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  1. Baron23

    Research Cannabis for Pain and PTSD Goes Up in Smoke

    https://420intel.com/articles/2023/10/02/cannabis-pain-and-ptsd-goes-smoke?utm_source=420intel&utm_campaign=25fc759aa1-420+Intel+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3210cbef52-25fc759aa1-278137401 Ah yeah....and this has zero to do with med docs, pharma companies, and psycho therapists being...
  2. momofthegoons

    Research Cannabidiol (CBD) for Treatment of Neurofibromatosis-related Pain and Concomitant Mood Disorder

    Cannabidiol (CBD) for Treatment of Neurofibromatosis-related Pain and Concomitant Mood Disorder: A Case Report PEER-REVIEWED Omar Hegazy, Howard Platnick Published: December 06, 2019 (see history) DOI: 10.7759/cureus.6312 Cite this article as: Hegazy O, Platnick H (December 06, 2019)...
  3. momofthegoons

    Research Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis

    Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis D.C. Hammell,1,a L.P. Zhang,2,a F. Ma,2 S.M. Abshire,2 S.L. McIlwrath,2 A.L. Stinchcomb,1 and K.N. Westlund2 Author information ► Copyright and License information ► The publisher's final...
  4. momofthegoons

    Meds Cannabis and Pain

    IS CANNABIS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR CHRONIC PAIN? Fact: pain severely impairs quality of life. There are different kinds of pain. Broadly categorised, we can divide them into acute and chronic. Acute pain is usually the result of tissue injury and is essential in alerting us that something...
  5. CarolKing

    Meds Why Do You Medicate

    i have used cannabis for 35+ years. I smoked cannabis recreationally for a long time. I was worried that I was developing a smokers cough. Four years ago this past January I stopped smoking cannabis. It was a hard transition at first but with the help of some friends in another forum I was...

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VGoodiez 420EDC