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Vape Vector by Volski


New Member

Vector is our vision, our invention for pleasant vaping. A simple solution with a new perspective of a fancied process.
At it's heart lies the japanese principal - all that is perfect is hidden within. This principle reflects in Vector's simple appearance, composed with titanium infused stainless steel.
Every detail is just where it belongs, fulfilling several functions, which creates a an incomparable overall experience with Vector.
In addition to all that, this device can be used as a classic pipe, for you buddy who likes to have a good old smoke once in a while.
Our product allows anybody to find a way of use which may be their own, or apply the one we do.

Price - 60 USD


Vector Art, for those who appreciate uncommon choices, where every new edge is unlike the last. Comes in a lovely case crafted with leather and wood.

Price - 160 USD

Hand made in Ukraine, with Love :peace::weed:
View attachment 36664View attachment 36665

Vector is our vision, our invention for pleasant vaping. A simple solution with a new perspective of a fancied process.
At it's heart lies the japanese principal - all that is perfect is hidden within. This principle reflects in Vector's simple appearance, composed with titanium infused stainless steel.
Every detail is just where it belongs, fulfilling several functions, which creates a an incomparable overall experience with Vector.
In addition to all that, this device can be used as a classic pipe, for you buddy who likes to have a good old smoke once in a while.
Our product allows anybody to find a way of use which may be their own, or apply the one we do.

Price - 60 USD

View attachment 36667View attachment 36668

Vector Art, for those who appreciate uncommon choices, where every new edge is unlike the last. Comes in a lovely case crafted with leather and wood.

Price - 160 USD

Hand made in Ukraine, with Love :peace::weed:

Sooo its kinda like a vapcap then..??
Will this become available in uk ???
Is the tip also ss/ti composite..??? What ratio is that at ???

I wanna see the actual area that the product is placed into.. the oven, if you will...
Sooo its kinda like a vapcap then..??
Will this become available in uk ???
Is the tip also ss/ti composite..??? What ratio is that at ???

I wanna see the actual area that the product is placed into.. the oven, if you will...
to answer your first 3 questions -

Titanium is used where there is a need for it, given its heat capacity. In this case, this is a mouthpiece and a smoke channel that also performs the function of a vapor cooler.
We ship worldwide, and we still have them in stock:)
Our devices are handcrafted from high quality steel products. Only a drilling and grinding machine is used.

Would you like to see our blueprints aswell, or maybe you would like to buy our patent ? :)
Yeah, nice vid showing someone putting something into the end of a tube....but that's all that was shown.

Sorry, @420Volski but the members here are fairly sophisticated wrt to vape devices and have seen many that were great and many that just plain sucked.

My opinion is that you absolutely need to show us a view of the oven (does it contain a screen or how are the botanicals contained) and an view of it in operation...heating it and subsequent vapor.

Info such as load size, time to heat, recommended torch/lighter/heater, will it work with induction heating devices, etc.

Cheers and keep your head down and your powder dry.
Yeah, nice vid showing someone putting something into the end of a tube....but that's all that was shown.

Sorry, @420Volski but the members here are fairly sophisticated wrt to vape devices and have seen many that were great and many that just plain sucked.

My opinion is that you absolutely need to show us a view of the oven (does it contain a screen or how are the botanicals contained) and an view of it in operation...heating it and subsequent vapor.

Info such as load size, time to heat, recommended torch/lighter/heater, will it work with induction heating devices, etc.

Cheers and keep your head down and your powder dry.
Apologies , some translating difficulties mislead me on what you wanted to see :doh: hopefully, no hard feelings ;)
We recommend loading 10-15mg for a full extraction, to use a small torch (2nd vid bellow), as long as you heat, you inhale (usually (5-6 secs for 1 hit is enough), induction also works :)



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Anyone else struggling to load videos or jus me..

Yeah i cant see them.. but.. how is the air path isolated from the butane..??
Thats gonna be important.. most of us are fairly health concious here..
Anyone else struggling to load videos or jus me..

Yeah i cant see them.. but.. how is the air path isolated from the butane..??
Thats gonna be important.. most of us are fairly health concious here..
it took some time to upload, but should be working by now :)
the butane doesnt go inside the chamber due to the construction of the thermohead, only hot air heats the filling of the chamber, then is spirally ventilated to the mouthpiece, which makes the extraction safe :)
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it took some time to upload, but should be working by now :)
Still not working for me, but might just be me.. anyway iv seen videos on youtube now..

