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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Vape WoodScents Titanium AromaLog Diffuser - Eds TnT

For me it's been working best during a session is taking off the mouthpiece between draws. I would get lazy with the nano and leave the stem on between draws. This unit gets hot with the ti tip so taking the stem off saves on material. I have been using the wooden stem where I inserted the ti tip. It's really pretty.

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Good morning everyone, alot going on here at Ed's TnT,finally getting caught up on emails and such, gotta get my butt back out in the shop ASAP and wrap up the Arizer stuff to go out. That and I finally got all my tax papers done and organized. I do it old school with an excel spread sheet, yeah yeah I know there are probably easier ways to do it but hey so what I know with a calculator and pencil that 2+2=4-3=1 and so on and so forth, if it aint broke dont try to fix me! Just praying that I have enough to write off and not owe more than I can pay, thankfully they will let ya make payments lol!

@Aezhenn You being another woodsman your opinion means alot to me, you know more than anyone else it aint just a piece of wood with a hole it in, there is a heckofa lot more to it than that, thanks for the positive words and for always being in my corner! Enjoy my man, wish you the best!

@UN~YAH My man, glad you found that grabber to remove the aromacup, quite the tool, hey if it works it works, let it be! I will tell you that the next batch from the lab I will have silicone bands for the aromacup and gong as well, so much to get done still, but always working on moving forward here so hang in there with me.

@momofthegoons Thanks for posting up tips and advise, I appreciate it always!

@herbivore21 Woot woot, been some time bro, been some time! All is well and times are good, got me a great woman to make me a good man, gotta love that! My boys are healthy and growing, geez my oldest is about to start his first summer job in May, will be getting his drivers license 6 months early for that, they grow up so quickly. I have thought about you from time to time bout my log way back when, glad you are here to see it a reality. I need to get with you about safety compliance and such for it and find out how to make that happen. I will tell you that in another 1 1/2 hours I have had one running full temp tied to a metal stantion kinda thing over my concrete slab for 48 hours, the out side body is warm, its not too hot to hold at all but is warm for sure. I want to see what prolonged extreme heat would do to it. Pls do know there isnt a single solder joint within it, its utilizing Ti as you know and the base floats on a high temp Oring rated at just a bit above what the WS is capable of. I have pics, I have logs, lets get together and go over what I need do pls sir and thanks again for all you do and have done. You have always been solid with me and I respect that!

@CarolKing I knew you would get right, keep on doing it gal, I love seeing and hearing how you do, thanks doll!

@beach bum Hey hey, so glad to see you made it, going to take some getting used to from your avatar pic! I know we on the same page, talked to my girl this morning and told her its on for Feb in the big easy, you asked if it that place can handle us, well we sure as hell going to see aint we!

Ok, I have thought about this and even slept on it, yesterday I wasnt going to say thing but this morning I feel I wanna mention it. I have been round here since 09, I have been working on my own desire to make a log since then pretty much. I have never trashed anyone here and thought I was cool with so many. Seems as long as I was just ol Ed the wood stem guy all was cool, who doesnt like wooden stems right. When the WS was in beta I was beginning to hear bout this or that, well as soon as I get a log out, all that changes and the gloves come off. Its really crummy getting slammed for doing what I love & have always wanted. There is a big giant world out there with enough pie for everyone to get more than they need.
It's all good Ed, don't let the negative ions have any power. I love logs, mainly because of the exotic wood. However, my biggest complaint was the initial heat up time. I would have to keep my old logs cranked to 7 or 8 on dimmer or above 10 on vvps while not in use, then power up full blast, just to have the core heated the way I like. With your WoodScents the heat up is much quicker and I never feel the need to heat soak either the load or the log. Titanium, it's definitely a difference maker. Thanks again for being you, brother!
May play with the avatar, Ed...just threw that one up there for now. I agree with UN-YAH-don't let the negative vibes get to you. I remember the old Rick and Tom dynamic-and that was interesting at times. Here's hoping the shenanigans stop and folks live and let live! Life is too short otherwise... :twocents:

On the other hand...ya need me to get involved...you know I'm here! :whipit:
Haters gonna hate brother. As grasshopper said take it as a compliment that you got them shaking in their boots. Just means they gotta step their game up and stop making the same damn thing year after year.

Keep killin it Ed.
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@herbivore21 Woot woot, been some time bro, been some time! All is well and times are good, got me a great woman to make me a good man, gotta love that! My boys are healthy and growing, geez my oldest is about to start his first summer job in May, will be getting his drivers license 6 months early for that, they grow up so quickly. I have thought about you from time to time bout my log way back when, glad you are here to see it a reality. I need to get with you about safety compliance and such for it and find out how to make that happen. I will tell you that in another 1 1/2 hours I have had one running full temp tied to a metal stantion kinda thing over my concrete slab for 48 hours, the out side body is warm, its not too hot to hold at all but is warm for sure. I want to see what prolonged extreme heat would do to it. Pls do know there isnt a single solder joint within it, its utilizing Ti as you know and the base floats on a high temp Oring rated at just a bit above what the WS is capable of. I have pics, I have logs, lets get together and go over what I need do pls sir and thanks again for all you do and have done. You have always been solid with me and I respect that!
It has been a long time hasn't it man! Glad to hear that the kids are growing up like trees and that family life is treating you well sir!

We can definitely have a good chat about safety when the time comes, I am really looking forward to seeing more aspects of your design brother! It is good to hear that you are stress testing units with max temp/long term operation as this is definitely advisable to avoid problems with heater failures for customers who like to leave their units on long term or use higher temps than usual.

