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Lunacy I didn't know that!

The she-wolf has a unique habit of wrapping herself around the neck of her wolf mate. This behavior might seem unusual to the human eye, but to a wolf, it signifies love and affection. The neck is the most vulnerable part of the wolf’s body, and by wrapping herself around it, the she-wolf is showing her mate that she trusts him entirely. It is an intimate act that strengthens the bond between the pair.


They Ate Cornflakes as an "Anti-masturbatory Morning Meal"​

In the 19th century, cornflakes (and not just any brand, but Kellogg's Corn Flakes) were a must-have food item for curbing sexual desire. Indeed, John Harvey Kellogg described his famously nourishing breakfast cereal as a "healthy, ready-to-eat anti-masturbatory morning meal," which meant that any well-mannered gentleman was expected to consume it.

Eating Cornflakes So You Arent Tempted To Play With Yourself

Who knew?
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Ha, so basically nothing's changed since time immortal re: men's physiology....? Good to know :thumbsup:

Reminds me of this scene (and the one after, ha)

And to stay on track:
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VGoodiez 420EDC