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Meds Why Do You Medicate


Always in search of the perfect vaporizer
i have used cannabis for 35+ years. I smoked cannabis recreationally for a long time. I was worried that I was developing a smokers cough. Four years ago this past January I stopped smoking cannabis. It was a hard transition at first but with the help of some friends in another forum I was able to make the transition.

You need to cut the smoking all together in order for it to be successful. Finding yourself a good vaporizer that you are comfortable with is probably the most important thing. If you don't like it your not going to use it.

I use cannabis recreationally but also to help with pain and at times anxiety when things get too stressful. I have arthritis in many joints of my body that get sore. I'm unable to take anti inflammatory meds like ibuprofen and Aleve. The doctor had put me on a prescription anti inflammatory medication where I needed blood tests to monitor kidney function. My kidney function went down when I used the medication. The doc said that years of taking over the counter pain meds weakened my kidney function. That's what they had told me to take for my on going arthritis.

Cannabis does help with the pain and makes it more bearable. I have a cannabis medical card but live in a legal state.
I switched in 2002, after my first trip to A'dam. I bought a Volcano 3 days after my return to the US . In those days no one knew what I was talking about and I made many trips with that Volcano, in a backpack to friends houses hoping to convert them. They loved it, but not the price tag lol
I've converted many people since then, once the prices and portables came along. I couldn't smoke a joint now if I tried, nor would I want to even try.
We have a MMJ program where I live, very restricted and I'm not eligible, but I'd be legal in almost every other state
Cannabis is a complex plant and I have tried to have a basic understanding of more medicinal plants. More and even more reasons come up like when I decided to quit smoking entirely over mountain biking.
Now it might be somewhat of a health thing to use it?

If a complex plant that is near harmless and is suited to be grown in artificial light and can be grown by responsible adults. Then that could be more citizens who can contribute to the pool of strains with more benefit to medical science. Like say a gene repository.
Once you get the 'essence' of the plant then you are getting more of the positives. Thats kind of like Chinese medicine in a sense. Oh snap! Cannabis is part of Chinese medicine.
You need to cut the smoking all together in order for it to be successful. Finding yourself a good vaporizer that you are comfortable with is probably the most important thing. If you don't like it your not going to use it.
:wave:Hi @CarolKing Hi everyone.
I was lucky to have the first one rec'd to me that was effective enough for me to be successful and my curiosity. And got my learning curve with. Now I have a range that I'm trying to fill.

Smoking Cannabis is different than smoking tobacco. And then proper vaporizing is a whole other thing, fortunately. To grossly oversimplify. Tobacco - clogs, Cannabis - tears, Vapor - absorbs through the lungs.

:angel2:2 years no combustion. on purpose anyway. Lost even more weight. Can sprint more to get around. Don't forget to stay healthy and vape your vegetables. :goofy:
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I medicate 24/7.
I am a coma survivor, with residual problems.
I suffer spasticity in the Moderate to Severe range.
I have lost 1/3 of my colon, and suffer chronic Severe Nausea.
I also have Neuropathy, as well as Double Vision.
Finally there is the chronic Pain.
I medicate.
I ingest Medical Marijuana in every form that I am able to produce.
I take minimal Narcotic and prescribed drugs due to the THC that runs through my body 24/7
The Doctors are amazed at what I am able to do, and I owe it to our plant!
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I claim to be half medicinal, but @Vitolo you make me feel like I'm full recreational compared to you...
My problems are less dramatic thankfully..
It's mainly mental for me...
Cannabis calms my ocd and other strange personality traits....
I'm slightly neuro diverse...

And example would be, if I don't vape much the night before, sometimes I will wake and just start cleaning, then I can't stop...
I'm getting late for work, bit I don't care, I'm self employed and I'll make an excuse to keep cleaning...
A small micro dose of herbs will take this away and allow me to carry on functioning...

I have many traumatic memories from a past shit life, cannabis takes away my bad dreams too...

But i also use it for fun....
It helps me to appreciate the small wonders in like that may have otherwise gone unnoticed...
I LOVE being high!

But I also toke up for medicinal reasons...

After a severe food poisoning event a couple years ago I now have a damaged pancreas. I have Dulaudid at home but I stay away from it since I get plenty during my fairly regular hospital visits.

At home I medicate for pain, nausea, these weird shooting random neurological pains and assistance sleeping.

But, I also LOVE being high and hope never to be completely straight again.
I use cannabis for several reasons:
  • Reduces the inflamation in my skin
  • Takes my mind off the fact that 40% of my body is covered in inflamed, broken, itchy, weepy skin
  • Got me off of the codeine which had a number of unwanted side effects
  • Switches my mind off and helps me sleep (indica)
  • Focuses my mind (sativa)
  • It lifts my spirits
  • Can't drink alcohol as that dries me out so it's an alternative vice
  • I love the culture, the people and the vibe
  • Has helped during periods of topical steroid withdrawal
I also find I need regular breaks from using cannabis in order to maintain a lower dose, if I stray into higher usage patterns the effects can be reversed and cannabis can actually make me itchy and more sensitive to allergic triggers, it's quite a fine line.:outtahere:

The major downside for me is when I get the munchies I want to eat all the things that set off my allergies and chronic eczema, this goes double when I'm on the prednisone.

I've gotten a lot better at managing my dosage and avoiding the bad food and allergic triggers as I've gotten older. Also having had the year from hell in 2016 things seem to be looking up for 2017, I'm actually beginning to feel healthy again. :aaaaa:

The other downside is I'm constantly aware that I could be completely fucked over by an unjust and prejudiced government that would rather have me hooked on steroids and painkillers.
I medicate because, as @Squiby says, I love the feeling of being high! Does wonders for my emotional state and keeping the aches and pains from a long work week at bay. Just knowing when I get home I can unwind and soothe my overactive mind makes it much easier to not sweat the little things and give that little extra bit of effort.

