came after the other types of vapcaps were designed as a VALUE for first timers to try it out. As you know the Ti tips went through an evolution of design. Like in one of his more recent vids.

Another stray point. SS is a cheaper material than Ti and might be easier to mill?, just like the cookware comparison.

Well SS takes a little longer to store and release it's energy more than Ti. That is substantiated SCIENCE and I can say I have experienced that as well with both caps in my M.

I do think the FUNCTION is slightly different and do take my time more with an SS tip than with a Ti tip after heating because it stores heat enough for a second draw.

@ataxian are you thinking about getting a Ti tip for your M? That is the cheapest way to try out the FUNCTION without getting BLING or some sort of OMNI with it's Ti tip. Maybe a cap for the Ti?
I do like swapping my tips on my M as an option.

To me the "M" by VAPCAP does the JOB?
I use TI for other application's so I do understand the principle in regards to sport's!
Just a CULTURE difference maybe?
The "M" is well designed including the SS according to my assessment.
Sorry to sound like a PRICK?
It hard to express myself!

  • My DAUGHTERS friend JASON has these cool stickers I'm playing with a rip from my friend "M"!
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If it brings you peace of mind @Phil I have a G2 Ti tip still on it's original O rings & that would be at least 30 months old.
I have one of the M's too, they're excellent aren't they man!? I made my own DIY adapter from some pieces of silicone whip to connect to my glass too, but your adapter looks a better! A very happy new year to you my friend :peace:
I know mine very old fanshion?
I use "M" kine da lot?
Am I missing something?

FC glass of some sort & @ddave adapter avec my "M"!
I don't no?
Anything really!
SS and Ti are both used in cookware. Ultralite Camp stoves and cookware uses TI or SS as one example. Some ultrilite stoves us Ti in their oven, Also Woodscents and some newer vapes use Ti as a material.

The SS and Ti tips could also be different mass, I'm only guessing. But anyway your question was about TITANIUM. It is FUNCTION. :science:The M came after the other types of vapcaps were designed as a VALUE for first timers to try it out. As you know the Ti tips went through an evolution of design. Like in one of his more recent vids.

Another stray point. SS is a cheaper material than Ti and might be easier to mill?, just like the cookware comparison.

Well SS takes a little longer to store and release it's energy more than Ti. That is substantiated SCIENCE and I can say I have experienced that as well with both caps in my M.

I do think the FUNCTION is slightly different and do take my time more with an SS tip than with a Ti tip after heating because it stores heat enough for a second draw.

@ataxian are you thinking about getting a Ti tip for your M? That is the cheapest way to try out the FUNCTION without getting BLING or some sort of OMNI with it's Ti tip. Maybe a cap for the Ti?
I do like swapping my tips on my M as an option.
My “M” is pretty decent really?
I was over medicated as usual!
Really like the water peice.

I've heard some claim the DV isn't pure because of a small amount of combustion that takes
place. I don't have thoughts on this.
Curious to hear what others may think
I don't think it combusts if used properly
It's definitely possible to overheat and cause combustion, I have done so and it sucks as you have to wash straight away to get rid of the flavour

But if you are careful or respect the click fully I don't believe it combusts and thus we should have no issues

Just my experience and thoughts

Don't know how others think/have experienced though

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VGoodiez 420EDC