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Vape Vestratto Anvil

I might be alone in this(but I am pretty sure I am not:tongue:), I get a real positive vibe of John!:nod:.

personally, I feel like I wanna try the Anvil, just because the thoughts and intention behind it:sherlock::clap:;.
I will hold off for a while, just as I have learned to do with all new "kidz" on da block.And I hate using a torch, so till our fellow vaporiets have found a way to use it with an IH......I stay very switched on ,on the sideline.
This could also be very helpful for @Vitolo ,and his patients.
Peace&love people:weed:.
So being made in Canada and not China gives it a free pass as far as being a DV knock-off goes?
I do not care but fuck me, where are all the usual digs about rip-offs...especially at the RRP?
That said, will an Ispire Wand heat it?
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I keep my airflow door half open, I personally don’t like going close to combustion so I’m avoiding heating the termal battery.
What I would like to replicate it would be those hits @ItsWhiff took on an earlier video. He takes something like 5/6 hits (if not more) after a single heat up. Do I need to RTL to be able to take multiple hits? Should I pack the oven tight in order to have many hits? I assumed I shouldn’t because usually convection devices don’t like tight packing.
I usually heat with a Prince PB-207 until I hear the first click, the area i heat up is on the attached pic.
Doing so I can only achieve one hit, the second is always weak, and the ABV is light brown. My weed shouldn’t be a problem with its certified Thc content over 15/20% depending on the strain. This makes me think that the Anvil copper core can keep vaporization temperature for 15”, not much more, that’s why my second hit is always weak (assuming I’m not doing anything wrong). And that those multiple hits are due to RTL/quasi combustion taking place. Happy to be contradicted.
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After @momofthegoons thread about copper safety in regards to the simrell sleeves
I shall give this a big miss irrelevant of performance and price ......

At what point are people going to start forcing sellers to prove the safety of their products

What happened to Randy's teardowns and safety information on materials used

Why spend money on overpriced vaporisers (which lets face it 95% are way overpriced) if we are inhaling poisonous fumes
We all may as well go back to smoking out of plastic Orchy bottles with a rubber hose stem

What's the point in taking pride in saying fuck combustion when you still inhaling toxins

It's downright irresponsible for people to make and sell these type things
They are all leaving themselves open to being sued and/or a class action if enough people get sick
I know you guys in merica don't seem to have warranty laws on purchases like we do (how this is a thing baffles me) but you guys definitely love suing everyone left right and centre for the most tiny things

Multiple ppl getting sick from copper inhalation would be a fun one for your lawyers over there
After @momofthegoons thread about copper safety in regards to the simrell sleeves
I shall give this a big miss irrelevant of performance and price ......

At what point are people going to start forcing sellers to prove the safety of their products

What happened to Randy's teardowns and safety information on materials used

Why spend money on overpriced vaporisers (which lets face it 95% are way overpriced) if we are inhaling poisonous fumes
We all may as well go back to smoking out of plastic Orchy bottles with a rubber hose stem

What's the point in taking pride in saying fuck combustion when you still inhaling toxins

It's downright irresponsible for people to make and sell these type things
They are all leaving themselves open to being sued and/or a class action if enough people get sick
I know you guys in merica don't seem to have warranty laws on purchases like we do (how this is a thing baffles me) but you guys definitely love suing everyone left right and centre for the most tiny things

Multiple ppl getting sick from copper inhalation would be a fun one for your lawyers over there

So they use c110 copper, which is very nearly pure and oxygen free.. so does this mean it wont oxidise over time, or just slower. ??
Im struggling to find a definitive answer online..
But yeah like you say @felvapes, we should all be well past risking our health to get high..
If there is any doubt, im out...
So they use c110 copper, which is very nearly pure and oxygen free.. so does this mean it wont oxidise over time, or just slower. ??
Im struggling to find a definitive answer online..
But yeah like you say @felvapes, we should all be well past risking our health to get high..
If there is any doubt, im out...
The copper pipes in our old hot water systems was used as it was long lasting for the purpose
But as I mentioned it was the old pipes in particular that could make you sick
So I assume it happens regardless
Also oxidation is not a result of oxygen in the metal
It is a result of exposure and the heating plus butane most likely speeds the process
"Pure" copper will still react
I have an original Anvil that I bought when they lauched it. Do I need to buy also the integrated stem to update it to the Thermocore oven?
I have an original Anvil that I bought when they lauched it. Do I need to buy also the integrated stem to update it to the Thermocore oven?
Read all of the descriptions of the Thermocore, You would buy an integrated stem, but there are many users that prefer the original setup.

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VGoodiez 420EDC