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Mod note: Disclaimer....... those who are easily offended should avoid this thread. This is the one place on the forum where questionable content is given some leeway and there may be material that you feel is offensive or vulgar. Consider yourself warned and proceed with caution.
Where o where do I start? Pull up a chair, get some funions, pack a bowl, get comfy & listen the fuck up.
Lets get this premise out of the way first off.
Most people are cunts. period.
So in a galaxy far far away, in a forum thats not this one almost 2 years ago. I was in a thread that might have sounded like
' fuck off ' , ' fuck me ' ' shit me' or ' shit you' I dont fucking remember.
but, there i was in this thread ranting like a muthafucker on how a scumbag associate (my builder)had been charged with child rape offences of his wifes daughters from a previous marriage and was telling me his wife was going to dob me in for my small grow. Which was code from him for me to keep my mouth shut because he had made limited confessions to me about his offending.
In theory I had a scumbag pedo who desperately needed me to shut up, his wife that I didnt know at all, but was making threats against me thru him for no ascertainable reason. There was also, the issue with the police. Did I want them seeing me as a friend or a foe?
and of course there are the victims. you know I was told to stay out of it? that it was best that I mind my own business not get involved. WTF? Now i dont really know the victims, but who cares? the truth is the truth and those girls deserve to have their day. From where i sit, I had no choice, there was only one way to act, one thing to do.
Fuck that shit. If im going down then im going on my own terms.
So, I called the cops, made a statement & also told them the sort of terrible fuckwit this guy is.
They didnt believe me.
I then summoned the devil from the depths of my soul. I rang this muthafucker cho-mo (prison slang for child molester. in oz we call em rockspiders) & told him the cops had been to my house & I had made a statement. I also mentioned very strongly, if I ever saw a copper here I would be a very unhappy camper.
All sorted I figured. Happy coppers, happy wife of victims, unhappy pedo but fuck him he weighs 120lbs wringing wet & he thinks im rather crazy. Sure he is a vindictive cunt, and I know there is zero chance i was getting out of this unscathed.
None the less, I pushed on I had my small grow for nearly 7 years in total i think, I wasnt giving up now.
I had enough for myself & I helped out 2 people, both medicinal patients. Sure i didnt give it away, but it was the best & most consistent product that these people could find.
I saw them 4 times per year, once everytime I cropped out. I thought these 2 people were my friends. In fact I thought quite a few people were my friends. One of them knew I was growing, the other did not.
So, with this court case hanging over my head and the fear that I would have my door kicked in at any moment.
I lost my sense of humor. This is about the time i stopped writing very much. I really struggled to write anything at all let alone funny.
Then this site came along, and I was here for a bit. I still struggled to write anything for a number of reasons, the political climate was a fair bit of it, but the waiting for the inevitable fucked with my head a bit and really set off my anxiety.
13 months this vindictive pedo piece of shit waited, On Feb 14th 2018, ten nsw coppers from a special drug task force showed up at my front door with dogs, 4 assorted cars, a fucken 30ft van FFS! they blocked off the street & then proceeded to tear my house and my life to pieces.
An anonymous crime stoppers call they said.
Well let me tell you I utterly shit my pants. I was a blubbering, spluttering mess. However, I managed to keep my internal shit together.
Me falling into to heap, losing my shit & sobbing like a child really paid off in this instance.
I highly recommend it.
So, I convinced the coppers that I was a medicinal user for depression & anxiety. They marched 7 plants out the front to parade in front of the neighbours like conquering heroes. They weighed up 275 grams of cannabis in 3 separate bags. They put it to me that the three bags were for sale, I replied that they were 3 different strains.
Said Detective looked at me like i was mental. Strains? he said, I said yep. thats big bang, and thats really good for sleep anxiety, pain etc, but heavy as fuck. this is super skunk good for daytime use and this one is great white shark, another great allrounder. On close inspection they were very clearly 3 different types of pot.
Detective looked suitably impressed. We then get to the fridge, silicone container with BHO in it. fuck.
whats this they ask? IDK I say, but whatever it is its mine lol. (in the end i think i told them it was the goop from inside my solo stem lol)
where did you get these seeds from? a guy at the pub i say. (
who? says Plod
a fella named Bob who drives a troopy (landcruiser troop carrier)
WAS IT A WHITE TROOPY? (like they knew exactly who i was talking about)
me: yep ( I dont know a bob, or anyone who drives a troopy. to any random bobs out there that drive troopys, sorry bro I hope you have your shit clean cause they are fucking on to you)
They tell me they are going to put me in a paddy wagon and take me 'downtown' lol. I beg them not to.
and i mean fucking beg. so much so, they let me change my clothes & put me in a car instead not in handcuffs.
