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Misc. The first vape that hooked you


Dogs like me
For me it was the volcano. It wasn't mine but someone who traveled with his volcano.
Essentially taking it wherever he went. I just never tasted herb that tasted like that.
Including herb that I grew. Within a week I ordered a volcano. (in 09)

I used it at home but still traveled with joints for some years, but I finally quit combusting in 14.

I probably am a slow learner, but at the time our choices were limited. Now you really never have to combust.
For me it was the volcano.
For me it was the Hot Box...which was quickly followed by the Aromazap log vape. After that I became a log vape nut....

I had combusted from the age of 14 until 2009... you do the math... :dog:

But I had developed a cough that sounded like I had consumed whiskey and cigarettes from the age of 8....... productive and nasty. Within one week of the change over to vaping that was gone. And I haven't looked back since.

Funny enough, my third vape purchase was the Magic Flight box.... which served as my portable for years. My how times have changed...
For me it was the Hot Box...which was quickly followed by the Aromazap log vape. After that I became a log vape nut....

I had combusted from the age of 14 until 2009... you do the math... :dog:

But I had developed a cough that sounded like I had consumed whiskey and cigarettes from the age of 8....... productive and nasty. Within one week of the change over to vaping that was gone. And I haven't looked back since.

Funny enough, my third vape purchase was the Magic Flight box.... which served as my portable for years. My how times have changed...

I had to google, hot box. I guess I do remember them now. I won a similar vape (a cheap vapor bros knock off) in a raffle, can't remember the name, and I gave it away. But at that time I had several vapes already.

I can see the progression from a hot box to a ssv.

My first portable was a glass tube thingy. Can't remember the exact name but it was called something like an oolie. (googled it without luck) You put a small amount in a glass tube and heated the glass with a lighter. It was a terrible vape, lol. I threw it all away. It constantly combusted.

I had two friends with magic flight boxes. I guess I never had the patience for one. Neither of my friends still use theirs.

Hmmm the math. 2009 was 9 years ago, and your 39 yr old now so.........
Arizer EQ was what got me in & I have been thinking about busting it out for the holidays as when tuned right it delivers unbelievable rips in the biggest glass.

I had combusted from the age of 14 until 2009... you do the math... :dog:

Lets just say this is a colourised pic of mom's first time she was busted. Her eyes were redder than her cheeks in reality.

The first vape that hooked me, was my first vape. I hadn't been combusting long, before I realized it wasn't helping my asthma. It did, however, help with other symptoms, and I'd heard about vaporizers. I bought an Arizer Extreme Q, then ordered the @ddave kit. That was just heaven. It still is. My Arizer EQ and I just had our first anniversary. It's not my only vape, but I love it still, even though I share my love with other vapes. I may be fickle, but I'm passionate.
My first vape sold me, basically a soldering iron with a brass dish with a covered globe and whip tube, on/off switch. Man that thing was badass. We used to scrape the reclaim off the globe and call it hash oil because it was soo tasty. Little did we know it was just vape reclaim, but for a joint smoker that was top notch oil!

This had a rotary knob, I must have had a cheaper model, mine just had a simple switch.

My first vape sold me, basically a soldering iron with a brass dish with a covered globe and whip tube, on/off switch. Man that thing was badass. We used to scrape the reclaim off the globe and call it hash oil because it was soo tasty. Little did we know it was just vape reclaim, but for a joint smoker that was top notch oil!

This had a rotary knob, I must have had a cheaper model, mine just had a simple switch.

Facinating. I wonder if anyone has set up a museum display yet. It would be fascinating to see some of these older vapes.

Hastily (and non-functionally) reassembled. Basically just a male GoNG joint over a ceramic soldering iron heating element, with a couple of air-holes drilled in at the base. Used a matching female joint as a bowl. A few similar vapes have been commercially available over the years. Believe the first was called Hot Glass.

My first vape sold me, basically a soldering iron with a brass dish with a covered globe and whip tube, on/off switch.

Made something similar in the 1990s. Never got high, but enjoyed watching the vapor waft up from the bowl.
So when my doc prescribed cannabis he wasn't allowed to provide any advice on how to use it due to silly rules within their College. Fortunately he was able to say 'get a vaporizer'. Vapes didn't exist in the late 70s, so I had no idea what a vape was. So off to the LHS, where the dreadlocked kid behind the counter hooked me up with an Arizer something (not listed on their website, so likely out of production. It looked kinda like a cross between a microphone and a sippy cup).

So I park in the basement level of an outdoor parkade, the only car down there. The light comes on when I pusht he button so it has battery life. Lets fill this puppy up, hit a couple of buttons til it lights up, and it should be good in a minute. So I start sucking, and sucking, and it tastes flowery. Exhale and not much vape comes out... So try again, same thing. Suck harder - still no huge clouds of vapour, but I do feel something. Hey! There's a MacD's! 2 double deathburgers, fries and drinks later and I jump in the car and head home to a lovely supper, where I had way too much, giggled a bit, then fell asleep for the night. And then started learning how they worked. And now I've been fortunate to play with a whole bunch, and find the simple ones seem to give good bang for buck. Go DynaVAP :)
My little AU$70 Nokiva started the vape bug (US$199 at Kandipens last time I looked:razz2:) I thought 'It is less than a packet of smokes so why not' that led to an Arixer Air OG. I was still on ciggies and pot combusting (called spliffs in the US?) but gave up combusting and the tobacco (over 35 years worth) altogether in September 2017, cold Turkey after being extremely crook with the flu for a week (I did not eat for 5 days) I got my Plenty shipped to me a couple weeks later and haven't looked back.:thumbsup:
A friend of mine had a unit like the one @psychonaut posted above - but we could never get good results from it. My personal transition to vaping started with a cheap wax pen that was quickly replaced with a box mod and DTv3 which I still enjoy using. Concentrates only left me missing my beloved flower in natural state - so I got the DCv2 for dry herb and started enjoying flower again. I don't have much need for portability and charging batteries is a drag, but my discovery of DivineTribe products had also turned up an online forum dedicated to vaping and I found out about logs. Enter the Underdog - this is the vape that did it for me - and while I now have a whole raft of vapes, the UD is on every day.
A friend of mine had a unit like the one @psychonaut posted above - but we could never get good results from it.

We had that problem as well until we tried moistening the ground herb with water, at a certain point the moisture evaporated off and the globe started getting milky!
I had been reading online about people using vaporizers to inhale the goodies from cannabis in a healthier fashion than smoking when I started seeing people sharing it took less herb for similar effects.
I went and ordered da Buddha that was on sale. It was black, heavy, and simple as hell. It made me, my girl, and all of our friends cough so hard, but we didn't really see much vapor. Then the neighbors started bringing over that pressed ditch weed cause it maximized the effects from it. Back then we used to smoke the leftovers as soon as we were done callin the bowl. To us it was like two bowls in one. Lol
my mom had a combustion pen that was advertised as a vape.. i dont even rememeber what it was called but i liked the idea of no lighter and reading up i discovered it was a combustion device and that these magical wooden flight boxes allowed you to slowly sip herbs which in return gave you greater amounts of active ingredients because your not just torching it to death (something like 15% if combusted and much more if slowly cooked). makes sense so i bought it. @PuffItUp gave me the vas bug REAL quick . i guess randy personally infected me with vas because after i bought the mflb it was the cfx then pretty much anytime i got paid a little would go twords my vape fund and now 40 vapes later im still browsing these forums and retailers for the newest best vape out there.

so thanks randy ! hooked me up and got me into this world.

also shout out to @momofthegoons for this forum. its always a breath of fresh air. some others are so shilled out they need to chill lol

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