I also medicate because for whatever reason I suck at sleeping and eating.

I can fall asleep no problem but without cannabis I will wake up repeatedly; stay asleep for maybe 3-4 hours a night. With cannabis I am able to extend that to 5, ~7 on a good night! :aaaaa:

Without cannabis my appetite is also really weird. I just don't seem to get urgently hungry. I know I should eat, I can even feel myself getting weak; but food has no appeal to me and I often have to force myself to eat. This leads me to eating large amounts at weird times when my desire for food returns.. Not very convenient when I need that energy during the day for work. I've actually passed out before because I got so busy, with little desire to eat or feeling of urgent hunger, I forgot to eat for an entire day while travelling and caused some sort of dizzy spell.

I've been to numerous doctors and had various tests that came back with no information.. Because I am not emaciated they do not seem to take my problem very seriously. I lost over 65 lbs in one year! But at that time I was overweight (binge eating when my desire returns).. and because of work I have muscle; so I do not look like my appetite is the issue it is.

Thanks to cannabis I don't need to let a person that won't take my problems seriously determine some catch-all, side-effect ridden, unnecessary pharmaceutical to deal with my problem. Nature has provided all I need in cannabis and I am constantly thankful for the positive effect it has had on my life.
I used to smoke just to get high! It relieved the aches and pains i had that the Dr's said i did not have....
Fast forward a few years and i get diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, an auto-immune disease located in my spine that slowly fuses my vertebrae together.
Also known as bamboo spine...
On top of this i have arthritis in my joints that are also handily being worn down by the auto-immune disease!!

Due to this my sleep is very bad and i toss and turn all night with very little sleep.
Medicating makes my body feel numb and allows me to sleep the whole night with only small movements. Almost like a coma!

I am on no pharmaceuticals to treat my condition as the side effects are much worse than the disease.

Due to having a full time job, i can only medicate at night after work.
This can be tough at times but mostly it is bearable because i know relief is just around the corner!

And of course just for fun at times! Although being a medical user, the effects are somewhat muted unless i overdo it!
Fast forward a few years and i get diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis,
I hear you on that front! I was diagnosed with this from an immune system reaction to severe Campylobacter food poisioning. It was absolute HE'LL!

My experience was that I couldn't walk without a cane and sometimes needed additional assistance. I was unable to drive. They tried to push prednisone on me, which I refused. I was on morphine for a month before I got the courage to toss the pills. The condition slowly went away over about a year and now I only get intermittant twinges.

I hope you get some relief and that maybe it will one day resolve on its own.
I hear you on that front! I was diagnosed with this from an immune system reaction to severe Campylobacter food poisioning. It was absolute HE'LL!

My experience was that I couldn't walk without a cane and sometimes needed additional assistance. I was unable to drive. They tried to push prednisone on me, which I refused. I was on morphine for a month before I got the courage to toss the pills. The condition slowly went away over about a year and now I only get intermittant twinges.

I hope you get some relief and that maybe it will one day resolve on its own.

Thanks man!
This is one that will never resolve itself... Life sentence with this disease...

The Docs started me on Vioxx back in the day. Think i lasted a few weeks on them and then tossed them and went cold turkey!
I was living and working in the Middle East and herb is very difficult to find and i did not want to be deported...
So i went to the gym and started playing sports to try and keep it limber.

It is a consistent pain in my lower back that never goes away. Sitting hunched over helps alleviate the pain but that in itself causes more issues later in life with that hunchback pose...

I have learned to live with it and hope it does not get any worse later in life!
I tried soaking in hot baths with Epsom salts gave some slight relief as did regular use of a Tens Unit and of course a good solid hit every couple hours. I hope you have access to some good kick add pain killing weed!!
A quick additional thought here.....

I make infused bath salts with epsom salts and cannabis infused coconut oil. I'll add essential oils as wanted. It's an amazing relaxing bath and I wonder if something like that wouldn't benefit too?

Just be careful! You come out of that bath like a greased pig... have someone around for assistance if needed!!!
Started for the HIGH :partyhat:

Following two major body injuries and a brain injury, I've been strain playing for my pains, emotional state, and general well being ever since :juggle:

But I still do enjoy just getting HIGH a lot :aaaaa:
I am definitely going to try this!!! Do you feel any HTC effects? Or just benefit from the relaxation effects? How much infused cannabis oil would you recommend?
Well.. you don't get 'high' from it (although the shit eating grin on my husband's, aka the guinea pig, face was priceless. He was verrrrrry relaxed. :risas3:

As to how much oil you add? That's really subjective. I would imagine you could even use it directly if you didn't want the epsom salts... sort of like Sardo on steroids. :biggrin: But I usually add enough that it isn't seeping... enough to cover the salts.
I have some physical problems that are so unique so I'd prefer not too mention all of them. A quick web search might pull up too much personal info that I overshared. Anyway, I've had multiple & life altering cancer surgeries. These have completely affected my daily functioning, mobility & physical appearance so much that anyone could see something's "different" about me. There's absolutely no missing it.

I have some residual pain and I beieve that cannabis helps with my stress, anxiety and inflammation around surgery sites. It has been useful during recurrences for pain, nauseau, appetite and relaxation. There's a fine line between using cannabis medically and recreationally. I feel as though some strains are really recreational. Take Pineapple Express... I'm sure someone is using it medically but that just makes me sit around and laugh all day. My high CBD/THC combo strains (say, 17%/17% give or take a little) are less "happy" and just relieve other issues. Strains that put me on the couch are great for insomnia. I stick with hybrid Sativa dominant strains for energy.... sometimes Sativa makes me too nervous.

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