They offered me an interview, and of course against all legal advice. I did.
I told them i was growing for my own use, for my personal medicinal needs.
they tried to trick me by asking why grow inside and not outside. (trying for an enhanced cultivation charge)
I replied people would see if i grew outside. they asked, so are the plants bigger or better being grown inside?
Nope, theres no substitute for gods sunlight i say. fuck you plod. fuckers were pretending they were my friend.
overall they did me ok. I got charged with possession and cultivation and my statement written by them was quite sympathetic . they put me in a cell by myself instead of a 3ftx3ftx 7ft perspex dog box (out of care for my anxiety) which was nice.
About 4 hrs later after being finger printed and mug shotted, they let me out.
Guess who is waiting outside? laughing at me?
The pedo who used to brag that he sends the drug squad thru peoples lives he doesnt like.
I just couldnt believe it. but there he was, and he knew exactly what was going on.
Somehow, i didnt beat him to death then & there. I just fucked off to go see my wife to tell her whats happened.
Then the next day I had to confront my neighbours. It was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do, I was so ashamed.
Im surrounded by old people, very conservative. I must say they were all very supportive and quite shocked at the spectacle over 7 plants. It was a nice feeling.
There were a number of things to be thankful for. believe or not.
They were kind enough to leave me 1.5oz of nugs that somehow they left on the floor. They also left me 7grams of hash and about 4 grams of kief.
They didnt find my scales. they didnt find cash, both of which were very purposely hidden. they didnt find unprescribed s8 medications even though they were laying around. (not anymore lol)
(now i didnt have any spare pot to hide, but if i did I would hide it in the roof & tell em its full of ratsack up there & they wont put the dog up there.) anywhere else it will be found. They went thru pasta, rice, flour, my freezer, fucking everything.
If they had of come 2 weeks earlier, I would have been nicked with 1.5lbs + , (espec if I still had the waste) if they had of come 2 weeks later I would have had 16 plants instead of 7. I was just about to take clones.
I had to attend rehab, called the merit program. I got piss tested monthly, I paid for an expensive psychological report, I got a psychiatrist and had multiple sessions per week with a psychologist for months.
Oh and i got me a lawyer. I have very mixed feelings about my lawyer, but he did me right in the end so I shant complain.
Being raided was one of the most traumatic things that has ever happened to me. Even though i knew it was coming one day, I was prepared, I had mentally rehearsed that day for years and years and it went really, really well over all. Nevertheless I was traumatised big time, i totally fell apart.
yeah i know, dont do the crime, blah, blah fucking blah (go eat a bag of dicks)
I found being in the system now very daunting.
I make contact with the scumbags now ex wife (that supposedly hates me), turns out it was mostly bullshit. she is a very nice lady & we have become quite good friends. She has been terrorised by him for months on end. He is on bail for multiple charges of rape of minors and he runs around making her life hell. twice he has vandalised her car, he has had her investigated at her work & he gets to weaponised the coppers against me.
god, pedo's own father purposely harassed my wife at her work, just to upset her.
I spent months in and out of court this year. I was a mess for months. My wife didnt go to work for the first 3 weeks, my son dropped everything to drive 4 hours and take days off work to be there directly after the raid.
I really found out who had my back.
I had ' friends' of over a decade tell me that my anxiety & depression was caused by my cannabis use. Those people have not spoken to me since, nor enquired to my welfare if speaking to my wife at any point since.
Another is my wifes brother. the one i liked, nup couldnt give a fuck and has never asked how it all went.
the other brother, the one who has been nothing but a dick his whole life, couldnt do enough for us. he was always asking how I was and to keep my chin up.
Then there were the two people I helped out with their meds 4 times a year. One, the one that didnt know I was growing. I then tell her, OMG! she burst into tears and thanks me for taking all that risk for so long to ensure she had her meds for all these years. she then rang every lawyer in town on my behalf & told me to ring ' this guy' and he promises to get you off. (lol he was shit)
The other guy, (who knew I was growing) well the other guy is a little paranoid to put it politely. So, knowing as such, I arranged to send a covert surreptitious message to reach him letting him know whats happened, but its ok everyone is safe.
That was February 15th this year. this person has stayed in my house, slept on a bed provided by me, has visited mutiple times, has met my wife.
I had been dealing with you for years. and you cant even reach out to see how i went?
I always knew you were a selfish shit, hiding behind your bullshit illness.
How is it the cunts that tout how smart they are to everyone, are always clueless wankers?
