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Lunacy I Need Wood

Not sure if I posted this before. This is one of my custom competition shotguns with Turkish Walnut stock custom made to my dimensions. Almost nobody else in the world will pay for the very highest end wood like shotgunners looking to make a custom stock. This was some popping beautiful wood we dug out of the credenza in the gun company's President's office....hehe...he may have been saving it for somebody, but I got it. Wood comes in blanks (flat rectangular piece) and while it may look great on the outside, once you cut into it the figuring may change dramatically. This blank was gorgeous on the outside and when we cut into it, it was even BETTER! I think I stole this stock. LOL



Ok, don't think I have done this before, so I will give this a shot. These pics are from the Ward Museum World Waterfowl Carving Contest held by the Ward Brothers Museum every year in Maryland.

EVERYTHING you see in these pics was hand carved from wood by the artist. If it looks like a leaf, its not...its carved wood. If it looks like a brand with bark, its not...its carved wood. It is all hand carved wood.

Now, who the heck are the Ward brothers...they were two Maryland decoy carvers back in the day. Truth, today their stuff looks like it was carved with an axe and painted with a roller. But they very innovative for their time and their decoys are extremely collectible with a very high dollar value(you have to be really into it to appreciate antique working decoys....more than I am, apparently LOL).

Here are the boys hard at work. Sophisticated looking set of fellas, eh? haha


Some pics from recent contests....all hand carved wood










wading bird close up.jpg

Hope you enjoyed these.


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VGoodiez 420EDC