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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Any guesses as to which species bird this is that I caught this morning...?:

I think I know but I'm still not 100%... note: the shrubbery is winged euonymus, aka "burning bush" that hasn't starting turning yet. It's a popular but very harmful, invasive species to North America and is illegal to plant (tho it's quite literally everywhere here in the northeast).
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That appears to be a Yellow Breasted Chat.
Thank you, @Vitolo, that was my first guess, too, tho I don't recall ever seeing or even hearing about this bird in New England (or anywhere really)... it was only after a quick google search that it popped up for me. What's also funny is it's not on any of the big "list" sites for this area either as I guess it usually doesn't go much further north than New Jersey... but I still wasn't sure until I found this:

Pretty cool! Thanks again!

Edit: https://media.lauraerickson.com/soundrecordings/2019-05-24_Yellow-breastedChat1.mp3
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@Bologna ... you sounded great!
There are many types of "Vole"
Yours looks very similar to a "Bank Vole".
Very fast little creatures!
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We sure those aren't rats?
WE can't be sure from our desks at home.
The Brown Rat does burrow similarly, but are heavier, and don't usually move as
quickly as @Bologna 's discovery.
@Bologna ... send me one of your new friends for a more educated guess!
WE can't be sure from our desks at home.
The Brown Rat does burrow similarly, but are heavier, and don't usually move as
quickly as @Bologna 's discovery.
@Bologna ... send me one of your new friends for a more educated guess!
Ha, true! Pretty sure they're meadow voles... I think those bank voles are in Europe?

Rats are also greasy/shiny and their heads are shaped a little differently... these lil guys are much cuter and fluffier/clean looking (they aren't into garbage either as they're never around the dumpster)...:

minus the rat tail... and yeah they're smaller and quicker too.

I'd be happy to send you one! I'll go look for a little Have-a-heart trap tomorrow if you're serious... you figure out how to get it there (alive), ok? I'm sure I could easily entice them with something better than dogwood fruit.

Imagine living under a tree that dropped hamburgers on your head for a couple of months... that's what it must be like?!
Only halfway serious @Bologna ...
I can't afford another mouth to feed!
Tbh, I was only halfway serious, too... but u know, we put our 2 halves together and...?:thinker::razz2: I'd say, you too could have your very own pest problem, destroying your yard and flower beds...! but then I remembered you live in the desert... I don't think these lil dudes would last too long on their own...

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VGoodiez 420EDC