I believe that the safety thread might have a brief delay getting started while the powers that be around here and I discuss how we are going to handle future safety overviews to ensure a consistent and methodical approach. Thank you very much for the kind words my friend, I look forward to going over the safety features of your products with you for the benefit of our fellow patients/users :biggrin:

I'll be sure to tag you as soon as we start the safety thread for your product :hambre:

Don't you worry about the log wars man, they were going on long before you entered the market and will no doubt carry on afterwards too. Keep on carrying yourself like the gentleman that you are bro, customers will notice and respect that. What they won't respect is competitors who set out to knock their competition down a peg rather than focusing on their own products and service. I know that even though I largely do not use wooden products and haven't bought anything from you in a very long time, you have always stood out in my memory for your service and customer experience :biggrin:

Let your good work speak for itself, I say! :peace: You got nothing but respect coming from this herbivore :twocents:
I'm using my WS right now with some Gorilla Glue. I haven't heard anything negative about the WS or @Ed's TnT for that matter. I've just been using my WS at home since I used the right ps last Thursday which was 6 days ago.

I use a medium to a fine grind. I like temp 7 or slightly higher with my wooden Ti stem. The stem heats up fast no need to heat soak and I take my stem off the heat between draws. I'm not having any problem with draw resistance. I would say just use a little bit of cannabis, it doesn't take much. No need to pack either. I don't need to stir if I'm having a session, the ABV is evenly toasted to a dark brown when spent.

The glass stem does take a slightly higher temp and produces great flavor as well. It fits on the end of the heater and doesn't fit very low so be careful it doesnt fall off and break.

This is a unique piece with its fancy screen and the leather bottom which adds to the units stability. The cord is lightweight so the unit doesn't drag off the table. It is hard for me to see the numbers on the dimmer, I use a little tiny flashlight.:idea:

I don't know why anyone would say anything bad about this log vape or @Ed's TnT for that matter. It must be jealously of someone else's success, which is too bad. It's not worth spending your time thinking about. We live in a big world and there's plenty of opportunity for anyone who works hard and has the talent for this sort of woodwork.:weed::twocents:
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@CarolKing - you are and have always been a fountain of wisdom... so glad you are here to continue the WORD!
@CarolKing - you are and have always been a fountain of wisdom... so glad you are here to continue the WORD!
Great to see you here too man! Just noticed your name popping up around here for the first time :D Welcome!
If you got free time to troll another manufacturer then you got time to work.

Bingo, except replace work with innovate. Companies tend to rest on their laurels when they have a good product that sells. Then someone decides to apply some thought & ingenuity to making a premium log vape for discerning vapers & the threatened dog the NKOTB to fuel their own insecurities.

The glass stem does take a slightly higher temp and produces great flavor as well. It fits on the end of the heater and doesn't fit very low so be careful it doesnt fall off and break.

How do you mean takes a higher temp? Do you run the WS slightly higher to achieve the same results as through the Ti?

I can't wait to see my WS in the flesh. Gonna be something real special & classy that will find a nice home on my coffee table.
The glass stem for the WS takes a slightly higher temp, just slightly. My temp for the wooden stem with the ti tip is just above 7 the temp for the glass almost to temp 8.

The fact that this unit doesn't take much product to get you medicated is a real plus. A perfect unit to microdose with.

I think the glass loses a little more heat than the ti tip. The glass has a loose fit but it works fine that way. Either way it's great flavor.

Another thing to take into consideration is you don't need to leave this unit on 24/7 unless you want to. It will heat up to your desired temp in 5 min or less.
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I have a question, please. I see the Dynavap Ti tip in the wood stems/WonGs but how do you form a chamber in the glass stem. I don't see that in any of the pics I have seen in this thread. I did see where Mom adapted a Ti tip to her glass stem, but is that the expected?

Does it use a basket screen ala' Enano or something else?

I have a question, please. I see the Dynavap Ti tip in the wood stems/WonGs but how do you form a chamber in the glass stem. I don't see that in any of the pics I have seen in this thread. I did see where Mom adapted a Ti tip to her glass stem, but is that the expected?

Does it use a basket screen ala' Enano or something else?

You get a couple of screens with the package (very comprehensive package I should add), which you push into the glass stem, and the GonG.
You even get a little wooden dowel tool for this purpose! (doubles as a tool to set the depth of the Ti screens in the Dynavap tips).
In the glass stem you can set the screen to any depth you like (and I assume it can face either way too).
You get a couple of screens with the package (very comprehensive package I should add), which you push into the glass stem, and the GonG.
You even get a little wooden dowel tool for this purpose! (doubles as a tool to set the depth of the Ti screens in the Dynavap tips).
In the glass stem you can set the screen to any depth you like (and I assume it can face either way too).
Basket screen or flat Ti or SS dynavap type diffuser??
Here's a pic I hope I included everything that I received in the package. The bottle is essential lemon oil to use in the aroma cup. I would include a few drops of water in the cup as well and a drop or two of the oil. A little goes a long way.

There is a small used screen I included I had it in the glass stem it's been used and looks dark. I did manage to clean the glass. You can see the new screen that hasn't been used. That would go into the glass. Similar to how you install an Enano screen using the wooden stick. There is an extra fancy screen that goes in the ti tip. It's in the bag with the Orings.

The ti tip was on the GonG but I took it off and inserted it in my wooden stem.

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VGoodiez 420EDC