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Welcome back. :smile: Feel free to pm me with any changes you would like to make to your account.
Hi Mom, I don't know about pm's. I'm thinking it's Personal Messages. I have an iMac. Or is this an internal thing? I apologize for my cluelessness. Would it be OK if I just posted my email address and once I knew you got it I could delete it? I just want to update my email address so I don't get locked out like with Facebook.
Okay.... sorry for my abruptness... I've had a couple glasses of wine and a dab and am a bit buzzed... and didn't want you posting personal information that others may inadvertently see. Plus it took me a minute to figure out how to put an arrow on the pic LOL...

Look here.... you will see a message waiting for you.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 9.02.15 PM.jpeg

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VGoodiez 420EDC