Anyhoo, now i have wiped the shit off my shoe please allow me to continue.
4 months later I went to court. pleaded guilty, had drs reports, pee tests, I had shit coming out of the wazzoo.
I was convicted for possession and cultivation. I got a $500 fine +$328 courts costs for possession of 275 grams & a 12 mth good behaviour bond for cultivating 7 plants in a purpose built space sporting a sophisticated set up.
Fuck i had even made arrangements to have the fine & court costs waived due to a program utilising mental health professionals.
fuck that shit not fucking good enough. A criminal conviction? bullshit i say.
So I bundled up my massive balls & I appealed the severity of the sentence , went up a court to the district court 2 months later. (about 3 weeks ago)
I won, I still pleaded guilty, but the fine was quashed and so was the recording of the convictions which of course was my goal. so no conviction recorded & a 9 mth good behaviour bond.
I can still travel overseas, work for the govt & molest the mannequins in the katies window.
It cost $5-6k, but it was worth it.
I still have to front court to witness against the pedo at some point in the near future, and hopefully he goes away for a couple of years. Its been a very tough & trying few years and its not over yet.
However, not only have I come out the other side. Im bigger, better, stronger & smarter than i was before.
I have left people shaking their heads in wonder at how I have managed to pull off this stunning victory from the jaws of defeat. (my own lawyer from day one said it would be a miracle to have no conviction recorded) I dont know really, a lot of luck, a lot of belief in the good guys, a shitload of faith too.
But i do know I wouldnt have been standing tall here at the end if it wasnt for those who carried me in the beginning.
So, in this order.
I wish to thank my loving wife who never once told me to snap out of it or get my shit together.
To the mother I may never get to meet on this plane. @momofthegoons you have always been so good to me. I can never repay the love & support you have always given me.
to my friend Glenn, if my dog hadnt of adopted you all those years ago the judge would have thrown the book at me.
Your beautiful character reference saved my ass.
and theres annie frigate, god you are one crazy bitch. hang in there hon, it will get better im sure.
Then there is the whole nsw medicinal cannabis scheme. Im sitting here as I write this, waiting for my first delivery of medicinal cannabis. (TNT express do your thing!)
I dont know how i did it, but i did it.
I now hold a nsw prescription for medicinal cannabis!:worship2::worship2::worship2:
but thats another post.
Lolz fuck you pedo fuck.
Where o where do I start? Pull up a chair, get some funions, pack a bowl, get comfy & listen the fuck up.
Lets get this premise out of the way first off.
Most people are cunts. period.
So in a galaxy far far away, in a forum thats not this one almost 2 years ago. I was in a thread that might have sounded like
' fuck off ' , ' fuck me ' ' shit me' or ' shit you' I dont fucking remember.
but, there i was in this thread ranting like a muthafucker on how a scumbag associate (my builder)had been charged with child rape offences of his wifes daughters from a previous marriage and was telling me his wife was going to dob me in for my small grow. Which was code from him for me to keep my mouth shut because he had made limited confessions to me about his offending.
In theory I had a scumbag pedo who desperately needed me to shut up, his wife that I didnt know at all, but was making threats against me thru him for no ascertainable reason. There was also, the issue with the police. Did I want them seeing me as a friend or a foe?
and of course there are the victims. you know I was told to stay out of it? that it was best that I mind my own business not get involved. WTF? Now i dont really know the victims, but who cares? the truth is the truth and those girls deserve to have their day. From where i sit, I had no choice, there was only one way to act, one thing to do.
Fuck that shit. If im going down then im going on my own terms.
So, I called the cops, made a statement & also told them the sort of terrible fuckwit this guy is.
They didnt believe me.
I then summoned the devil from the depths of my soul. I rang this muthafucker cho-mo (prison slang for child molester. in oz we call em rockspiders) & told him the cops had been to my house & I had made a statement. I also mentioned very strongly, if I ever saw a copper here I would be a very unhappy camper.
All sorted I figured. Happy coppers, happy wife of victims, unhappy pedo but fuck him he weighs 120lbs wringing wet & he thinks im rather crazy. Sure he is a vindictive cunt, and I know there is zero chance i was getting out of this unscathed.
None the less, I pushed on I had my small grow for nearly 7 years in total i think, I wasnt giving up now.
I had enough for myself & I helped out 2 people, both medicinal patients. Sure i didnt give it away, but it was the best & most consistent product that these people could find.
I saw them 4 times per year, once everytime I cropped out. I thought these 2 people were my friends. In fact I thought quite a few people were my friends. One of them knew I was growing, the other did not.
