Well-Known Member
I thought it was 'high time' that we welcomed our friend George (@Dynavap) to the vape safety section and started discussing some of the most favored vapes in our community - the dynavap range.
Since the Dynavap range is a large one, I thought that we should begin with the OG Vapcap in this discussion of safety.
@Dynavap I would be honored if you would join us here when you have the chance, to discuss the safety and design of your products together
We do now have our VA Safety Approvals process in place, so I will provide some information from the guidelines from which to derive some initial questions (which are a good starting point even if you do not seek a VA Safety Approval - which is voluntary):
*ALL materials used in the device must be listed. Pictures or video of a teardown of the unit are required, clearly listing and identifying all components.
*The air and vapor path of the vaporizer must be described in detail, with the location of the air intake clearly identified and all components and materials described.
This raises the following questions:
1. Can we please have a list of all components in the OG Vapcap, including all of the relevant materials used?
2. Can you please provide teardown photos or video to indicate which components are which and provide a visual reference as to your design? (I cannot imagine this will require much 'tearing down', as IME your products allow full user-disassembly )
3. Can you please describe where the air is taken into the unit, as well as specify all of the above components that sit in the air/vapor path?
Please keep in mind that you may voluntarily seek a VA Safety Approval for the OG Vapcap and other products (when we review them here) by meeting these criteria. Please do indicate if you wish to do so and we can carry on in this thread as such
With answers to these questions, we can let the safety discussion begin!
NOT SO FINE PRINT - Disclosure of Free Gifts: In accordance with our policy of full disclosure of any free gifts from vendors, I should disclose that I have received a couple OG vapcaps as a free gift in the distant past from Dynavap, that came with my first order from them (I paid retail for the order itself, of course).
These gifts were received long before this community and safety section ever existed. I have not received any other free goods or discounts from dynavap since except for those that would be available to all others making the same purchases. Of course, this safety thread will follow the same methodical overview of components and materials as the others in this section nonetheless, ensuring full transparency of this safety review.
Since the Dynavap range is a large one, I thought that we should begin with the OG Vapcap in this discussion of safety.
@Dynavap I would be honored if you would join us here when you have the chance, to discuss the safety and design of your products together
We do now have our VA Safety Approvals process in place, so I will provide some information from the guidelines from which to derive some initial questions (which are a good starting point even if you do not seek a VA Safety Approval - which is voluntary):
*ALL materials used in the device must be listed. Pictures or video of a teardown of the unit are required, clearly listing and identifying all components.
*The air and vapor path of the vaporizer must be described in detail, with the location of the air intake clearly identified and all components and materials described.
This raises the following questions:
1. Can we please have a list of all components in the OG Vapcap, including all of the relevant materials used?
2. Can you please provide teardown photos or video to indicate which components are which and provide a visual reference as to your design? (I cannot imagine this will require much 'tearing down', as IME your products allow full user-disassembly )
3. Can you please describe where the air is taken into the unit, as well as specify all of the above components that sit in the air/vapor path?
Please keep in mind that you may voluntarily seek a VA Safety Approval for the OG Vapcap and other products (when we review them here) by meeting these criteria. Please do indicate if you wish to do so and we can carry on in this thread as such
With answers to these questions, we can let the safety discussion begin!
NOT SO FINE PRINT - Disclosure of Free Gifts: In accordance with our policy of full disclosure of any free gifts from vendors, I should disclose that I have received a couple OG vapcaps as a free gift in the distant past from Dynavap, that came with my first order from them (I paid retail for the order itself, of course).
These gifts were received long before this community and safety section ever existed. I have not received any other free goods or discounts from dynavap since except for those that would be available to all others making the same purchases. Of course, this safety thread will follow the same methodical overview of components and materials as the others in this section nonetheless, ensuring full transparency of this safety review.