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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

This should have had a dog pic.... Max has a real 'thing' for toilet paper LOL...... there goes another roll!

Sweet Ezio, my Sun Conure has not joined family time in a couple of months.
I am accustomed to him going through a hormonal change yearly, which lasts about 3-4 weeks.
He is dangerous during this time, and I have learned to exercise caution in how I care for him.
He does not want me in the cage except for water and food.
This time it has gone on for months. He wants to mate, but a mate for him would break the bank!
I call it his Pon farr!
So I did not take pictures of his insane behavior... I would not take advantage of my baby that way...
we'll just see the other kids for now!
Frances has become genuine friends with Dusty. he flies around the house to follow him and see what he's up to, and
Dusty seems OK with it.
The kids:



We are all sending good tidings!

We cannot have a tree in the house
The cats do not destroy property or tear up the house, much
Except during the holiday season
They take up wire chewing, tree toppling, stripping the needles off the tree, maiming ornaments and unwrapping presents
Literally attack the tree
But nature is karma and karma says pine tar
Thankfully they are short hairs
Fake trees, they bend the branches beyond their tolerance since they are lighter and easier to knock over
It becomes a game like knocking your keys off the counter repeatedly except way more annoying

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VGoodiez 420EDC