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Lunacy I didn't know that!

I believe this to be one of the greatest tap dance routines ever....and in particular, Eleanor Powell did it in high heels and far outshone any other Astaire partners at tap dancing.

Astaire only made one movie with this power house female dancer. He said it was because she danced like a man. IMO, it was because she was at least as good as him and he couldn't have that in his movies.

His other great partner was Cyd Charisse but not tap dancing. And wow, was she beautiful as well as graceful and talented.

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This 14th century door at Exeter Cathedral, UK, is thought to be the oldest existing cat flap.
A cat was paid a penny each week, to keep down the rats and mice in the north tower, and a cat flap was cut into the door below the astronomical clock to allow the cat to carry out its duties.

Records of payments were entered in the Cathedral archives from 1305 to 1467, the penny a week being enough to buy food to supplement a heavy diet of rodents.

The Thatcher Effect.
This illusion highlights a flaw in how our brains work - we can't process an upside-down face because we are programmed to recognise faces the right way up.
We create a mental map by recognising the face in pieces - eyes, mouth, and nose.
So when we're presented with an upside-down, Thatcherised image, it's not processed properly.
We know it's upside down, but because we so rarely encounter upside-down faces, we haven't evolved to interpret the expressions on them.
The facial features look fine, so our brains assume the rest of the face is as well.
That's why we don't see anything out of the ordinary until we turn the face the ‘right way’ up.


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VGoodiez 420EDC