So, with this court case hanging over my head and the fear that I would have my door kicked in at any moment.
I lost my sense of humor. This is about the time i stopped writing very much. I really struggled to write anything at all let alone funny.
Then this site came along, and I was here for a bit. I still struggled to write anything for a number of reasons, the political climate was a fair bit of it, but the waiting for the inevitable fucked with my head a bit and really set off my anxiety.
13 months this vindictive pedo piece of shit waited, On Feb 14th 2018, ten nsw coppers from a special drug task force showed up at my front door with dogs, 4 assorted cars, a fucken 30ft van FFS! they blocked off the street & then proceeded to tear my house and my life to pieces.
An anonymous crime stoppers call they said.
Well let me tell you I utterly shit my pants. I was a blubbering, spluttering mess. However, I managed to keep my internal shit together.
Me falling into to heap, losing my shit & sobbing like a child really paid off in this instance.
I highly recommend it.
So, I convinced the coppers that I was a medicinal user for depression & anxiety. They marched 7 plants out the front to parade in front of the neighbours like conquering heroes. They weighed up 275 grams of cannabis in 3 separate bags. They put it to me that the three bags were for sale, I replied that they were 3 different strains.
Said Detective looked at me like i was mental. Strains? he said, I said yep. thats big bang, and thats really good for sleep anxiety, pain etc, but heavy as fuck. this is super skunk good for daytime use and this one is great white shark, another great allrounder. On close inspection they were very clearly 3 different types of pot.
Detective looked suitably impressed. We then get to the fridge, silicone container with BHO in it. fuck.
whats this they ask? IDK I say, but whatever it is its mine lol. (in the end i think i told them it was the goop from inside my solo stem lol)
where did you get these seeds from? a guy at the pub i say. (
who? says Plod
a fella named Bob who drives a troopy (landcruiser troop carrier)
WAS IT A WHITE TROOPY? (like they knew exactly who i was talking about)
me: yep ( I dont know a bob, or anyone who drives a troopy. to any random bobs out there that drive troopys, sorry bro I hope you have your shit clean cause they are fucking on to you)
They tell me they are going to put me in a paddy wagon and take me 'downtown' lol. I beg them not to.
and i mean fucking beg. so much so, they let me change my clothes & put me in a car instead not in handcuffs.
They offered me an interview, and of course against all legal advice. I did.
I told them i was growing for my own use, for my personal medicinal needs.
they tried to trick me by asking why grow inside and not outside. (trying for an enhanced cultivation charge)
I replied people would see if i grew outside. they asked, so are the plants bigger or better being grown inside?
Nope, theres no substitute for gods sunlight i say. fuck you plod. fuckers were pretending they were my friend.
overall they did me ok. I got charged with possession and cultivation and my statement written by them was quite sympathetic . they put me in a cell by myself instead of a 3ftx3ftx 7ft perspex dog box (out of care for my anxiety) which was nice.
About 4 hrs later after being finger printed and mug shotted, they let me out.
Guess who is waiting outside? laughing at me?
The pedo who used to brag that he sends the drug squad thru peoples lives he doesnt like.
I just couldnt believe it. but there he was, and he knew exactly what was going on.
Somehow, i didnt beat him to death then & there. I just fucked off to go see my wife to tell her whats happened.
Then the next day I had to confront my neighbours. It was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do, I was so ashamed.
Im surrounded by old people, very conservative. I must say they were all very supportive and quite shocked at the spectacle over 7 plants. It was a nice feeling.
There were a number of things to be thankful for. believe or not.
They were kind enough to leave me 1.5oz of nugs that somehow they left on the floor. They also left me 7grams of hash and about 4 grams of kief.
They didnt find my scales. they didnt find cash, both of which were very purposely hidden. they didnt find unprescribed s8 medications even though they were laying around. (not anymore lol)
(now i didnt have any spare pot to hide, but if i did I would hide it in the roof & tell em its full of ratsack up there & they wont put the dog up there.) anywhere else it will be found. They went thru pasta, rice, flour, my freezer, fucking everything.
If they had of come 2 weeks earlier, I would have been nicked with 1.5lbs + , (espec if I still had the waste) if they had of come 2 weeks later I would have had 16 plants instead of 7. I was just about to take clones.
I had to attend rehab, called the merit program. I got piss tested monthly, I paid for an expensive psychological report, I got a psychiatrist and had multiple sessions per week with a psychologist for months.
Oh and i got me a lawyer. I have very mixed feelings about my lawyer, but he did me right in the end so I shant complain.
