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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

A female bird easily lays eggs without a mate, they are simply infertile. This is a very interesting article:
Many years ago, while I was out walking my dog Max, I came upon a crouched cat intently staring at a car. I had a closer look at what he was looking at and discovered a budgie behind the car's back wheel. He was injured. I picked him up and brought him home. He had a deep gash on his head which I cleaned. He somehow survived the night and day by day he slowly recovered. I named him Adrian. After about a year Adrian revealed himself to be a girl. She started laying eggs. Adrian lived with me for about 4 years before passing on. I saved her eggs, some have become fragile and have shattered with time but these are what have remained intact. Aren't they cute?


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