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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Lego cow

As an inner city kid in trouble, I was sent to a reform school, where out of a couple hundred kids, I showed an affinity for animals and was allowed to work in the stable, and learned to ride, then to represent that school in Hunt, Show, and Open Jumper events at New York Equestrian venues.
This was my Horse, "Miss Canada" (I called her Candy).
Besides Stable Duty: Cleaning and "mucking" stalls (removing Horse Shit), Watering, Grooming, Exercising, and Feeding a dozen Horses,
I was given my first recognized responsibility for the care and bonding with this beautiful Mare.
I was at this institution for 4 years, during which I was her daily companion, and rider.
She taught me through her reactions to people around me, that animals can be trusted to advise us when someone has less than positive intentions!
14 year old city dweller Vito sitting proud on his new "charge".

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VGoodiez 420EDC