Being raided was one of the most traumatic things that has ever happened to me. Even though i knew it was coming one day, I was prepared, I had mentally rehearsed that day for years and years and it went really, really well over all. Nevertheless I was traumatised big time, i totally fell apart.
yeah i know, dont do the crime, blah, blah fucking blah (go eat a bag of dicks)
I found being in the system now very daunting.
I make contact with the scumbags now ex wife (that supposedly hates me), turns out it was mostly bullshit. she is a very nice lady & we have become quite good friends. She has been terrorised by him for months on end. He is on bail for multiple charges of rape of minors and he runs around making her life hell. twice he has vandalised her car, he has had her investigated at her work & he gets to weaponised the coppers against me.
god, pedo's own father purposely harassed my wife at her work, just to upset her.
I spent months in and out of court this year. I was a mess for months. My wife didnt go to work for the first 3 weeks, my son dropped everything to drive 4 hours and take days off work to be there directly after the raid.
I really found out who had my back.
I had ' friends' of over a decade tell me that my anxiety & depression was caused by my cannabis use. Those people have not spoken to me since, nor enquired to my welfare if speaking to my wife at any point since.
Another is my wifes brother. the one i liked, nup couldnt give a fuck and has never asked how it all went.
the other brother, the one who has been nothing but a dick his whole life, couldnt do enough for us. he was always asking how I was and to keep my chin up.
Then there were the two people I helped out with their meds 4 times a year. One, the one that didnt know I was growing. I then tell her, OMG! she burst into tears and thanks me for taking all that risk for so long to ensure she had her meds for all these years. she then rang every lawyer in town on my behalf & told me to ring ' this guy' and he promises to get you off. (lol he was shit)
The other guy, (who knew I was growing) well the other guy is a little paranoid to put it politely. So, knowing as such, I arranged to send a covert surreptitious message to reach him letting him know whats happened, but its ok everyone is safe.
That was February 15th this year. this person has stayed in my house, slept on a bed provided by me, has visited mutiple times, has met my wife.
I had been dealing with you for years. and you cant even reach out to see how i went?
I always knew you were a selfish shit, hiding behind your bullshit illness.
How is it the cunts that tout how smart they are to everyone, are always clueless wankers?
Anyhoo, now i have wiped the shit off my shoe please allow me to continue.
4 months later I went to court. pleaded guilty, had drs reports, pee tests, I had shit coming out of the wazzoo.
I was convicted for possession and cultivation. I got a $500 fine +$328 courts costs for possession of 275 grams & a 12 mth good behaviour bond for cultivating 7 plants in a purpose built space sporting a sophisticated set up.
Fuck i had even made arrangements to have the fine & court costs waived due to a program utilising mental health professionals.
fuck that shit not fucking good enough. A criminal conviction? bullshit i say.
So I bundled up my massive balls & I appealed the severity of the sentence , went up a court to the district court 2 months later. (about 3 weeks ago)
I won, I still pleaded guilty, but the fine was quashed and so was the recording of the convictions which of course was my goal. so no conviction recorded & a 9 mth good behaviour bond.
I can still travel overseas, work for the govt & molest the mannequins in the katies window.
It cost $5-6k, but it was worth it.
I still have to front court to witness against the pedo at some point in the near future, and hopefully he goes away for a couple of years. Its been a very tough & trying few years and its not over yet.
However, not only have I come out the other side. Im bigger, better, stronger & smarter than i was before.
I have left people shaking their heads in wonder at how I have managed to pull off this stunning victory from the jaws of defeat. (my own lawyer from day one said it would be a miracle to have no conviction recorded) I dont know really, a lot of luck, a lot of belief in the good guys, a shitload of faith too.
But i do know I wouldnt have been standing tall here at the end if it wasnt for those who carried me in the beginning.
So, in this order.
I wish to thank my loving wife who never once told me to snap out of it or get my shit together.
To the mother I may never get to meet on this plane. @momofthegoons you have always been so good to me. I can never repay the love & support you have always given me.
to my friend Glenn, if my dog hadnt of adopted you all those years ago the judge would have thrown the book at me.
Your beautiful character reference saved my ass.
and theres annie frigate, god you are one crazy bitch. hang in there hon, it will get better im sure.
Then there is the whole nsw medicinal cannabis scheme. Im sitting here as I write this, waiting for my first delivery of medicinal cannabis. (TNT express do your thing!)
I dont know how i did it, but i did it.
I now hold a nsw prescription for medicinal cannabis!:worship2::worship2::worship2:
but thats another post.
Lolz fuck you pedo fuck.
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