First thing that comes to mind is the potential for inhaling butane.. which no one really wants.. im struggling to see where the air holes are.. where is it taking its air from ??

Second concern is the lack of visible vapor, but you were using a small lighter.. people like clouds..
And id of liked to see the extracted product...
Could i do a single hit extraction.. ??
Still not working for me, but might just be me.. anyway iv seen videos on youtube now..

First thing that comes to mind is the potential for inhaling butane.. which no one really wants.. im struggling to see where the air holes are.. where is it taking its air from ??

Second concern is the lack of visible vapor, but you were using a small lighter.. people like clouds..
And id of liked to see the extracted product...
Could i do a single hit extraction.. ??
it took some time to upload, but should be working by now :)
the butane doesnt go inside the chamber due to the construction of the thermohead, only hot air heats the filling of the chamber, then all that is exctracted is spirally ventilated to the mouthpiece, which makes the extraction safe :)

We created Vector to be simple and discreet, so that you can use it anywhere anytilme ;) (still waiting for weed legalization in Ukraine...)
You have 3 options to make a single hit extraction
_by loading less
_by inhaling for over 10-12 secs
_by using IH (which also gives a lot more clouds^^)


photo of extracted product :)
Apologies , some translating difficulties mislead me on what you wanted to see :doh: hopefully, no hard feelings ;)
We recommend loading 10-15mg for a full extraction, to use a small torch (2nd vid bellow), as long as you heat, you inhale (usually (5-6 secs for 1 hit is enough), induction also works :)




Thank you...and before we go much further, I would like to note that I and most other people in the USA are watching the horrid events happening in Ukraine. While I really can't speak for others, my view is fuck the Russians in the ass with a corn cob and I think a lot of other people in the world think so too.

And yes...haha...I get that it needs a lighter and yes, it appears that a micro-torch lighter, as sold all over DHGate and as we use with Dyna VapCaps, is appropriate.

And I see that there is no actual screen but that the end of the inner tube flares out to almost the entire inside diameter of the outer tube thus preventing botanical herb from falling thru and into the mouth. BUT, this seems to speak to the need for a medium or larger grind, perhaps, then the fine grind we often use with VapCaps.

What I do not understand is the method of heating of the botanicals. I see you with the flame on the end of the cap and drawing. Does external hot air from the lighter actually get into the oven with the herb or is it just heating the metal of the cap which then heats the herb via conduction heat transfer?

If the later, would it not make more sense to pre-heat the end cap for some period of time and then start your draw?

Which brings me to the final point....how can a user tell when its hot enough for extraction. VapCap clicks (well, most of them click most of the time) but I don't see any way to pre-heat this device to vaping temperature while ensuring one doesn't over shoot it and end up with unintentional combustion.

A small tip for your videos.....breath the vapor into a directed beam of light from a lamp or such with a dark background. The vapor will show up MUCH better.

Look at the first 60 seconds of this vid by the OG Vape Critic and you will see what I mean

And I totally understand about translation issues....I do not speak a word of Ukrainian. So, if there are any things that you don't understand from the translation, just ask us and we will try to reword it so it translates better. Also, my next door neighbor is full Ukrainian and speaks the language. Worse comes to worse, I'll recruit him.


Thank you...and before we go much further, I would like to note that I and most other people in the USA are watching the horrid events happening in Ukraine. While I really can't speak for others, my view is fuck the Russians in the ass with a corn cob and I think a lot of other people in the world think so too.

And yes...haha...I get that it needs a lighter and yes, it appears that a micro-torch lighter, as sold all over DHGate and as we use with Dyna VapCaps, is appropriate.

And I see that there is no actual screen but that the end of the inner tube flares out to almost the entire inside diameter of the outer tube thus preventing botanical herb from falling thru and into the mouth. BUT, this seems to speak to the need for a medium or larger grind, perhaps, then the fine grind we often use with VapCaps.

What I do not understand is the method of heating of the botanicals. I see you with the flame on the end of the cap and drawing. Does external hot air from the lighter actually get into the oven with the herb or is it just heating the metal of the cap which then heats the herb via conduction heat transfer?

