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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Oh..... @Vitolo I am so very sorry. Losing a canine friend, especially one that has been a service dog, is one of the hardest things. I've lost two now and it never gets easier.... in fact I almost think it gets harder. I had to make a surgical decision with my little guy this week and just the thought of the pain he's going to endure to get healthy again brings me to tears.

I read something once; written by a man who had to put his dog to sleep. He wrote a loving tribute; much like yours for Buster. And he ended it by saying that the greatest gift you can give a dog that has loved you so unconditionally is to give them the gift of the freedom of pain and suffering. Hugs to you and Patty... :heart:
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There's been quite a few times early this year where the Buzzards have been over the house, one was in the garden the other year. Monkjac in the neighbours garden and always plenty of Kestrels about, but this is the first time I've seen a Sparrow Hawk especially at the end of the drive.
Yesterday, July 13th Buster was put to rest.
@Vitolo - So sorry to hear about Buster. I wish you and @PattyVapes peace in your meditations during this difficult time and blissful memories of Buster that will endure in your hearts forever . . . :peace:
Okay.... Cos has to have surgery tomorrow for a torn ACL, luxating patella and possible torn miniscus.. and something else I can't remember... Anyway he's a neurotic little fuck. Tore after a deer in the back yard. As @Vitolo and I once discussed; full of beans. Takes after his 'mom.' :dog: Do you remember that conversation Vito?

So I know the 'cone of shame' is going to put him in a tizzy. But he's a licker and will tear his IV site apart; as well as pulling out his sutures or staples. So I sought out alternatives. While I know there are going to be times he will need to have a cone or the like on, I found a company that is vet based and makes these cover ups for pets who have had surgery, have allergies or skin conditions, etc. This one's too big but you get the drift.... Now understand; I'm not in the habit of dressing my dog. No bows at the groomer. Rarely a bandana.

Here's Cos doing his best George Costanza imitation..... I'm dying... :lmao:


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