Where am I?
I thought it would be interesting to see what everybody's favorite tools of the trade are here. My only request when you're listing your favorite tools is to not include anything that can only be used for one specific vaporizer. Here are mine:
Kannastor Gr8tr grinder: Gives off a great grind, fine and coarse.
Ratchett NuSong: Amazing WPA that fits pretty much any vaporizer. I have the small, medium, and large and between the three of them they work on pretty much every single vape I own.
Ratchett Mini Scoop and Poke tool: Very nice tool that I use for tamping down and stirring. It is my favorite stir tool out of the multiple I own
Pax 2 loading tool from NewVape: Although the title says its for Pax 2 it's really just a nice shoveling tool for loading and it works for pretty much anything. Between the mini shovel on the scoop and poke tool and this shovel I basically have gotten rid of using index cards.
Muslin Bags: Works great for blowing ABV out of any vaporizer that uses a stem mouthpiece.
PBW: Amazing for cleaning all your glass. Much superior to rubbing alcohol.
Bottle of EverClear: Not for drinking! I much prefer using this to rubbing alcohol nowadays. Use with the pieces that can't be cleaned with PBW.
Nitecore D2: It's always very convenient to have an external battery charger for all of your vapes that use external batteries. This one charger can charge the batteries I use on three separate vapes I own.
Kannastor Gr8tr grinder: Gives off a great grind, fine and coarse.
Ratchett NuSong: Amazing WPA that fits pretty much any vaporizer. I have the small, medium, and large and between the three of them they work on pretty much every single vape I own.
Ratchett Mini Scoop and Poke tool: Very nice tool that I use for tamping down and stirring. It is my favorite stir tool out of the multiple I own
Pax 2 loading tool from NewVape: Although the title says its for Pax 2 it's really just a nice shoveling tool for loading and it works for pretty much anything. Between the mini shovel on the scoop and poke tool and this shovel I basically have gotten rid of using index cards.
Muslin Bags: Works great for blowing ABV out of any vaporizer that uses a stem mouthpiece.
PBW: Amazing for cleaning all your glass. Much superior to rubbing alcohol.
Bottle of EverClear: Not for drinking! I much prefer using this to rubbing alcohol nowadays. Use with the pieces that can't be cleaned with PBW.
Nitecore D2: It's always very convenient to have an external battery charger for all of your vapes that use external batteries. This one charger can charge the batteries I use on three separate vapes I own.