If the later, would it not make more sense to pre-heat the end cap for some period of time and then start your draw?

Which brings me to the final point....how can a user tell when its hot enough for extraction. VapCap clicks (well, most of them click most of the time) but I don't see any way to pre-heat this device to vaping temperature while ensuring one doesn't over shoot it and end up with unintentional combustion.

A small tip for your videos.....breath the vapor into a directed beam of light from a lamp or such with a dark background. The vapor will show up MUCH better.

Look at the first 60 seconds of this vid by the OG Vape Critic and you will see what I mean

And I totally understand about translation issues....I do not speak a word of Ukrainian. So, if there are any things that you don't understand from the translation, just ask us and we will try to reword it so it translates better. Also, my next door neighbor is full Ukrainian and speaks the language. Worse comes to worse, I'll recruit him.



First of all, thank you very much for your kind words, we are doing our best to keep up the high spirits here in Kiev :verdamper:

You are right about the fact that it is best when a botanical (as well as hash) load is medium grinded (and if you extract from wax or oil, it should be put in the thermohead). The hot air from the lighter spirals from the tip of the thermohead into the chamber with the load, then goes into the second ventilation mechanism, which allows additional cooling and better extraction. Although You may user an IH, in which case you heat the chamber.

Vector is a device that allows you to decide how much you want to hit, the extraction begins as soon as you start lighting the tip. Combustion is only possible, when you heat and inhale for more than 20 secs (we did test indeed test this option lol). This is our own patented technology, which is fully mechanical and the vape itself is extremely resistant and doesnt need any additional spare parts, and there is nothing that can break in it ;)

Thanks for the background idea, i`ll surely look into it !
Very first impressions ...
It is for micro micro micro dosing. The air flow is tight but well calibrated. It is not very airy but it doesn't want to be ... It looks like (or "reminds me") A nice airy joint, to understand the type of draft ... you have to "pull" but not too hard. Excellent extraction, good flavor, aromatic yield is there ... excellent interaction between condenser tube and outer jacket. They absorb the heat, you vape lukewarm. A few pros and cons. PRO: Extracts very well, you get to 4 or 5 puffs with a really trifle of matter. Roughly I think I used a 0.05 capacity. The weight is nice and pleasant (not very light), I love the shape, I love the gesture it makes me do, it's cool, elegant and pleasant. It empties as easy as it loads. The Stem can be used in 2 ways (you are not "obliged" to screw the cap only on one "obligated" part), excellent threading, good finishes and finally: no oring. CONS: Warms a lot in your hands after a 4-5 warm-up session. This means that it is doing its job very well, absorbing and dissipating the heat that will not get too violently into your throat.
Very first impressions ...
It is for micro micro micro dosing. The air flow is tight but well calibrated. It is not very airy but it doesn't want to be ... It looks like (or "reminds me") A nice airy joint, to understand the type of draft ... you have to "pull" but not too hard. Excellent extraction, good flavor, aromatic yield is there ... excellent interaction between condenser tube and outer jacket. They absorb the heat, you vape lukewarm. A few pros and cons. PRO: Extracts very well, you get to 4 or 5 puffs with a really trifle of matter. Roughly I think I used a 0.05 capacity. The weight is nice and pleasant (not very light), I love the shape, I love the gesture it makes me do, it's cool, elegant and pleasant. It empties as easy as it loads. The Stem can be used in 2 ways (you are not "obliged" to screw the cap only on one "obligated" part), excellent threading, good finishes and finally: no oring. CONS: Warms a lot in your hands after a 4-5 warm-up session. This means that it is doing its job very well, absorbing and dissipating the heat that will not get too violently into your throat.
Feedback like this fills my heart with warmth. Thank you! I am glad that you liked our first vape.
A little spoiler: we start developing a new one ;)
@420Volski starting a new period of the life. Reflection of metal in metal

Vape Vector is our vision, our invention for pleasant vaping. A simple solution with a new perspective of a fancied process. At it's heart lies the japanese principal - all that is perfect is hidden within. This principle reflects in vape Vector's simple appearance, composed with titanium infused stainless steel.

Price 80$ (including shipping)


Vape Vector Art, for those who appreciate uncommon decisions, where every new edge is unlike the last. Comes in a lovely case crafted with leather and wood.

Price 180$ (including shipping)

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VGoodiez 420EDC