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Safety Vicod 5G

The last Atmos rebrand.

View attachment 11

Can someone give me an opinion about the safety of this Vicod 5G ?

Many people I know want to buy it because the websites of online sale promote it with attractive prices but we never talked about on FC.
Sounds like it comes with a cellular data plan with a name like 5g man! lol

It is not easy to tell without seeing some footage of one in use and preferably taken apart with a review of the materials used. Perhaps somebody knows about this information?
The last Atmos rebrand.

View attachment 11

Can someone give me an opinion about the safety of this Vicod 5G ?

Many people I know want to buy it because the websites of online sale promote it with attractive prices but we never talked about on FC.

Based on @VaporizerWizard's post about this being a Nokiva I went on to YouTube and found the following.

Nokiva portable vaporizer by airistech review (YTube 10min NSFW)

My conclusion: cheap vape, if the mouthpiece melts at higher temps then it's not a healthy vape to use. I'd rather get a VapCap OG and a torch lighter for about the same $$

Basically the synopsis is:
  • Cheap ($49)
  • Mouthpiece cracks or melts around the 400° mark
  • 20 second heat up
  • About the size of a pack of smokes
  • Ceramic heating chamber (conduction)
  • Interchangeable mouth piece between Plastic and Glass
Interesting points from the comments section:
  • Considerably cheaper on ebay (ebay $49, amazon $69)
  • "get a flowermate better. this mouthpiece if used at the highest temps all the time the plastic starts to melt which isn't got for anyone. I've tried telling them about this but they never responded" - Wavy (video author)
Most notable comment:

"The mouthpiece gets quite brittle and delicate the moment the thing hits 400 degrees. They crack if you push them in a slightly wrong direction, they crack if the unit falls over, they crack if you look at them cross-eyed... I had Three (including two of Airistech's new, "indestructable" ones) crack across the back just behind the neck of the mouthpiece. I had SIX crack in total. In three weeks. And after a couple weeks of use, the silver collar just beneath the mouthpiece cracked, too. Technically the thing still works - I took one of two mouthpieces I hadn't used yet and coated it with a whole package of Sugru (a putty-like silicone adhesive). It's holding together relatively well, though I can tell the damned thing is cracked under the Sugru. And I should say at this point, I'm not a young person. My Viva wasn't passed around at parties, or taken out of the house for that matter. It was used by me, and me alone. I've used e-cigs for years - mods in general are not new to me and I've never had one fall apart like this. :( Frankly I'm looking at the Focusvape Pro. I'm loving the fact that the top doesn't "snap" on, but screws closed, and it's aluminum, not plastic. The Viva would be wonderful if it were only built better. :(" - XantiaD2 months ago (19.03.17)

Based on @VaporizerWizard's post about this being a Nokiva I went on to YouTube and found the following.

Nokiva portable vaporizer by airistech review (YTube 10min NSFW)

My conclusion: cheap vape, if the mouthpiece melts at higher temps then it's not a healthy vape to use. I'd rather get a VapCap OG and a torch lighter for about the same $$

Basically the synopsis is:
  • Cheap ($49)
  • Mouthpiece cracks or melts around the 400° mark
  • 20 second heat up
  • About the size of a pack of smokes
  • Ceramic heating chamber (conduction)
  • Interchangeable mouth piece between Plastic and Glass
Interesting points from the comments section:
  • Considerably cheaper on ebay (ebay $49, amazon $69)
  • "get a flowermate better. this mouthpiece if used at the highest temps all the time the plastic starts to melt which isn't got for anyone. I've tried telling them about this but they never responded" - Wavy (video author)
Most notable comment:

"The mouthpiece gets quite brittle and delicate the moment the thing hits 400 degrees. They crack if you push them in a slightly wrong direction, they crack if the unit falls over, they crack if you look at them cross-eyed... I had Three (including two of Airistech's new, "indestructable" ones) crack across the back just behind the neck of the mouthpiece. I had SIX crack in total. In three weeks. And after a couple weeks of use, the silver collar just beneath the mouthpiece cracked, too. Technically the thing still works - I took one of two mouthpieces I hadn't used yet and coated it with a whole package of Sugru (a putty-like silicone adhesive). It's holding together relatively well, though I can tell the damned thing is cracked under the Sugru. And I should say at this point, I'm not a young person. My Viva wasn't passed around at parties, or taken out of the house for that matter. It was used by me, and me alone. I've used e-cigs for years - mods in general are not new to me and I've never had one fall apart like this. :( Frankly I'm looking at the Focusvape Pro. I'm loving the fact that the top doesn't "snap" on, but screws closed, and it's aluminum, not plastic. The Viva would be wonderful if it were only built better. :(" - XantiaD2 months ago (19.03.17)

Holy shit! Thanks for sharing this info brother!

That seems like inappropriate use of materials is a problem. The Pinnacle Pro was one such infamous vape that used plastic that did not resist the temps that it would be subjected to in use, leading to cracking, melting and deformation over time. This seems like another case of the same.

I should be emphatic here: I do not recommend that anybody buys any vaporizer with these kinds of problems (ie: cracking, melting or otherwise deformed plastic from normal use) for any amount of usage, no matter how short term.
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This completely confirms my fears about this vaporizer.

I will discourage my friends from buying this Chinese herb grill dangerous to health.

Thanks you a lot !


:enamorado:Love :aaaaa:Peace :weed: Harmony

There are unconscious and unscrupulous people who promote unhealthy vaporizers ... They present themselves as connoisseurs and talk about "
best Medical Marijuana Vaporizer" :BangHead:

--> TheVapeGuide

Can we do something ?

Mom note: posts merged.
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Can we do something ?
You just have. :smile: By posting about it's safety, you are pointing out the issues to 'the world.'

It might be worth it to start a thread about the vape, linking to this thread. Not so much to rehash the safety issues and to put some general info up about the vape and link to this thread regarding safety. If anyone is interested, put it in the Unreleased section and pm me to move it to Portables please. :smile:
You just have. :smile: By posting about it's safety, you are pointing out the issues to 'the world.'

It might be worth it to start a thread about the vape, linking to this thread. Not so much to rehash the safety issues and to put some general info up about the vape and link to this thread regarding safety. If anyone is interested, put it in the Unreleased section and pm me to move it to Portables please. :smile:
I'm with Mom, link it to a vape thread in the respective section (portables) and people will know this if they visit this site :D

There's not much more you can do other than warn the people you know ;)

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VGoodiez 420EDC