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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Little man checking out the morning view last week....

My ferret Lola..
I took this perfect photo of my bro's crazy cat & sent it to him with the caption "Normie was getting crazy again but a little vape chilled him right out"*.


* For the record I would never drug an animal for a non medical purpose.
* For the record I would never drug an animal for a non medical

This is a medicated ferret... I can guarantee she enjoys it..
After losing her 10 year companion in Charlie, to cancer, I'm making every effort to protect Lola form the same fate..
So every 3 or 4 days, she gets to join in a session with me..
She doesn't shy away from it, she is licking the vapour from the air.. she wants it..
And I'm sure she likes the effect even more..
She is a very happy, relaxed, pampered ferret....
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I've always wanted a large bird.... either a parrot or a cockatoo. A friend of mine has one just like this. And she is just as verbal. And does NOT like women. I was given a tour of their house and when we went into the room that's
'her's' she became visibly agitated. When she started climbing down off the cage I decided it was time to get out of the room.
As I walked past her she yelled, 'Get outta here!' :lol:

I've always wanted a large bird.... either a parrot or a cockatoo. A friend of mine has one just like this. And she is just as verbal. And does NOT like women. I was given a tour of their house and when we went into the room that's
'her's' she became visibly agitated. When she started climbing down off the cage I decided it was time to get out of the room.
As I walked past her she yelled, 'Get outta here!' :lol:

Birds are another one of them creatures, like spiders, that I'm just unsure how smart they are...
I feel like they may be smarter than we realise...

Squirrels are another one... I had a pet squirrel, and he made me realise he was much smarter than I gave him credit for..

And he did love eating my nugs... I didn't like that.. we fell out a few times..
Many a time I was chasing him round the house with my nug in his mouth...
One things for sure, if he didn't want to be caught, I wasnt catching him..
Then he would sit on the curtain pole eatin my nug.. mocking me...
But I loved him... little shit...

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VGoodiez 420EDC