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Lunacy The Garden Thread

It looks like one of the varieties of Moon Flower (Datura- Angel Trumpet) that has smoother edged leaves.
I take it back.
I brought laptop to a nursery, and was told it was more likely a "Stegeman's Dreadnaught".

I looked these up and I don't think that's what it is Vito. Thank you for looking into it though.

Does each plant have 1 or 2 leaves (stems), each with three leaflets? (Note: multiple plants can exist together)

I believe it is a Jack in the Pulpit. As you probably know, it is a perennial. I've seen mature Jack in the Pulpits get 2-3 feet tall after 4-5 years.
Yes.... each stem has the three leaflets. This is the first year it's had more than one stem (or plant). I found it growing back there a few years ago. It's one of those mystery plants where you have no idea where it came from. It was much smaller and there was only the one stem with the 3 leaves and the flower. But last year it got huge... and I noticed the large stamen with the 'green balls' (which I'm assuming are the seeds) for the first time. I may have missed the actual flower this year. And noticed that there are several plants growing now. I had no idea they got so big. I'm excited to have it in the yard.


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