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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy We all gotta eat, right? (Food Porn)


Coincidentally, I had purchased this Goat Gouda before seeing that just for "old times sake" thinking back to the roaring 90s when this shit got somewhat popular (the sun-dried tomatoes, however, I can still mostly do w/o)... I'm enjoying some right now au natural:

Pretty good! I still think I like more than cavern aged Gruyère (for the money, that is)... it's all about the tyrosine, mang! :drooling::thumbsup:
This happenin' right now...:

$6/lb bone-in ribeye (the bone is about the size of a nickel) in the oven-fryer on MAX (yes, that's butter on it... shhhh!!)
Local fresh green beans lightly boiled in the nucrowave, buttered
Uncle Ben's nucrowave bag o' Korean BBQ rice

It took longer to make the small garden salad that's already been consumed! 10 mins TOPS!
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Lot burgahhhs tonite!:

1 lb local fresh burger = 4 bacon cheeseburgers for BRUNNER (no breakfast or lunch today)... nothing else with it except one ginger ale....:angel2:

Enjoy your:

Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night (RESTORED - SUPERSCALED TO 1080HD)
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Finally hitting the place directly across the street (US Route 1) for the first time:
I'm always very suspect of anything labeled "pizza" up here, but this is actually not bad! Probably the best I've ever had (north of MA), ishitunot:

Didnt even bother getting one of their fru-fru beers cuz... fuck em! I'm gonna tip a couple with my good buddy, Flem, instead...:

You are loved and you are missed.

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VGoodiez 420EDC