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Lunacy What The Hell Are You Listening To?

So ... I started this thread back in the day. I don't really remember what the point was, other than to impress people that I hated. Those people are gone now and I don't really know what the fuck matters anymore. I don't have any friends left anymore. It is entirely my fault. So... whatever. It's been a long time coming.

I live in a rather isolated area and what I usually did was crank up this thread when I got home from work to hear a bunch of random shit. It was fun.

My best friend, these days, is a raccoon. He seems to be going through some rough times, as I have been. He lives off my compost pile, and sleeps on my porch. I don't call it my compost pile, anymore. I call it Rocket's food. I call him Rocket because of Guardians of the Galaxy. Even my cats like him. He's such a cool dude. He likes Sencha tea.

I'm sorry that my inclusion in this thread these days is sporadic, at best. To everyone who posts in this thread, I'd like to say that I appreciate it - more then you'll ever know. Many of your posts have become some of my favorites, some of my most important songs that get me through the day.

I'm sorry for sounding so self-important. I really am. I just can't help myself. So ... I'm bowing out. I just need to leave. Everything. It's time to just let it all go.

I thank you all for the music you have shared with me. I wouldn't have heard these songs, if it were not for you. I can't thank you enough.

motg, I would appreciate if you closed this thread.
@EveryDayAmnesiac will be sad to see you go. I do understand about life intruding. We all fight with these types of things from time to time. I've pretty much dropped off 'social' media, but do appreciate that a little bit of it can be helpful, and VA continues to help me learn and grow from a medical standpoint.

Stay safe, hang loose, and try to do some things that give you a smile. It doesn't have to be big - I like talking to trees sometimes - they don't judge, and sometimes give good advice (beware pine trees and their wierd sense of haha tho).

Nice and chill album for a snowy Sunday morning - Brian Eno and Karl Hyde (from Underground).

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