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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Tip for the day. Always time your walks so the sun is on your backs :wink: .

Its 1 am... sad times.. final moments..

3am.. its over.. died in bed with us having strokes.
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So sorry to here I really am, hate losing a love one including a pet (heart breaking), my heart:heart: goes out to you in this time.
Thank you.. i know he was just a rat, but they have such a personality and are so smart and loving.. lame that they only live 3 years..

He had an amazing life.. hardly ever caged.. shared all my meals with him..

His passing was hard.. he was fitting violently, we were supporting him and clearing foam from his mouth.. think he bit his little tounge. I got him super high.. like 4 dabs in a row.. this really helped reduce the fits to nearly nothing and not often.. in the end his heart gave up.. he fought hard till the end...

Rip rat damon...



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