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Lunacy I didn't know that!

In my personal case, no one of my acquitance would doubt this fact! haha

The majority of your brain is fat.​


You can literally call someone a fathead, but it's still unkind: According to Psychology Today, 60 percent of human brain matter is made of fat.
Bonus post....I'm now 3 months and one week thru a 4 month recovery from lumbar fusion and I'm bored out of my fucking mind!!! haha

Mona Lisa has no eyebrows!
Well, yes...technically....now. But....

The Mona Lisa, when Da Vinci painted her, did indeed have eyebrows but that over time and over cleaning have eroded them to the point that they are no longer visible.


Women in the Renaissance period used various methods to groom their eyebrows. One popular method was to shave the eyebrows and the hairline on the forehead to give the face a more elongated appearance.

Take your pick. haha

Oh, and her name was Lisa Gherardini.


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